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I can't recall any interesting dreams from recent times, but I SPECIFICALLY remember that when I was in seventh grade, I had a dream about this ninth grader I had a crush on (don't laugh.), and we got married. Except he didn't want to get married, but my parents pressured him into it, and it was a horrible marriage. He would always talk bad about me behind my back and stuff like that, and then I remember that we were talking about a divorce, and then I woke up. I am a close friend with that guy today (I don't have a crush on him anymore!), and he still doesn't know that dream. Thankfully.
So I watched Watership down a couple days ago, and the day before easter I had the wierdest dream that the easter bunny (which I know is not real) was Fiefer(I think thats how you spell it anyway XD) and that he gave my younger siblings baby rabbits. Then later he took them back in exchange for sand...? The entire time he had a stick of celery in his mouth that seemed to change color every time i looked at him.... It was a REALLY wierd dream......
I had a dream where Wednesday didn't exist. So one of my friends and I rode around the world on unicorns to find it. Turns out Wednesday possessed another one of my friends and we either had to kill him or create a new day to take Wednesday's place. We chose to create a new day.
I dreamt that I was part of a Facebook group, a fan-made group for European Nintendo fans. Apparently we were rivals with a similar group for American fans.
The only thing I remember was that someone suggested we should change the group’s picture to Miyamoto’s Mii, and they said this would maybe get more fans to join (apparently we were lacking in fans) because we wanted more fans than the american group

Umm... Something about an angel statue that moved on its own. But even when I was looking at it. I think someone broke it. Also there was some one... I'm not sure if she was my mother or a teacher, but she sat on the ground for a while with her eyes closed. When she said she had been sort of stuck for a while, I said: "I know! You were quantum locked!"
Seems like I misunderstand weird fictional physics in my dream. At least I found the thing with the statue weird.
Had a really weird dream last night.
Brazil 2016 had come (and somehow we were all the same age as we are now), and the Olympic Board thing had made Competitive battling a sport. For some reason, we were playing 4th Gen games with 5th Gen Pokemon. When it came to me participating, I found players had to stand on a tightrope whilst battling to "make it more sporty". I fell off after 2 seconds. I then found out that if you fall off, it's an instant loss. I was then walking around school looking depressed, and a random vintage car drove up to a closed gate and stopped there. I woke up after that.
I had a dream that was basically the Star Trek episode Starship Mine, except it wasn't on the Enterprise. Not sure what the ship was but it had quite a long bridge. Maybe it was the Olympus from Metroid Prime 3 since I'd been playing that recently.
Also Mugi from K-On! was playing the keyboard behind where the deadly sweep thingy was sweeping.
Had another wierd dream last night, but I don't remember much of it.
Me and a bunch random other people were in a mansion-type thingy, then it cut to me and a bigger bunch of people on a bus and then our school's music department got rebuilt.
So, I had this dream not long after a visit to the library while reading 'World War Z'.

Apparently, I was a Pokemon Ranger in Almia. I was in a forest, arguing with Kieth about who had bloodier hair. (o-o) Then, a Tauros came charging towards us, but instead of capturing it via styler, Kieth went all cowboy on it. Just as Kieth was about to mount the thing (Yes, he tried to mount a bull...), the Taurus suddenly fell and its flesh started to change color. Kieth started screaming. The last thing I remember was being chased by a flock of zombiefied Staravia, and the other rangers had machine guns, and Barlow had a bazooka...
Through this thread, I got to discover a lot about people's feelings and lives.

I will tell about dreams I've had in the past.

Throughout my life, I have had very common dreams of running away from those chasing after me. Many people have them, and they indicate that the dreamer is evading an issue, rather than confronting it. When I was a child, I dreamed of running away from a teacher. When I grew up, I dreamed of eluding the police. These dreams are representative of feelings of guilt.

I have had lots of dreams of running slowly, and wanting to run faster. This is an indicator of a lack of self-esteem. After I did a self-confidence-boosting chant, I always ran as fast as I would've liked.

Now, I am not having any more dreams of being chased or pursued.

I had a dream where I was wrestling The Undertaker; I was holding him on my shoulders. I am nowhere close to that physically strong in real life.

There was also a dream of mine in which I was walking through a hallway of what may have been an apartment complex, hotel, or motel. I turned behind me, and there was Darth Vader. I engaged in a lightsaber duel with him. I did a straight with my lightsaber into Vader's face, and I won.

I have had lots of Zelda dreams. In a dream about Ocarina Of Time, I saw Link going out of what looked like a cave or canyon, toward Lon Lon Ranch, across Hyrule Field (if it were faithful to the game in real life, Link would have came out of Hyrule Castle Town.) A Poe appeared, then everything completely stopped, still as a picture. I woke up and screamed as I felt a ghost touch my feet.

I was in Southern Clock Town in a dream, but instead of the evil moon, I looked up to see a very, very, giant black hole in the sky. A colossal whirlwind blew up into the black hole. I knew that the hole in the sky leads to Heaven.

I have dreamed that I transformed into Latias. I also had a dream where I transformed into Rainbow Dash.

In my dream, my pet lovebird flew next to me, staying next to me, while I jogged through the neighborhood. A crow grabbed my lovebird with its talons. I tried to get my parrot out of the crows feet. I had awakened before I got to see whether I saved my parrot, or if crow got away with her. Months later, my lovebird died when she was twelve years old.
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Are all of your dreams about nintendo?
Haha, a lot of them, it seems. And when they're not they're about some other fandom/series I like. 95% of my dreams seem to have some pop-culture reference of things I like in them.

Not my most current one, though. In that one, I went to an amusement park close to where I live (as in, one that exists) and they had some new rollercoaster. It first went up in some sort of spiral, then around and up and down in all sorts of strange ways, and in the end it went down into the water for a second and got back up again. I wanted to try it, but I was worried the water would break the 3DS in my pocket, so I didn't.
Not my most current one, though. In that one, I went to an amusement park close to where I live (as in, one that exists) and they had some new rollercoaster. It first went up in some sort of spiral, then around and up and down in all sorts of strange ways, and in the end it went down into the water for a second and got back up again. I wanted to try it, but I was worried the water would break the 3DS in my pocket, so I didn't.

3DS! Your dreams will forever be stuck in Nintendoland, I'm afraid.
3DS! Your dreams will forever be stuck in Nintendoland, I'm afraid.
Haha, my 3DS has been involved in a bunch of my recent dreams, often in the situation of leaving my coat containing my 3ds, or just the 3DS itself, somewhere and realizing, then I instantly go back to pick it up again. Seems like dream-me should be more careful!
I just recently had what I swear was the most normal dream I've had in years - I was aat school and forgot to finish some assignment. Then my crush acted like he hated me.

Thank goodness it was only a dream! And a very stark contrast from some of the others I've posted in here.
Had a dream in which I wanted to ask my History teacher a question about Alexander the Great. At first he didn't know what Alexander I meant, and then he said something about the man being a cruel ruler. Also referring to him as a "bad wolf". And there was some sort of Minecraft-like game with a giant four-tentacled monster in a temple. Then there was a hole in the ceiling with sand falling out of it, and me and my brother tried to block it with stuff from our beds because we were worried about the monster getting to the real world. Then someone called it a llama, and I realized it had a llama-like head, which was detachable.

And another one in which a teacher said something about bears using fire to make honey appear in their mouths. Then we were writing a test, and one question reminded one guy of the Vashta Nerada. So me and him started talking to him about Vashta Nerada. apparently he was convinced that they were demons from Hell, and my fangirliness creeped him out. And there was that part...
Me: You know what? *runs to the other side of the classroom, which is closer to the window and the wall casts a shadow there*
Him: *follows me*
Me: I think they should hide in real shadows as well.
Him: Can you go back so I can get out of the shadow?
I dreamt that I got a Pokémon Yellow game from someone, they just appeared and gave it to me. But instead of the usual Game Boy cart, it looked like a DS cartridge (possibly a bit smaller?) and the sticker was just a plain white sticker with the text "Pokémon Yellow". So I put it in either a DS or a GBA (with backlight) and started playing. For some reason it used 32-bit GBA-style graphics, and it was obvious it wasn't the real Pokémon Yellow. When I saved, it said something about "save once a day" (I couldn't figure out if this meant you could only save once every day, or if you should save at least once a day) and the yes/no selection said "I will share my pain". At a later point I saw Brock (HG/SS version) riding sideways on a Pokemon, up to where my character was (I believe at this point you played as Brock too for a short while?)

I've had lots of dreams where I play a game (as in an actually existing game) which isn't that game at all... Another time I played what was called "Sly" but it was actually a Crash game.
About a week ago I dreamt that I was gonna go see Pokemon: Jirachi Wishmaker in THE MOVIE THEATERS (o_o;; xD) and I had an apple juice drink in a container with Ash, Pikachu, Jirachi, and, Flamey-comity colors on it.....

Which was also a very TASTY apple juice drink. That dream rocked!


I also think I was around 12 or 13 in the dream, too. So it basicly toke place around when the movie actually first came out......Wow.

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