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Open Dead Men Shambling.

Lili jumped out of the truck and raced to the helicopter after everyone else, trying not to trip on anything.
I'm going to die, I'm going to die, she repeated over and over again in her head, making her start crying again.
"Wait! We forgot lili!" Angelo said before searching teh copter for a rope ro something to throw down to her
Lili caught sight of Angelo and, forgetting about the zombies that may have heard her, screeched, "Don't leave me! I don't want to die! Don't leave!"
Angel tossed down a rope ladder he found and said "HURRY AND GRAB HOLD OF IT!" Then turning to the piolet (sp?) he said "You have to wait for her!"
Lili grabbed hold of the rope ladder, pulling herself off the ground. She set both feet on the second step from the bottom, hands clinging to the step near her head. Closing her eyes, she started whimpering like an abused dog.
"Okay. My house is.."
She peered out the window for a moment, then looked back at the pilot.
"Right there. The yellow one."
She said, pointing to her house.
Knowing Jiji, she'll probably be on the kitchen table, eating all the cream cheese. Stupid adorable cat.
Lili started climbing up the ladder, not looking down. Her eyes were glued in front of her, making sure that she wouldn't miss a step and fall to her death. It was horrific, but she made it. Climbing the last two steps, she darted into the helicopter and hid in the back of the chopper.
The helicopter landed in the street and kept the motor running. Dr. Cromwell opened the door and said "OK, Quickly! Get your cat and get back here!" He then jumped out of the helicopter and pulled out his SPAS 12, ready to kill any zombies that may come his way.

((Mew, why did you double post?))
Ana dashed into the house, half screaming Jiji!!
After finding the kitten curled up on her bed, she grabbed an old backpack and hurriedly stuffed her extra car keys, a family picture from a few years ago, and a cigarette lighter (probably Dad's) with one hand into it, then ran outside back into the helicopter. Sitting down again, she hugged Jiji, who looked very sleepy and confused, twisting around to look at all the unfamiliar people with bright green eyes.
"Thanks. Let's.. go."
Dr. Lehrer jumped back into the Chopper and said to Jordan "OK, Let's go! I'll give you the direction of the lab. That way." He pointed to the Northeast. "Go." Jordan said, "OK, I'm going as fast as I can."
Angelo went to the back of the chopper and sat with lili
"Are you ok? sorry i let them take off without you..."
Dr. Cromwell sat in the back of the copter with Angelo and the little girl. "I am sorry that we left without you. Lucky Angelo was here to save you. I never caught your name, what is it?"
Lili raised her head towards the two.
"I'm okay. It'd make sense if you did leave me behind, I'd probably slow you down. Also, my name's Lili." She nodded her head for no real reason, it was just a habit.
"Well, Lili, I leave no one behind. AH! Here we are. There's a Helipad on the roof, Land there." Dr Cromwell said to Lili first, then yelled to the Pilot. "OK, Ready for touchdown. And Touchdown." The pilot shut down the engine and got out. "OK, Come with me." Dr. Cromwell said, opening the roof door.
Lili followed Dr. Cromwell, but not before glancing around warily before hopping out of the chopper. She was right on his heels, trying not to step on the back of his feet.
"So, we'll be safe from the..," It almost didn't seem right saying 'zombies' ,"..monsters?" She squeaked.
"For now. But we need to find some more survivors. And find out what caused this. There are multiple rooms in here, so pick one that you like and feel free to roam. But first you have to go through Auto-Quarantine. It's just a really simple automatic scan, If there is something wrong with you I will figure out what it is. But you should be fine." Jordan also heard this shpeil. He went down to the Quarantine, was cleared, and went to find a room.
Lili was at first hesitant to go through the Quarantine, but was clear. She followed Jordan, though didn't find a room. She wanted one close to Dr. Cromwell or Angelo, since the doctor knew more about this infestation of monsters than anyone else, and it was a huge relief to be with someone that knew her older brother.
Dr. Cromwell continued through the quarantine and saw Lili standing looking pensive. "Lili, would you like the room next to mine? It is probably the safest room in the building."
Ana walked silently through the quarantine, still hugging Jiji like a teddy bear. The thing she wanted most at the moment was to sleep, (Preferably for several hours) but that could wait a little longer. She chose a room near Lili's and went inside. She noticed a mirror on the wall and realized what a mess she looked like. Her hair was a tangled mess, and scratches all over her face. Jiji wiggled out of her arms and jumped down on the ground, rubbing against her owner's ankles. Ana knelt down and scratched the kitten's ear mindlessly, slightly dazed by the past day.
"My hair is tangles like crazy, I'm absolutely exhausted, my arm hurts from using the sword, I'm a nervous wreck.. yup, I'd say I'm a complete and utter mess. You, on the other hand, are probably just starting to get annoyed at me not feeding you when I usually do. Not my fault. Stupid cat."
She said the last sentence affectionately, not really meaning it.
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