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Dragon's Art Thread-

Re: Sky over the Mountains

Yeees~ I just got my sexy pens and a set of new pencil crayons! =DDDDDD So now all requests are gonna be inked and coloured even better~

Dragon is extremely happy. =DDDDDDDDD

Cryptica, one Kadabra coming up~~~~~
Re: Sky over the Mountains

I know, I know, I'm working on it. I'll be done by the end of today, maybe in a few hours.
Re: Sky over the Mountains

Alright, Thanks. I just thought that you had ignored it. But as long as I know its being done...
Re: Sky over the Mountains

Screw that, it's done now.

Ta-da, first thing I inked and coloured wiv my new stuff~ And more stuff I did last night:

I like this, not really sure what it's supposed to be, though. Just a random dragon.

I've found my Pokesona~ Yay.

Darksong, I officially hate Ariados's anatomy. It's taking longer than I expected, I'll hopefully finish and have it uploaded by tommorow morning, ES time.
Last edited:
Re: Sky over the Mountains

That's all right, I can wait. I don't care how long art takes, really, only that you sincerely tried (unlike I did on another certain picture XD)

I've had a lot of practice with art (I drew on the walls when I was a year old or so, and since then it's been a favorite activity), so I'm pretty fast at drawing pictures, but everybody has different skills, so it varies widely.
Re: Sky over the Mountains

I lied. Again.

And here's Cryptica's Kadabra, it came out... weirdly. Bleah.

Requests are cleared, ask for something now.
Re: Sky over the Mountains

That's a funny Ariados, thanks! But its body looks a bit thin in the very middle. The horn is a bit to the right. Great work!
Re: Sky over the Mountains

I would like to critique you on that Kadabra :D

First of all, the middle of the torso should be short and very thin. The brown part on the chest isn't quite long enough, and the tail a bit too long (or maybe I'm used to seeing it bunched up). And the legs should probably be thinner.

Other than that, perfect.
Re: Sky over the Mountains

;) I think I just got used to drawing people, and so since Kadabra is somewhat humanoid, it turned out looking like a person. Anyways, all the requests I've got are Pokemon oO; I can do:
Hybrid... things-

I'll add more to this list and move it to the front page when I feel like it.
Re: Sky over the Mountains

Screw that, it's done now.

Ta-da, first thing I inked and coloured wiv my new stuff~ And more stuff I did last night:
WOW! Thanks! It looks great. You get requests done rather quickly.

Here's a tip. Using Photobucket's uploader, you can reduce the images to 600X400 so that they fit snugly into the page without stratching it.
Re: Sky over the Mountains

=D And that's the way the art thread goes, I give everyone pictures, everyone gives me tips. Thanks, Kai~
Re: Sky over the Mountains

Uh, have another dragon.

Took me a bit longer than usual, around four hours~

Stupid Photobucket, why must you pixelate this awesomeness? ;_;
Re: Sky over the Mountains



This is the new front page picture. Yay.
Re: Sky over the Mountains

...And if anyone still cares, I has new project that I'll get up by tomorrow. It involves drawing. And Pokemon. oO; And... paper? CHRISTMAS ZOMG I GETS NEW LAPTOP soon. =DDDD
Re: Dragon's Art Thread- RENAMED~

Well, we can't really comment on it if there's no art to comment on. The Dawn and Dusk dragon picture is beautiful. I like the way you make them look like the same dragon, but different elements.
Re: Dragon's Art Thread- RENAMED~

Thanks~ And I'm not starting 'til 2009, and it'll be my... Pokedex-thing. I might even use the pictures for a Pokedex-style site.... I just got an idea :o
Re: Dragon's Art Thread- RENAMED~

YOUR ART IS AWESOME. And Kadabra is very hard to draw. The pokedex of pictures is a cool idea, I look forward to seeing how it turns out :) Your Latias pokesona is cool, I'm going for a Latias pokesona too, but I still need to draw it. Anyway, I'd like to request a snowy owl.
Re: Dragon's Art Thread- RENAMED~


Uh...can you do requests other than Pokemon?

If so then can you do the Paper dragon from dragcave?
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