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Educational Funding Disparity?

Uh, I was actually trying to point out that "horrible schools in gang zones" don't apply to Superbird, whose school district is the topic of the discussion right now. I'm not trying say that all schools in gang zones are good or there are no terrible schools.

Oh, sorry. I figured we were just talking about school districts in general... since a thread concerning one school district would be kind of silly? The thread just happened to start with Superbird's complaint about his school district because that's where the derailing from the Political Compass thread began. >; I think that's what most people have in mind too, I wasn't the only person who got the impression I got from that combination of quotes.

@ Superbird: Uh, I think you've lost me. Are you saying that even schools in gang zones are about as good as schools that aren't in gang zones... because even if the kids' grades suck horribly they're way better at sports or arts or something to make up for it?...
Because, uh, where I live we don't even have gang zones and there are still huge differences between the schools as far as quality and infrastructure and grades and stuff go, even accounting for... sports and arts... they're just kind of terrible in general compared to others.
@ Superbird: Uh, I think you've lost me. Are you saying that even schools in gang zones are about as good as schools that aren't in gang zones... because even if the kids' grades suck horribly they're way better at sports or arts or something to make up for it?...
Because, uh, where I live we don't even have gang zones and there are still huge differences between the schools as far as quality and infrastructure and grades and stuff go, even accounting for... sports and arts... they're just kind of terrible in general compared to others.

This is why I never go to Serious business anymore.I suck at saying things.

Sorry for confusing you. What I sorta meant was that it's pretty much the same teaching quality everywhere, and where you go really depends on what extracurricular activities the school is good with.

Their argument is also "I don't want my kid riding the bus because it's unsafe". Most people I've talked to, and myself as well, don't even notice anything except it takes longer to get home.
Oh, sorry. I figured we were just talking about school districts in general... since a thread concerning one school district would be kind of silly? The thread just happened to start with Superbird's complaint about his school district because that's where the derailing from the Political Compass thread began. >; I think that's what most people have in mind too, I wasn't the only person who got the impression I got from that combination of quotes.

This is the reason I don't post at Serious Business anymore because I fail at making coherent statements :(
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