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It takes a lot to invoke the angry fanboy within me, but this crosses the line. Messing with the Guide after Adams' death will all end in shit and blood, hark my words. Colfer's a decent writer in his own right (Artemis Fowl was the goddamn highlight of my childhood), but I'm still apprehensive about the whole matter.coincidentally I read in the Times earlier that they're writing another sequel to the series, with Eoin Colfer as the author, which sounds like a pretty terrible idea tbh, but we'll see what happens.
Pratchett can't do it thoughPratchett I sort of understand, but Colfer? I mean, he's a good writer, but I didn't think that he did... well, I don't recall the term, but like the style of writing like Pratchett of Adams.
Yeah. Poor bugger; why do all the decent writers get Alzheimer's and shit and all the crap writers live to 120 with perfect mental fuctions? D:
Don't Panic :)Messing with the Guide after Adams' death will all end in shit and blood
I love this series, though I got confused when Fenchurch and Zaphod dissapeared.
I'm so jealous of those of you who have heard the radio series!
Radio series is awesome man you're missing out. I'm sure you can find it for download somewhere around, and they occasionally repeat some episodes on Radio 4 sometimes.I love this series, though I got confused when Fenchurch and Zaphod dissapeared.
I'm so jealous of those of you who have heard the radio series!
The books gradually got suckier when Zaphod left.
The last book is a load of crap. Anyone know what was going in? The arthur bits made me bored, the Trillian bits made me groan and the Ford bits were wierd and confusing.