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Deep Sea Trench

I have a feeling the bubbly rock isn't what I'd like it to be... but there's a chance it is, so let's examine it.
You fire your artillery at the female Octillery adding the underwater cannon to your collection. Your oxygen level drops to 75%. After noting the oxygen and turning some knobs and dials you notice something strange among some rocks to your left. A large, bulky man, probably in a deep suit, sifts through the debris as though searching for something. Not knowing how the guy's suit is withstanding the pressure you move the sub over to him, only to be confronted by a Male Poliwrath. You have no idea how it managed to get this deep, but you do have an idea of whether you'll take him. Right?

You lightly press a button and lightly capture the helpful, lovable male Horsea. 33 units out of 100 of oxygen remain for the trip. You could try breathing the 200 units of nitrogen kept for some reason aboard the sub, but that might give you the bends. Anyway, it seems that you'll only be taking either the Female Magikarp or the Female Feebas home, both blubbing stupidly outside the sub. Take your pick.

You fire the torpedo, bagging a female Luvdisc at the same time your oxygen capacity drops to 33% of its total strength. But unfortunately, since you only had a single torpedo and the insufficient lighting fails to expose any items, you return to the surface.

You move the Extractor Claw near the rock via a joystick, spooking the Carvanha and sending it swimming into the dark depths. You move the pale blue bubbly rock into the cago hold, and a quick analysis reveals a Water Stone
! Hope that's what you'd like it to be. Anyway you continue on, half your oxygen remaining, to only encounter a strange sight. A purple plant lilting to-and-fro, an ancient specimen somehow capable of deep-sea aquatic life. Will you take the Male Lileep?

You leave the Corsola alone, as you manage to spot a rare scene. An underwater dispute between a Male Clamperl and a Male Kingler, over a small sheltered cave. Keeping in mind your 33% oxygen level, to which competitor will the cave go to and which one will you take with yourself?

The male Mantine takes flight, but isn't quite fast or agile enough to dodge your torpedo. You swing the bathysphere to the other side of the Trench, and it crashes against the rock wall. A small avalanche occurs, revealing a Female Corsola moving a bunch of shells from one place to another. Will you take the Corsola, or the shells, or continue your search elsewhere? Your oxygen level is at 66%.
The targeting system on-board the bathysphere (what targeting system?) locks onto the male Kingler leaving behind a very happy Clamperl and it's new home. After seeing the overjoiced Clamperl and it's antics you return to the surface.
Ooh, I was expecting a fire stone heating the water around it, but yeah, that works :D And sure, I bought two pokeballs, might as well use them.
You choose the female Feebas over the Magikarp, and the torpedo assaults the blonde while the red-head goes off to disturb someone else. You return to the surface, as your oxygen level reaches critical point.

You don't need a Gyrados, or any other Pokémon for that matter, to traverse the depths. The Gyrados can take you there, but how would you breath? Anyway, you encounter a shy looking Male Clamperl, once you reach the bottom. There appear to be an awful lot of Clamperl here, take one?

You move your extractor claw to collect one of the shells, which turns out to be a Shoal Shell
! The Corsola, angry that you messed up its shell arrangement, swims off elsewhere. You pursue it but lose track of it. You notice a group of Remoraid trying to find some Mantine. The Male leader of the pack looks especially impressive. Capture him?

Your oxygen level creeps down to 50% as you launch a torpedo at the relic of a plant and dissolving the male Lileep successfully into your Dive Ball. You scan the sand hoping to find more rare creatures, and your search does not go unrewarded as you come upon a Male Relicanth, serenely gliding among some large sponges. Take this relic too?
Hm. Hmmmmmmm.

Nah, I'll gamble on the last one being better. (And being a pokémon at all. I play fast and dirty.)
You abandon the shelled Pokémon and continue your search towards interesting mounds of sand. A Female Wailmer comes crashing out of nowhere bounces around in the sand. Take it? Your oxygen meter gives a reading of 66% out of a total of 100%.

Er, you encountered a Male Remoraid, not a Mantine. I'll let you decide if you want the Remoraid.

Your oxygen levels tumble down to the last 25%, as you manoeuvre the sub away from the aged fish. Hoping to get lucky and praying to Neptune, you scan the rocks and seaweed carefully. Very, carefully. A Male Omastar peeks out from a dark cave, producing a soft squelching sound as it observes you. Take it, or return to the surface and waste your last torpedo and hope that you get refunded?
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