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Easiest Final Bosses in video games

aaaaaargh Boswer in Super Mario Galaxy.

Not so much the easiest, I don't know the easiest, but come on. Mario has fought Bowser for years, and in the end it all culminates in a fight in a sun in the center of the universe, in a battle to save all that exists. The music is epic as well.

but despite all this he's simple. WHY IN GOD'S FUCKING NAME DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO EASY IT'S SO FRUSTRATING AAAARGH come on give me a challenge for such an epic battle

if I ever make a video game, it'll have a final boss that is so unbelievably hard that I'll get hundreds of letters complaining about it
Crimson Helm in Okami.
He's easy and SUPER fun to fight IMO.

Oh yeah, and Petey Piranha in Mario & Luigi Partners in Time.
The Red/Blue Elite Four were wimpy... the only way I can imagine anyone having any trouble with them is if they were playing through the game for the first time. And even then, they'd have to be very underleveled or not buy any items or something like that.

I don't get why G/S/C's Elite Four gets so much hate even though it's not nearly as pathetic as Red/Blue's... yeah, it's lower leveled, but there's an easy solution to that: don't overlevel.
The last one left in space invaders is overrated.


Also, for some reason, I've found most of the Elite 4s except for the most recent (Damn you and your balanced team, Cynthia!) to be very easy, and I never over-level.

There's also the final boss of Big's Story in Sonic Adventure. Good God, it lasts like five goddamn seconds!
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If I had to choose, it would probably have to be Metal Overlord. Don't get me wrong, the battle's epic, but if you can avoid his attacks and build up enough Team Blasts, then he's a snap
Now that I think of it, Egg Dealer in Shadow the Hedgehog was pretty easy, you just had to run after it and hit it three times, and then get a bunch of rings, get chaos blast fully charged or he'd hit himself. It was pretty fun thought. :L
Another one is the last robot in Doomsday Zone. All you have to do is ram it while dodging a few bombs and keeping a high amount of rings.
I'm talking about after the robot that you kill by tricking it into hitting itself with missiles. The red one carrying the master emerald. You just have to keeping ramming it until it dies.
If this counts, Olimar in Brawl's All-Star mode. You've just defeated 6 Pokemon, then you face some weak little alien guy XD

Or the Final Boss (not nonaggression) in Sonic Advance 3. Just use Cream and Knuckles and press B every few seconds and you've won XD
Crimson Helm in Okami.

What. A. Pushover. I dread to think what the final showdown with Orochi will be like...
Crimson Helm in Okami.

What. A. Pushover. I dread to think what the final showdown with Orochi will be like...

Just as easy - Kitsune Ninetails is the only boss in Okami that is of any major difficulty - the Devil Gate Challenges are far more challenging. The only thing that makes Orochi more difficult than Crimson Helm is the fact that you don't have the extra eight godhood shields at the beginning (although, even when you fight Crimson Helm again at the Ark of Yamato, without the extra health, he's still easy as hell).

Also - I can't believe I didn't put this earlier - Majora in...well, Majora's Mask; equip the Fierce Deity Mask, then press B a few times. Boom, evil spirit explodes. Now go watch the ending.
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