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Deep Sea Trench

Dr Frank

The Erratic One
Deep Sea Trench​
~ ~ ~ ~​

You walk over to a small quay next to a rocky clothesline. 'Welcome', says a man suddenly and inexplicably behind you, 'to the Bathysphere!' He points towards a map displayed on a large sign. 'Where would you like to go in Deep Sea Trench today? Oh wait, I'll explain. I have a Bathysphere, and you can hop in and explore the Deep Sea Trench all you want. You can observe Pokémon, and decide if you want to launch a torpedo, er, a special torpedo equipped with a Dive Ball to capture them. You are given one torpedo per trip. However the oxygen tanks in the Bathysphere have limited air in them, and you must surface after some time. That means you can see up to three Pokémon, and capture one, before you have to return ashore. You may also find items littered around the Trench, and pick them up with a Extractor Claw fitted to the Bathysphere. It's all for the taking.' He then leads you towards an unreliable looking round submersible, and motions towards you to take your place.

Technical Details: You get three encounters, except if you buy a spare oxygen tank, in which case you get four encounters. In each encounter you either come across a Pokémon, an item, a choice between two Pokémon, a choice between two items or a choice between an item or a Pokémon. In choice encounters you choose between one of the two options. A choice encounter occurs at least once every trip. Any time you finish all your torpedo balls you may scour the Trench for up to one more encounter only to search for items, granted that you have at least one more encounter remaining, and after that, whether you fail or succeed to find an item, you will return to the surface. That's about it. Bon Voyage!

Note on banking:
I will only cash in the amount you spend here after all of your Deep Sea encounters are finished.

1000 metres: The Opening of the Trench
This is a shallower part of the Trench and costs $2 for a trip here. There are many water-type Pokemon here and even some Pokemon that don't belong here but are adventurous enough to swim and explore the Trench.

2500 metres: Halfway Down the Trench
This is a deeper part of the Trench and the walls of the Trench are steeply sloped on either side of the Bathysphere. You can find rarer Pokémon here and dig up items along the Trench if you find one. $4 for a journey here.

40000 metres: The Floor of the Trench
This is the deepest part of the Trench and no light penetrates the depth. The Bathysphere will automatically turn on its external lights, but it requires a total of $6 to venture here. The rarest and most elusive Pokémon have been sighted here, but spotting them yourself may not be easy. However uncommon Pokémon are found in greater abundance here, and all sorts of interesting items are scattered among the seaweed and sponges.

Tools and Add-ons:
Buy a spare oxygen tank for $2, to extend your trip a bit. [Spot one more Pokémon, before moving back to land]

Buy a sonar to track elusive Pokémon, only for $4. [Increases chance of finding rarer Pokémon]

Buy underwater spotlights for $3 to shine directly at your place of preference and examine it in clear visibility. [Increases chance of finding items at 2500 metres and 4000 metres depth]

Buy another torpedo for $4. One with a Dive Ball attached, not the one that explodes. [Capture another Pokémon for a single trip]

Common Pokémon Sightings:
~ Krabby ~ Shellder ~ Luvdisc ~ Seel ~ Chinchou ~ Horsea ~ Corsola ~ Feebas ~ Remoraid ~

Uncommon Pokémon Sightings:
~ Cloyster ~ Lanturn ~ Crawdaunt ~ Wailmer ~ Gorebyss ~ Carvanha ~ Octillery ~ Mantine ~

Rare Pokémon Sightings:
~ Blastoise ~ Relicanth ~ Whiscash ~ Sharpedo ~ Kabuto ~ Kingler ~ Lileep ~ Prinplup ~ Poliwrath ~ Omastar ~

Item Sightings:
~ Fire Stone ~ Shiny Stone ~ Pearl ~ Thunderstone ~ Shoal Shell ~ Dragon Scale ~ Water Stone ~
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All your gear in place, minus your wallet, you climb into the Bathysphere and close the lid, turning it tightly. It shudders a bit and quickly descends in the Trench. As it falls at rock-bottom speed, underwater somehow, you get glimpses of different fish-like creatures and hard rock surrounding the Bathysphere. But you descend too quickly and, at last, hear a *clunk!* as you land on the ocean floor. You look around and don't see much. But as you glance to your left, you can make out a large-oval rock. As you peer closely it turns out to be a Male Blastoise, apparently sleeping. Would you like to torpedo it, move on or shine your spotlight to find some items? The Blastoise doesn't look like its gonna move for a while.
You push ze big red shiny button and send a torpedo hurtling towards Blastoise. He doesn't get the time to react as he vanishes into your Dive Ball. Success! You get a male Blastoise. You look around and spot a strange yellow rock resting next to some sea weed. It seems to have caught on fire. You can also make out a weathered old Male Relicanth. Your pick? Your oxygen level drops down to 75%.

The inexplicable man inexplicably closes the lid on your Bathysphere and soon you're falling fast into the Trench. You can't quite see anything out of your grimy windows until you hit rock bottom. You carefully peer out of the window but everything is dark. Then suddenly the window smiles at you. An evil leer. You back off, only to realise a Female Cloyster had been staring at you through the window. Capture it?
Another torpedo is launched and, with unnerving accuracy, it crashes against the veteran Pokémon. Congrats, you caught a male Relicanth. [Hmm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to look around. You did pay for the fare. I'll put it up later] You switch on your spotlights and scan it around the seabed the same time your oxygen level drops to 50%. You can't find anything except the random Pokémon whizzing past your sub. Just as it's time for you to surface you make out a polished white stone glistening next to some Krabby. There is also a puny spherical ball in the claws of one of the Krabby. What will it be?

The Cloyster shuts itself in its shell as you press the button and send the torpedo on its way. The female Cloyster's attempt was futile as you manage to capture it. You could spend your remaining 66% oxygen capacity to search for items but teh greedy inexplicable man won't allow it, so you look around for something briefly but fail and return to the surface.

You secure your door and check for leaks as you start to descend into the Trench. After an uninteresting while you land on the bottom of the Trench. Things do start to get interesting after your sub starts to shake violently. Looking outside you can see a Female Huntail ramming against your sub, apparently angry about something. A Male Lanturn is laughing at your dilemma some distance away. Would you like to nail one of them, or push ahead?
You fire the torpedo at the female Huntail, ramming at it much the same way as it had rammed your sub. The Lanturn squeals and flees the area. You look around for items but fail to find any. But then a pretty star appears, floating above some seaweed. You move the bathysphere towards it but the star moves quickly towards you, followed by a couple of steely claws and two eyes. Two very angry eyes. A Female Crawdaunt towers over your sub. Charge or initiate evasive manoeuvres? Your oxygen level hovers around 75% line.
You hurry out of Crawdaunt's way before it can advance and smash you into assorted bits. Your sub grounds into a bunch of rocks that seem to be crackling with energy. You move a joystick to control the Extractor Claw and siphon a sample into your cargo storage. Success! You found a Thunderstone
! Then you see a strange bouncing blue ball and zoom over to observe it. It's bigger than you expected and it's grinning at you. It's a Female Wailmer! Catch it? Your oxygen level remains at 50%.
You leave the Wailmer to its bouncing and move your sub elsewhere to find more prey. Your sub skids along the sandy bottom and accidentally disturb a large, blue mound sleeping in the sand, half buried. It turns out to be a Female Whiscash. What's with you encountering three female Pokémon in a row? The RNGs on crack, or something. Anyway, take it or go ahead?

You control the Extractor Claw carefully via a joystick and transfer the strange rock to your cargo area. You got a Shiny Stone
! Your oxygen almost finished, er, in your tank not in your lungs, you return to the surface.
You try to find a button to push, but fail. Then you trip over a lever which activates the second torpedo and bags you the female Whiscash! With your oxygen level at 25% you stay around a little longer to try and find a shiny item. You spot an empty shell among other empty shells, but something seems different about it. You open it and obtain a pearl
! Success! You then hastily return to the surface before you pass out from lack of oxygen.

As you see Psymon being carried away by paramedics walking home in perfectly good health the inexplicable man ushers you into the not-so-unrecently vacated bathysphere. Your ride seems quite slow and you admire the beauty of the ocean depth as you descend at a slow pace. You suddenly crash onto some hard rocks and scare away some Pokémon, but one rude Male Shellder remains and sticks its tongue out at you. Or maybe that's what they always do, and it's greeting you. What luck, capture it or move ahead?
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