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Edward Scissorhands


It's feeding time
I watched the above movie today.


Edward ;_;

In all seriousness, I have never been one for movies and I have never been. But today I was at a friends small birthday party, as it was only him, me and two other guys. We decided to watch a movie, and they chose Edward Scissorhands. I just rolled with it as there was not much else to do.

Turns out I actually enjoyed the movie. It's a funny yet tragic tale of a peculiar man trying to fit into an everyday society. Johnny Depp managed to make Edward into a remarkably sympathetic character, too.

Does anyone else have an opinion on the film?
This was a really interesting movie. What I enjoyed most of all was the setting, above even some of the characters. Such stark, eerily perfect neighborhoods...
Yeah, definitely an enjoyable movie. The setting and atmosphere was just perfect.
I wrote an analysis of the first scene for my film studies class a couple of years ago. I think my favorite part is the way it establishes the cheery suburb setting and makes it completely creepy.

That said, Edward is also pretty adorable and it's generally entertaining. I haven't watched it for a while so I'm not sure I can call it a favorite without seeing it again, but I definitely do like it.
I love this movie :3

Especially for the pastel colored setting.

And for once Johnny Depp gets to be adorable

[cue "what he can't be! not after I saw Sweeney Todd D:"]
I've always found this movie dull and boring, but that's probably because of whatever the opposite of nostalgia is.
I remember seeing this movie, and I loved it. It was just epic seeing Edward try to fit into the society, and how he liked that girl...
so sympathetic. <3
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