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New member
My apologies for the title, it's simply that I generally don't enjoy making an introduction topic with any variation of "hi" or "hello" and usually make something that involves a pun with the actual site, but at this moment I am devoid of any creative influence. ;)

My name is Frank (alias is Werty, obviously); I am 16 and live in an obscure rural area of New York.

When I was a kid I was addicted to Pokémon, primarily the games. As a child my interests have shaped my mind now as a teenager, and the connections between my current and my past self are both broken and linked. It's very fun, shall we say, to traverse the past of the events and pure time that have shaped my identity and continue to shape it everyday. I treat absolutely everything I do and every event that bestows itself upon me as one to be cherished. As such, I love meeting new people; whether I like them or not is irrelevant in terms of experience in my life.

The Internet has held my hand throughout my life and chances are it always will; my mind generally became conscious around 2003; it was about that time I first stumbled onto this site. My memories are hazy, however, but I remember the site was a wonderful place. I took to doing most of the challenges posited.

There is something romantic about the Internet in general, I feel: the ability to simultaneously communicate with hundreds of people at once is absolutely astonishing, almost too good to be true, and yet here we all are. Ludicrous, really. There are some things technologically can't reproduce, at this point: the mere look at the dusk of any day, with all your senses engaged in a near orgasm of beauty, is more than enough proof.

The Internet has raised me; I spent a lot of time prior to 2005 on FanFiction.net in the Pokemon section. Though I never wrote any of that specific type, I became immersed into this new culture. Completely. And through this absorption, my life gained such skills and moved on. Everything became more rapid, and the advancement of the very culture I had gotten to know so well move on irrevocably without me. With me in other areas of the largest kingdom created by humanity, I grew up thus far as a completely different person than the one who inhabited such corners. I have a tendency to be very nostalgic, and thus, when I once again stumbled upon this website again this Monday, for a day I reflavored the exact experience I once had and yearned for so much. I felt this urge within my heart, figuratively, and reattained the feeling of the close-knit community again simply by rereading everything I had once so voluptuously absorbed.

I feel I should point out that this site gave me an interest to learn Icelandic (as a result of the Marquee of Doom). I never got around to it; when I was young I made a list of all the languages I want to learn and in the order I do it. My first one that I'm now learning is Japanese; after that I will indeed learn Icelandic, ha ha. Should be fun. The languages I do know now are English and Spanish.

With that out of the way, interests: I enjoy music and I play the guitar and piano, and I'm learning everyday. I also take interest in film history, cinematography, directing, linguistics, computer programming, philosophy, physics, quantum physics, literature, video games, sociology, and psychology, although I have many other minor interests.

Musicwise, I very much enjoy Jesus Christ Superstar, Dream Theater, Korn, Modest Mouse, Avenged Sevenfold, Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, Shania Twain, Limp Bizkit, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Diana Ross, Turmion Katilot, Jamiroquai, Muse, Guns 'N Roses, George Michael, Culture Club, Hanz Zimmer, P!nk, Weird Al, Survivor, John Williams, Klaus Badelt, Masakazu Sugimori, Savage Garden, The Temptations, Will Smith, among dozens whose names escape me.

My major interests I feel I should stress are philosophy, and the reading and writing of literature. Guitar comes very closely behind that.

I'm a huge, huge cinema and book person. Way too many to list, but my absolute favorite book as of yet is House of Leaves.

I suppose there's not much more to say besides I heavily look forward to my time here. My apologies if my little rants about my perception of the Internet bored you. Hopefully I don't ramble too much. :)

No About Me can ever completely describe a person. You will all know me before all time is up.
I think you win the award for "Longest intro post ever".

Anyway, welcome to the forum. I'm Kai. I hope you enjoy yourself here.

EDIT: Damn Postninja's.
Ha ha, thank you, you two, for the very quick responses.

I thoroughly look forward to knowing all of you through experience, for the scope of memories in progress are bitter sweet.
That was inspiring, and I can relate to a lot of it. ^^ Though it isn't always voiced, I'm guessing there are many people here who feel that way, and hopefully you'll meet them. I haven't actually had many nostalgia-related conversations here - I should start.

That was indeed a huge introduction post by the size of introduction I'm used to seeing. It was interesting to read, too. I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about coming here, and I hope your enjoyment of the forums will meet your expectations.
*claps* Congratulations! you've won the 'Longest Introductory Post I've Ever Seen' award!
Yo, I'm Unknown, and I hope you have a wonderful time here. Welocome and enjoy you're stay. :)
Thank you very much, Flazeah and Unknown. :)

Simply reading this forum and sampling each individual personality and reclaiming this sense has already gone above my expectations.

I can't wait to get to know all of you. One wild trip is ahead for all of us, and I'm glad I'm in with some of you now.
I give you a 3/5. Your prose is engaging, if a little purple, and informative in all the right places. I think you meant 'technology', rather than 'technologically', unless you missed out the word 'we' just before it.

As in: "There are some things we technologically can't reproduce,"
Or: "There are some things technology can't reproduce,"

No, I'm messing with you. I liked your introduction, and I can't wait to see you around the site. Maybe you'll be an entertaining and engaging individual with which I can spend many happy hours debating, for example, the usefulness of a spoon in field medicine. In my experience, it's not the topic that makes the debate, unless it's religion or politics, but the debate itself. The cut and thrust of different viewpoints as people argue and defend their various stands on different topics.

Naturally, with this in mind, you will most likely find me in the Debate forum. I might be persuaded into the roleplay forum if I can find a topic that engages my interest, but so far none have.
Yes, your correction is what I meant to say.

Thanks for the review. ;) Appreciate it. And yes, I agree with your point on debates. As I believe I stated in my intro, or something to it, is it most often the experience, not the journey, that is memorable. Because you're hardly ever going to accomplish something in a debate - but we do it, or at least I do it, because I find it massive amounts of fun. A part of is too purple, like you said - sometimes it's hard for me to take a particular stance in a matter because I inherently try to see all points of an argument. In my mind when I'm trying to take an extreme way for something inevitably see the flaws of my own self.

I used to participate in a role play on GameFAQs a very long time ago; it was called the Bounty Hunter Inn. Metroid-centered, I had a large amount of fun. Eventually my interest dwindled. It was a captivating experience, but like anything else, I had too much of it and grew tired. I suppose it's only roleplays that are truly unique and engaging that can draw me in. I haven't done it since, but should anything like that pop up again around here, I'd jump in. Takes a lot of time and thought process, obviously.

Cloaked, to the many disagreements in the future. :)
Oh, I like you. A specifically misleading answer to my 'review' of your entry post followed by agreement to my assertion. We're going to get along like a house on fire in the Debates section.

I do agree with you with respects to roleplaying. It's nice for a while, but eventually you start to drift. Finally, it just becomes too much effort to retain interest in the plots set before you as something new, when you've played in something similar before. And then afterwards, nothing is kept, aside from a distinctly wordy writing style and an ability to wring details out of prose which the author is unaware that they even put in there.

Indeed, Werty. I look forward to disagreeing with you in the future. :)
My German-speaking friend, we are indeed to see fit to some nice excursions.

In regards to your second paragraph, that is why everything in life should be taken in extreme and absorbed fully; for time to end is inevitable in life experiences. An RPG should be fully enjoyed and not dragged out, and then we move on. A wonderful concept, really. We devour all resources and then blatantly move on in questionable search, like a scavenger. Human nature, I suppose.
Hello, I liked your introduction, like reading a story. You can find me hanging around most places, i kinda just float around here and there, posting where i will. I'm pretty obsessed with all fanfiction. I hope you enjoy your return to this awsome place of randomness! See you around!
Oh, my! Have I been post-stalked? Do I now have an official mini-stalker?

I've always wanted one of those.

Yes. Fortunately, it's far easier when the resource in question is not physical. It's also much better when you give back at least what you've taken, making the resource more vibrant and titillating to newcomers. I always used to wonder why I never saw older roleplayers at the time I started. Now, I suppose, I know.
*gives a cookie*
Welcome! I'm Mewtwo the Umbreon-loving Pokemon! Welcome to the insanity capital of the world!

I don't feel like being much insanier than that D= Now to go make a thread in the CC.
CC stands for, I assume, Coughing Cupboard? I'm getting the language around here, at least.

My apologies if my looking at your intro thread bothered you. :P I always enjoy to know who I'm dealing with.
You seem interesting at least... I'm Darkarmour, the guy who gives out huggles. and viruses. Yeah, watch out for that.


Have the introduction virus.
No, no. I was joking. I almost always insert sarcasm or a carefully-worded, serious-sounding joke into my posts. Just because most people don't notice them doesn't detract from my enjoyment of said joke at all.

If anything, it just seems funnier.
Well, use of sarcasm on the Internet is always a guessing game. :D

And thanks for the Metroid. I shall name it Squishy and he shall be mine. Do you give out worse viruses, like Phazon Metroid or Metroid Prime or the Metroid Queen?
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