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Door to Door Atheists Bother Mormons

Not to mention, I've never met a Mormon that didn't vehemently deny evolution.

We believe in guided evolution.

And, in response to VPLJ, if we didn't succeed, why on earth would we still be doing it after 150 years?

As for not being able to take a joke, how would you guys react if I posted a gay joke? Enough said.

If you're going to be demeaning, at least do it in an educated way.[/rant]
We believe in guided evolution.
Please do explain this; this sounds more like an attempt at looking progressive without actually conforming to modern standards.

And, in response to VPLJ, if we didn't succeed, why on earth would we still be doing it after 150 years?
Religion has always been stubborn and probably always will be.

As for not being able to take a joke, how would you guys react if I posted a gay joke? Enough said.
If it was a genuinely funny gay joke, I don't think anyone would really care. o.o
I'm fine with gay jokes, btw. I think they should have the rights denied to them because of what the Holy Bible says about them.
Please do explain this; this sounds more like an attempt at looking progressive without actually conforming to modern standards.
We believe that God creates things conforming to natural laws, not just forming them out of the blue. That includes evolution.

Religion has always been stubborn and probably always will be.
...we get tens of thousands of converts a year.
The guy went door to door preaching atheism to Mormons because Mormons had been going door to door preaching Mormonism to him. That really has nothing to do with making fun of Mormon beliefs; it's annoyance at a particular group of them that inspires an amusing idea for a joke. Yes, we know not all Mormons go door to door. That isn't the point. This is here so we can amuse ourselves watching what it would be like if atheists practiced door-to-door preaching, accompanied with a rant on the general obnoxiousness of the particular Mormons who happened to ring his doorbell at eight in the morning on a Saturday.
urgh can people stop doing this already I know Mormons are cunts and people fucking suck but really it is just descending to their level
teehee that's quite funny. I sometimes want to do this to the Jehovah's Witnesses living near me just because it is so fucking annoying. The ones to whom we lived next door were cool, though.
Like, why try to force your religion on us? If I want, I'll just follow the Bible. But, seeing how I'm leaning towards Atheism, that probably won't happen.
It wasn't a valid point. How likely is a pamphlet to help anything? The door-to-door thing, on the other hand, goes a long way towards the quarter-million converts a year. If it didn't work, we wouldn't do it.
It wasn't a valid point. How likely is a pamphlet to help anything? The door-to-door thing, on the other hand, goes a long way towards the quarter-million converts a year. If it didn't work, we wouldn't do it.
All the other cool religions are doing it and they have more members than you guys do because they don't annoy the shit out of people.
Also yeah if you keep pushing your beliefs someone's bound to say yes, statiscally. And what's with the obssession of getting more people, more people?
It wasn't a valid point. How likely is a pamphlet to help anything? The door-to-door thing, on the other hand, goes a long way towards the quarter-million converts a year. If it didn't work, we wouldn't do it.
See, that's one of those things I just don't get. I cannot for the life of me work out how anybody could find door-to-door religious preachers anything but annoying. It's more or less the same thoughts I have about e-mail spam. Sometimes I scratch my head wondering if anybody seriously ever buys the stuff that's advertised in spam e-mail, since everybody knows it's horribly annoying and nobody would want to support a company that would resort to it, right? Except that spam still exists, and that must mean it works.

My point here is that it working does not mean the great majority of people don't find it irritating as hell. :/
vplj they genuinely believe they are going to save you from a terrible fate in hell
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