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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

For whatever it's worth, my power lets us all talk during the night, so we can discuss more then. Maybe that'll help clear my name a little

Desperate to prevent another vanishing act, the members of the bureau hustle for greater efficiency. Yet agreed-upon suspect of the jour still proves very complicated to act against, and in the end, night falls without a full resolution again.

Still, all sorts of whispers and chatter press against the twilit backdrop. Although everyone's instructed to keep security in mind and avoid walking around too much, word circulates fast. What he said on the third floor finds its way into her ears on the fifth floor in a matter of minutes. Indirect morsel by indirect morsel, a whole forum composes itself.

Stryke has lost a life.

During this Night, the thread will remain open for discussion. Additionally, a poll to eliminate a player will take place.

96 hours for night actions and discussion.

(Voting will begin after 48 hours.)

oh we're still rolling huh

agree that the power probably indicates stryke being town but not sure where to go after that
Talking through the night... Hrmm. It does feel somewhat counterintuitive for mafia, in the sense that ultimately what this power is doing is giving town more time to discuss and deliberate before deciding on a target. At the same time, we're seeing right now how if Stryke were mafia this'd be a pretty useful power for him to have - a last-ditch hey, you were about to vote me out but vote someone else actually. But also it's only really useful in that capacity specifically for its apparent proof-of-towniness quality, so if we don't regard it as a towny power it actually becomes a power that is mostly only useful for town.

I'm trying to work out whether the fact it's still night right now and presumably we can use night actions somehow affects the usefulness of the power compared to just plain day extension but haven't come to any good conclusions yet. Hmmmm.
Well, I also agree that this doesn't look like an effect the mafia would cause, so I feel like Stryke is probably town? I don't imagine the mafia wanting an extra day phase, complete with a vote, though that's a good point that it's a decent cover story

Aside from that, I'm thinking about how to get your inspections back online. Mafia probably won't do it for us, but if we have a vig try to do it we risk the mafia double-tapping to finish you off. Basically it's a gamble for both sides, though I'd say it's a bit weighted in favor of them?
If I understood your power correctly, you only get one inspection back each night, in the order you inspected them, right? So if you lost a life now, you'd get the result of your inspection on Stryke?

Because in that case, and if Stryke is town, then mafia can just...Hit you, and even if a town vig doesn't help them finish the job, the only info we'd have is that Stryke is town before another night phase rolls around and they get to finish you off
Of course, if Stryke is mafia then the risk for him becomes a lot higher, since having you lose a life but not both would basically be GG for him
Only just noticed that Stryke did in fact lose a life at the end of the original day phase, so rather than day extension it is indeed more like an extra day (that happens to take place simultaneously with a night phase). Which, yeah, is definitely a towny power.
If I understood your power correctly, you only get one inspection back each night, in the order you inspected them, right? So if you lost a life now, you'd get the result of your inspection on Stryke?

Because in that case, and if Stryke is town, then mafia can just...Hit you, and even if a town vig doesn't help them finish the job, the only info we'd have is that Stryke is town before another night phase rolls around and they get to finish you off
Of course, if Stryke is mafia then the risk for him becomes a lot higher, since having you lose a life but not both would basically be GG for him
Yeah, that's correct - if I lose a life tonight I will receive my result on Stryke, and then tomorrow night I would receive my result on the person I targeted this night.
lmao i was like Damn. i forgot to check back in and now the day is over ig

well hey guys
Voting has commenced.

(also, if you have night actions, don't forget about those; this is still a Night)
I'm kinda leaning towards voting out one of the inactives myself
Still leaning this way btw. Dodge has made enough meaningful contributions to me that I wouldn't really consider him inactive, but everyone else I'm still varying degrees of wary of. I don't really have a preference for who of them we vote out though, so you guys can pick; I think I've proved my innocence to you guys now, but just in case, I don't wanna look like I'm pushing some sort of nefarious agenda against anyone in particular
Hrrmmmm. I can't help but like... not think the mafia is terribly likely to be inactive here? The inactives are probably people who are less likely to be checking the forums at all, but RNP was quite active, and at least some of the inactives are people he knows who joined to take part in the game - wouldn't being on a team with RNP at least remind them the game exists and to take part?
Hrrmmmm. I can't help but like... not think the mafia is terribly likely to be inactive here? The inactives are probably people who are less likely to be checking the forums at all, but RNP was quite active, and at least some of the inactives are people he knows who joined to take part in the game - wouldn't being on a team with RNP at least remind them the game exists and to take part?
Fair point, but they aren't the only people that haven't been talking. I just don't have any better ideas, since our only scumlean so far was... Well, me, and I'd like to think I did an ok job of clearing my name. I was also hoping to get a little potential utility out of my power for town before I die (which I'm assuming will be pretty soon).
yeah, i agree. it’s not necessarily a bad point that rnp might prod his friends, but it’s a much weaker point than the ones in favor of the active players.
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