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Open Dead Men Shambling.

Angelo suddenly woke up when he fell out of bed, He then dicided to go find the kitchen. getting up and opening the door he noticed the docter standing outside of lili's room. "Is everything alright doc?"
"Yeah, everything's fine. I was just waking everybody up. Go down to the living room, I have something to show you, and then we can have breakfast." Just as he said this, Jordan came out of his room and overheard it. "OK, sounds cool." he said, and started walking downstairs.
Lili was going to go downstairs and eat breakfast, but held her hand out to the kitten still, waiting for it.
"Come on, sweetie. Wanna go get some nummies?" She said.
Jiji poked her head out from under the bed, sniffing Lili's hand tentatively and giving it a tiny lick. She seemed to make up her mind, crawling out from under the bed. The kitten suddenly jumped onto Lili's arm, then perched on her shoulders, purring happily.

Ana went downstairs, briefly considering taking her backpack and sword, just in case. She chuckled to herself.
And now I'm paranoid. Great.
Angelo grabbed his cross and then walked down the stairs to the living room.

"Ok now what did you want to show us...?"
Dr. Cromwell wheeled out a dead zombie. "Alright, this, my friends, is a zombie. It was infected with a disease that killed it, but then reanimated it, causing severe brain damage, and making it thirst for blood, thus spreading the disease, and so on and so forth. I want to teach you the many ways to eradicate the living dead. And questions?"
Angelo turned towards ana and stared at her,

Damn she's violent... She scares me a bit... But she's a perfect match for the doc...
"Flamethrowers are not a very effective way to kill Zombies. They simply burn the flesh, and leave the corpse still walking, however, a normal gunshot to the head, or multiple to the body can kill, and any severing of the head will do it."
"Dang. I own a flamethrower. They're awesome. But okay. In that case, good ol' fashion swords work."
Ana said cheerfully, while laughing to herself.
"Now that THAT is out of the way, I think we should roam the city looking for survivors, though I think we are the only ones left."

((I don't think anyone else has even been paying attention))
Jac stares up at the sky, lieing down on his back in the pick-up's trunk. He examines his hand gun silently, the sound of the zombies slowly fading as they drive away.

I wonder how long it'll take to get where we need to go...

He sits up and knocks on the window that connects the back of the truck to the driver.

"How long until we reach where we're going? It's been a while since you started driving away from the un-dead back there"
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Name: Dr. Ned Alas (Pronounced Ahlahz, not Alice!)
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Appearance: Brown mullet-y hair, wears a trench coat in public.
Occupation: College professor.
Personality: POed, at the moment. Played out.
Other: Is Dr. Cromwell's friend from Canada.
"Christ, I'm not sure. Nearest military installation is... Hmm. Over 6 hours away? It's far, all I know. We might need to find some, eh, food and such. If you spot somewhere you think we can raid, do shout out.", Antonio responded.
Dr. Cromwell finished his lecture on zombies 101 and walked up to the roof. He kept a megaphone up there now, in case he happened to see any survivors. It proved helpful. He saw a few people in a truck driving his way. He ran to pick up the megaphone and then ran to the side of the building and yelled, "Hey! You looking for some safe shelter! Stop the truck and talk to me!"
Jac looks at the direction the the noise, readying his gun if need be. He then knocks on the window once more.

"I think the guy is talking to you"

Jac then chuckles under his breath, muttering a faint prayer of thanks for his luck. He gathers his weapons and holsters them in their place.
Antonio parked the truck and grabbed his revolver. He stepped outside and looked up, where the voice was coming from. He waved his arms, and waited for someone to come down and talk with him.
Dr. Cromwell ran downstairs at full speed, grabbed Betsy, his SPAS 12, and opened the door. "Hello, you are a human, you looked like you needed help, please stop pointing your revolver at me, or I will splatter your innards all over my porch." he said, challengingly.
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