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Earth-Mostly Harmless


I'm reading Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy right now, its probably one of my favourite books ever. I'm not talking about the movie, that was pretty good but it's only the book that is legendary stuff.

Love it, love everything about it, Douglas Adams sure is a genius.
Hitchhiker's is one of my favourite books ever :D lol coincidentally I read in the Times earlier that they're writing another sequel to the series, with Eoin Colfer as the author, which sounds like a pretty terrible idea tbh, but we'll see what happens.
The books are amazing, but imo the first radio series was the apex of achievement. Absolutely bloody marvellous.

As time wore on, both books and radio series became a little tired, but I'd still rate Mostly Harmless as a good read.

coincidentally I read in the Times earlier that they're writing another sequel to the series, with Eoin Colfer as the author, which sounds like a pretty terrible idea tbh, but we'll see what happens.
It takes a lot to invoke the angry fanboy within me, but this crosses the line. Messing with the Guide after Adams' death will all end in shit and blood, hark my words. Colfer's a decent writer in his own right (Artemis Fowl was the goddamn highlight of my childhood), but I'm still apprehensive about the whole matter.

Still, could get lucky and it'll turn out to be an amazing success. Then I'll heartily eat my words. :P
Pratchett I sort of understand, but Colfer? I mean, he's a good writer, but I didn't think that he did... well, I don't recall the term, but like the style of writing like Pratchett of Adams.
I like the radio series best, too. We used to listen to the taped version in the car on long journeys and it was so good :3

Dunno about the Colfer book. I'll probably read it and pretend it's fanfiction if I don't like it.
Pratchett I sort of understand, but Colfer? I mean, he's a good writer, but I didn't think that he did... well, I don't recall the term, but like the style of writing like Pratchett of Adams.
Pratchett can't do it though

he has to churn out as much Discworld as goddamn possible before his brain melts
Yeah. Poor bugger; why do all the decent writers get Alzheimer's and shit and all the crap writers live to 120 with perfect mental fuctions? D:
I love this series, though I got confused when Fenchurch and Zaphod dissapeared.
I'm so jealous of those of you who have heard the radio series!
Yeah. Poor bugger; why do all the decent writers get Alzheimer's and shit and all the crap writers live to 120 with perfect mental fuctions? D:

Because the brains of the good ones begin to fail from absorbing too much awesome?

Haven't read the series yet. Is it REALLY that good?
h2g2 is a fairly decent series, but the 42 thing's been really stale for some time now.

Messing with the Guide after Adams' death will all end in shit and blood
Don't Panic :)

Honestly, though, I'm doubting it too... after all, any Dune fan could tell you how vastly superior Frank Herbert's original series is to the various prequels and sequels his son wrote after his death. Colfer's a good writer, though, but I'm kind of worried all the same
I love this series, though I got confused when Fenchurch and Zaphod dissapeared.
I'm so jealous of those of you who have heard the radio series!

See this shows how much of an idiot I am! I dont even know who Fenchurch is yet! I've only read the first book! i'm at when. Zaphod,Ford and Trillian go into the core of Magrathea.

The movie is alright I guess but it had to live up to one of the best books ever. A Hollywood movie does'nt have time for little guide scenes and stuff like that
I love this series, though I got confused when Fenchurch and Zaphod dissapeared.
I'm so jealous of those of you who have heard the radio series!
Radio series is awesome man you're missing out. I'm sure you can find it for download somewhere around, and they occasionally repeat some episodes on Radio 4 sometimes.
The books gradually got suckier when Zaphod left.

The last book is a load of crap. Anyone know what was going in? The arthur bits made me bored, the Trillian bits made me groan and the Ford bits were wierd and confusing.
The books gradually got suckier when Zaphod left.

The last book is a load of crap. Anyone know what was going in? The arthur bits made me bored, the Trillian bits made me groan and the Ford bits were wierd and confusing.

IIRC, Adams wasn't feeling so great while writing them, and even he admitted that the last two books weren't nearly as good.

Anyhoo, love this series. Douglas Adam's sense of humor was nothing short of amazing.
I found the Ford bits in the final book quite funny. The resolution was plain wierd and the scene where Ford and Arthur meet up again is a bit edgey. A great and unique series of books though.
i recently reread the whole thing and I still hold that adams shouldn't have kicked fenchurch out

fenchurch is amazing :(
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