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Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

If by "god" you mean "any being that is so technologically superior to us that it's almost as if they have magic" then I guess you're right, but as for "God?"

I doubt it. If it didn't come about by evolution and if it doesn't follow the laws of physics then it can't exist.
I'd kind of like to restate something I said in an earlier post.

It's not worth thinking about. We don't know and we never will. If you spend hours on end thinking about this, you are wasting your time.
I think there is. I try to be the best I can... But I'll probably like ninety percent of people get thrown into hell...

But definitely not one spoken of in any religion.

As AK said, not worth thinking too much about.
I'm of the belief that a God HAS to exist simply because, at some point, something had to come from nothing.

no it didn't, energy and matter cannot be created from nothing

there's this little thing called law of conservation of energy (and a similar one for mass), you can even interconvert the two, but you cannot create from nothing
There is a small possibility, but there is most probably no such thing. I believe in the Big Bang, or the Big Sudden Spreading of the Universe as it should (maybe :P) be called (There was no air for their to be any sound and the energy released was most probably such a high frequency (Around X-Ray and Gamma) that it was not visible).
I'd kind of like to restate something I said in an earlier post.

It's not worth thinking about. We don't know and we never will. If you spend hours on end thinking about this, you are wasting your time.

Well one of the main points of Christianity is that if you try not to sin, and apologize for the times you have. So by my logic, if you're just a decent person you should get into heaven whether you believed in God, Buddha, or FSM.
i believe most protestants believe that God's grace is the only thing that will save you and that you have no influence over that actually
All gods are just fabrications of people... gods are basically just projections of the people that made them up and there's no use worshiping people.
And every thing on earth that scientifically blows a hit against 'god'.
So I have many reasons to say, a big, heaping "NOOOOOO!".
I could be a lot more harsh, but I won't be.

(Besides... if there's any god who will send me to hell for not believing in hir, I'd rather take hell than suck up, thanks.)
If you spend hours on end thinking about this, you are wasting your time.

this is a terrible attitude; if people WANT to spend hours thinking about it, they are not wasting time; if you still think they are you could logically argue that everything not vitally important for your survival is wasting time.
this is a terrible attitude; if people WANT to spend hours thinking about it, they are not wasting time; if you still think they are you could logically argue that everything not vitally important for your survival is wasting time.
Perhaps it is, but I'm really bitter about people who spend forever thinking about this crap when there are better things to think about - like the world around you.

I don't dislike science because you are proving (or at least trying to prove) something; the idea of a higher being cannot be proven or disproven so it just doesn't matter. Do you see where I'm coming from? I'm awful at getting my point across.
No, your point seems pretty clear to me, AK. It doesn't matter if a god exists or not, as it is something that, at this time, science cannot prove or disprove. And since there are more important things going on right now than trying to figure out something that is impossible to prove or disprove entirely, then it should be ignored, at lease, for the time being.

Did I get that right?
There is no God, there is the Administrator. If the Administrator showed himself to the world, however, the Universe would implode, so instead he sends the Moderator to do his work for him.

At least, that's what my friend says. He claims to be the Moderator. Which, of course, is complete and utter truth rubbish.
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