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Open Dead Men Shambling.

"Hey, if you had driven off in that mess then the zombies could have followed us back to the lab and that would have compromised the security!"

((And now we wait.))
((For what? Oh right, other person. Last post, I swear.))
"What makes you think I would want to go to your stupid lab in the first place, even if I was dumb enough to lead them there? I do in fact own a house. If you're expecting a damsel in distress with an IQ of 4, I may need to in fact go Zelda on you."
What do I care about him? That kid from the candy shop, sure, but- oh crap! I hope she's okay..
((TP and Midnight are who we are waiting for. We can keep on arguing until they post.))

"My lab is a safe haven from the zombies, it is sterile and locked up tight. But if you led hem there, and a ton of them attacked, then it would probably collapse. Now, I don't care if you like me or not, You can come with me to my lab or you can go home and DIE"
((Okay, sure. ^^))
"Did you hear me? I never planned on going to your beloved lab. Alternatively, I could have left the city completely and live by myself, but thanks to Trigger-Happy, that ain't happening. I'm not a little girl or a kid, okay? Did you get it yet, or should I write everything I just said so you get it?"
"Fine, skip town. But Mr. Pilot just told me that he's been getting reports form all over the nation on his radio of zombies attacking. There is no where near here that is safer than my lab."
"And why should I care? I'd gladly take my chances going alone, except for reasons I don't feel like explaining. Or saying multiple times, like before. I can take care of myself."
Dr. Cromwell liked her fighting spirit and defiance. He hoped that she would come with him to his lab and stay to help find a cure. "So are you coming with me or not? I could easily have the pilot set you down at your house if you want to."
Open again.
Antonio leapt into the back of his pickup, set the machine gun up, loaded the belt, and unloaded. The new wave of zombies fell before the chattering fire from the machine gun. They kept coming and coming, through. He then got an idea. He got out of the bed and into the driver's seat, starting the truck and telling everyone, "Let's get out of here!"
As he waited, he switched on the radio, out of sheer curiosity. He flipped to AM, as government broadcasts were usually there, and turned the knob until he got coherent sound.
A slightly fuzzy voice announced, "All military personnel are hereby ordered to assist the evacuation in any way they can. Once again, citizens should head to the nearest military installation or shipyard."
"Well now we know where to go.", Antonio said.
"Nah. I think I'll tag along for a bit, if only to make sure you don't kill yourself in a stupid fashion. And for the kid's sake."
I wonder if my family's okay. I think Mom and Dad and Izzy are camping. Please let them be okay.
She seemed to quiet down a bit, then asked,
"Would it be really weird if I said I want to stop and get my cat? The last thing we need's a zombie kitten."
She chuckled, hiding how terrified she was about everything.
This is so unreal. I'm in a helicopter with two strangers, there's a zombie apocalypse, and I'm worried about Jiji. She'll probably be okay finding mice outside, I guess. Worry about myself, okay, self?
"Hmmm... I wonder how long it'll take," Stuart said. He saw a zombie out of the corner of his eye, and shot it 3 times in rapid succession, the zombie flailing around and dropping to the ground. "Hopefully there'll be backup."
((Sorry, My mistake. We are waiting for that Black-Panther or something. The guy with the 4 foot cross))
"YO! Mr. 4 foot cross! We need you up here! I'll give you a minute! Then we're leaving you!" Dr. Cromwell yelled out of the helicopter((I'm tired of waiting for the plot to advance. If he doesn't post in a day, why don't we just leave him to die? Sound good?)) "I suppose we can go get your kitten. He can play with mine at the lab."
((Why? Maybe he's away or grounded or something.))
"She, actually. Jiji, tiny black kitten, named after the cat in the anime. Kiki's.. I forget. But.. thanks."

Jac feels the truck start and pull away, the sight of zombies coming toward them in waves. He places a hand on the pouch of talismans, muttering a soft prayer as he pulls out his hand gun with his other.

"To the afterlife with you"

He shots the zombie closest to the truck, then holds onto the side of the vehicle when it speeds away. The slight hum of the radio and the broadcast.

Sanity at last...for at least a few moments
Angelo finally got to the top of the building and jumped in the helicopter "Sorry i took so long"

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