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Deep Sea Trench

You ignore the tongue-stick-out Pokémon and move over to a more densely populated area. As the all the Pokémon flee from your presence a valiant Male Sharpedo stares at you through the window and challenges your authority. At least, that's what you think it is doing. It could be just staring stupidly at you like a regular fish, it's hard to tell. Hammer time?
You pull a couple of levers and manage to fire a slow-moving torpedo towards the enraged male Sharpedo hitting it sideways and dissolving it into the Poké Ball. You notice the oxygen level drop down to 50%, and you wander around the ocean floor looking to disrupt random Pokémon. You see a pair of glowing eyes staring at you from a cave, and your dim lights reveal a Male Kabuto. You also notice a Female Prinplup stalking some innocent looking Luvdisc. Gah, that's rare. Your take?
Ah, a returning customer, eh? This way to your submersible and *clunk*! You rotate the wheel to secure your door and are on your merry way to the bottom of the Trench, once more. You land in a different part of the Trench this time, and things look quite, eerie. A lone Female Crawdaunt lumbers over to the sub and tests the integrity of your transport, probably wondering whether it's soft enough to smash apart and consume the contents. Which, in this case, would be you. Act fast!
You press a random button and send a torpedo whizzing towards the Crawdaunt. Except no torpedo goes whizzing. You smash a couple of more buttons and, eventually, a torpedo goes up to the female Crawdaunt and captures it. The inexplicable man should really label all the buttons and levers. At least the 66% oxygen reading is labelled and accurate. Hopefully. The area, now devoid of a large, threatening crustacean, attracts several Corsola who come out singing merrily, until they spot the wonder that is the bathysphere and leave the area again, leaving a lone Male curiously edging towards the sub. Aaannd?

Ignoring the Prinplup, shearing apart Luvdisc guts mercilessly, you aim a torpedo at the male Kabuto adding a living fossil to your collection. Your oxygen at a low 33% you scour the depths for some time, but the best you can come up with is a Shoal Shell
! Feeling somewhat content with your expedition (I only write what I think, I have no idea what you think) you return to the surface.

IMPORTANT! From right now it costs $1 less to visit each area of the Deep Sea Trench. Last three customers of the Bathysphere Service can claim one $1 from me, each, by first posting in this thread and, after I confirm it, linking the confirmation in the bank. Thanks for your undivided attention, and I hope you continue using our my his services in the future.​

You spot the inexplicable man inside the bathysphere, putting plaques and safety warnings around the sub before noticing you and hastily climbing out, reciting the usual introductions and packing you into the newly labelled sub. After some uninteresting 30 minutes later you find yourself staring out of the window at the Trench for the first time. Rocks, sand and more rocks, what did you expect? Perhaps that Male Gorebyss circling around the sub. What do you do?

"Strap yourself in tight!" shouts the inexplicable man as you strap yourself in tight loose, and thus you tighten yourself. That has no relevance to the fact that you are the first customer to visit 1000 metres into the Trench, or anywhere else besides the 4000 metres limit, for that matter. You are greeted by a jolly, exuberant Male Seel, even though I don't know what that means. Not jolly, I was talking about exuberant, if such a word exists. Take the Seel?

And to the very bottom you go, plunging through the Trench into the darkest recesses of the ocean. Your bathysphere develops a small leak but nothing of too great a concern. The source is apparently a Female Krabby who somehow managed to find a weak spot in your iron sub and put a puny puncture in it. Cream the puny punk?
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You spot the inexplicable man inside the bathysphere, putting plaques and safety warnings around the sub before noticing you and hastily climbing out, reciting the usual introductions and packing you into the newly labelled sub. After some uninteresting 30 minutes later you find yourself staring out of the window at the Trench for the first time. Rocks, sand and more rocks, what did you expect? Perhaps that Male Gorebyss circling around the sub. What do you do?

Meh, if I cared for one I'd prefer a girl, and I don't care for them that much anyway. Continuing~
You ignore the Gorebyss and move to a more coral-ey area. An aggressive looking Female Carvanha circles a coral a couple of times and, spotting your sub, hides behind a bubbling rock. What, a bubbling rock? Perhaps you'd like a closer look at that, instead. Your take? 75% oxygen still remains in the sub's tanks.

You try to escape the Seel but it gleefully chases your sub everywhere. Considering pushing a button to eradicate it out of existence, a solution presents itself in the form of a male Male Horsea, who drives away the persistent Seel with some forceful bubbles, then looks at you happily. Aww, would you like to bring it home? The oxygen reading displays 66 out of 100 units of the vital gas.

Patching up the leak you make sure you carefully take the sub over the Krabby and squishing it around the irritating crustacean and over to a lone Female Luvdisc, crying it's heart out because it was dumped by her boyfriend. Funny you should be able to tell that it's crying, you are 4000 metres under the sea after all. That doesn't quite make you overlook a Male Chinchou uninterestedly kicking some rocks. Or bumping into them. Your target? Your oxygen level is hovering on the 66% line.

You carefully slide down the sub and hear a loud grinding noise as the powerful ropes lower your transport down into the Trench. Halfway down the Trench the boundaries of rock on either side start to close in, leaving enough space to swing from one cliff to another. That you do, reeling the sub to the edge of one cliff and noting a large, friendly Male Mantine resting on top of some soft seaweed. Capture it?

Thank you for your graciousness, part of your funds are donated to National Maritime Pokémon Observation Center. If one existed. Down the Trench, you start digging up the sand with a newly-added Extractor Shovel to reveal a rare item, one whose existence is often promenaded in myths. It's a Dragon Scale
, and you just got it! Thanks to your spotlights, of course, which just dazzled a passing Female Octillery. You should turn it off when you're done with it, you know? Bring out the guns?
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