Somewhere in Asber, there is a vast tract of grassland arbitrarily reserved for only those trainers who have been members of the league for longer than anyone else. Today, for the first time in living memory, two veteran trainers take to this field for a momentous battle being broadcast all throughout Asber. For a while there is debate as to whether the referee, not even having been a member of the League for two measly years, should be allowed to set foot in this sacrosanct place, but since someone has to oversee this battle, he is allowed in as a very special exception.
Once everyone has taken their place on the battlefield and the TV equipment has started rolling, the veteran trainers get ready to send out their Pokémon. Zhorken takes the first pick, opting to open with Enver the Buneary, and Effercon sends out their Cryogonal, Frost. Then as soon as commands are given and the announcer finishes their introductory prologue to the viewers at home, the battle begins!
Effercon (

Frost (X)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 100% | Energy: 100%
Mood: looking creepy.
Status: none
Hail ~ Blizzard/Confuse Ray ~ Blizzard/Confuse Ray
Zhorken (

Enver (M)
Ability: Klutz
Health: 100% | Energy: 100%
Mood: suffering a nasty bout of stage fright.
Status: none
Sunny Day ~ Jump Kick ~ Jump Kick
Frost scans the field with his freaky, glowing eyes. It's way too bright and sunny here for his liking, and he decides something needs to be done about it. His body shimmers with a pale blue aura, and the clouds suddenly become thick and grey, rolling in to block the sun and cast a dreary gloom over the field. Then, huge hailstorms the size of apples come soaring down from the sky and slamming into the ground, rather sparsely at first but soon becoming incredibly heavy, causing every human in the vicinity to duck for cover. Frost, however, gives the closest approximation to a smile a Cryogonal can give; now
this is an arena fit for an Ice-type. Enver, however, is less than impressed, as he tries frantically to manoeuvre out of the way of the murderous clumps of ice launching down upon him. He's certainly not keen on letting Frost get an elemental advantage over him, and in any case these hailstones are going to damage one of those expensive-looking TV machines if this carries on much longer. Pressing his paws together, he produces a small orb of warm, glowing red light, which floats out of his grasp and soars skywards, disappearing into the thick, nebulous sheet of dark grey clouds far above. A sudden burst of light erupts from the sky shortly afterwards, banishing the hail clouds and raining blinding sunshine onto the field below.
While everyone else present rather enjoys the pleasantly warm climate, Frost grimaces and curses its lack of appendages to shield its eyes from the sun with. Its hailstorm can't be gone already! That's just not fair! Desperate to do something to take the edge off the sweltering heat, it breathes out a sparkling cloud of freezing-cold breath, which swirls around the arena scooping up the quickly-melting hailstones left over. Then the breeze grows stronger, whipping around Enver in a tornado of ice, snow and freezing cold air. The vortex flings Enver around brutally and slams huge clumps of ice into his body at high speed, eventually petering out and flinging the battered, freezing, traumatised little bunny to the ground. Eventually, Enver gathers his wits, and springs back onto his feet to retaliate, sprinting in Frost's direction with a furious snarl. The Cryogonal flinches away from his advance, but feels no subsequent impact; confused, it scans the area for Enver, unable to spot him anywhere. Hearing an enraged cry from above it, Frost looks up just in time for Enver to collide feet-first with its face, springing away from his foe and landing neatly on the ground. Frost, meanwhile, is sent crashing to the ground from the impact, caught completely off guard by its suddenness and left bewildered and racked with pain.
Despite the weather still not being very conducive to his wintry antics, Frost elects to repay Enver's beating with another whirlwind of ice, shrouding the arena in frigid mist quickly before the last of the hail can melt away. Strong, freezing winds rush into the field from an unknown source, scooping up Enver and hurling him to and fro, slamming him into everything at hand and dumping ice and snow over him. Again, the winds die out just as suddenly as they picked up, flinging Enver into the air one last time and sending him tumbling into a pile of hailstones. This time however, he is caught much less off guard, and immediately bounds up into the air with his foot extended towards Frost. He hurtles down from the air and deals a lightning-fast kick with all the momentum he can muster, again hopping away gracefully while Frost is slammed painfully into the ground below. It starts up its levitation again with a groan of misery, leering furiously at his opponent, who even in the bright sunshine is still shivering slightly from the intense cold of two subsequent Blizzards.
Effercon (

Frost (X)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 63% | Energy: 79%
Mood: not digging the weather.
Status: none
Hail ~ Blizzard ~ Blizzard
Zhorken (

Enver (M)
Ability: Klutz
Health: 70% | Energy: 74%
Mood: basking in the sun to warm up from those Blizzards.
Status: none
Sunny Day ~ Jump Kick ~ Jump Kick
~ the sun is out (3 more actions).
~ the first Jump Kick was a critical hit.
~ Zhorken attacks
~ Effercon attacks