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Easiest Final Bosses in video games


no-one EVEN sugested sephiroth in ff7?

ten minutes only using pandora's box, white wind and cosmo memories.....


Yes, normal Sephiroth is without a doubt the easiest boss ever (unless your level is really low and your reflexes are so poor that you can't even hit X when Omnislash comes up), assuming that your guidelines for a real boss are that low, but I believe what you're referring to is Bizarro and/or Safer Sephiroth. But when you really think about it, once you get Knights of the Round, every boss in FF7 - barring Ruby and Emerald, of course - becomes a cakewalk.
Probably the trio of Rhyperior, Gallade, and Magmortar from Shadows of Almia (Pokemon Ranger sequel in case you didn't know). They refused to attack.

Lucario was pretty easy too =_=
Yu Yevon is the easiest boss ever. I mean, God. Unlocked Celestial weapons made that fight so easy :(
No, having INFINITE AUTO LIFE is actually the reason (for non-gamers, that means your invincible!)
Oh, and Animorph is right!, well, I would reccomend meg with a wind edge, but still...
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Super Paper Mario ending boss is much easier than Count Bleck, especially if you use Peach. It takes ages, but it's easy. And the level before hand takes ages too, and is quite hard in some places. Also Darkrai on PMD2. Blizzard almost beat all his friends, and then he himself was easy. Dialga, however, was a different matter.
They aren't final bosses but the Charizard, Salamence and Flygon in Ranger were easy.
The goddess Ashera from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. After you get rid of the annoying, counterattacking aura around her, and then you could practically send Meg in to kill her*If she didn't have to be beaten with Ike*
I kinda disagree. The Aurora skill that all her shields have is quite annoying, and Ashera can easily KO one of your units if they're in the wrong place at the wrong time. You have to plan the battle very carefully.
@: goldenquagsire: the problem is those dang elemental things with like eleventy-hundred move kicking my mages and heron around... otherwise just use nihil on the shields
or, since the damage is calculable, just beat 'em up with shinon! Then use michaiah and soren to heal!
The elemental spirits never really gave me problems. The real challenge was Ashera's wonderful area effect spells that hit everyone for massive damage. D:
Considering the fact that I have only played a few of the games mentioned here, my video game final boss knowledge is not as vast as I want it to be.

But I have to say, Bowser in Super Mario Sunshine was ludicrously easy, as well as the RSE and GSC E4s.
I kinda disagree. The Aurora skill that all her shields have is quite annoying, and Ashera can easily KO one of your units if they're in the wrong place at the wrong time. You have to plan the battle very carefully.

Well, I had a very odd playthrough. My number one killing machine was Ilyana, after all...But, for the most part, with Micaiah waving around a "Heal everybody completely" Staff, Reyson singing to my Nihilians, and a lot of supports, I took her down rather easilly. It pretty much boiled down, after everyone had beaten the aura into submission, having Shinon double her twice, having Ilyana hit her once for good measure, and having Ike go ape on her.
Lucien in Fable II is the easiest I've ever fought. By far. I wonder is he can even be comsidered a boss.
All you have to do is hold that legendary music box (which one didn't even have to fight anthing for) up to Lucien, it attacks him and stops him from activating the Spire, then he gets angry, starts a long, boring monologue, then Reaver gets bored and shoots Lucien, and the game ends after a ridiculously one-sided choice.
Agreeing with some of the other posters, Imperator Ix of Sonic Chronicles fell easily in his final battle. Maybe his super-powered form is the weakest out of all of them? All he really gets is glowing eyes and an aura, while everyone else becomes a huge hulking monster or mecha.
The last Boss in the World Ends With You (forgot the name). I'm suprised he was so easy, since the four or five before it were incredibly hard.
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