out of touch thursday
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Hey guys I survived my AP are you proud of me
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Hey guys I survived my AP are you proud of me
Hey guys I survived my AP are you proud of me
Hey guys I survived my AP are you proud of me
holy shit congrats
the APs are grueling
also I have consulted the people to see what my vote is. here is what they say:
Vote: Music Dragon
hey panini what do you think of sandstone now
mm. my strongest town reads at the moment are you, chem, and hiikaru. basically because, yeah, you guys are basically just playing the game and offering some amount of analysis, which honestly is more than you have to do to evade suspicion, given that this is a meme game. i'm a bit more strong on you and chem there since hiikaru has mostly just talked about fruit or expressed reads that i'm assuming are sort of jokey or wishwashy (i think), but like. that's still quite a lot better than what most people are doing, so i'm less inclined to view him warily than i am others.
you asked her about her actions and stuff, right? reading back is a bit of a hassle on mobile
okay I'm caught up and wow, I... know nothing. this was so much random shitpost lol, ice work everyone!
my n1 randomized action was to use redirect on RNP, and n2 was to use swap on Manti. I also have the same census ability that Butterfree seems to have claimed to use?! can we have duplicates? I suppose so since it'd be a really oddly specific thing to make up.
also, somehow n1 I was informed that Keldeo's alignment was "lol keldeo."
also I don't have any fruit. guys. I like fruit.
what people
out of thread communication???!!!?! eifie!! eiiifiiiieeee!you know, the People Steve Harvey always has on hand for this kind of stuff.
Sandstone can you explain how your redirect works please? Is it straight up whoever you target or your target's target or a random Target or what have you?
oh huh. why don't people just make it at home all the time then
2 more hours for two truths and a lie pls play
yeah! It says "once per night, you can redirect the actions of your target to themself." Did he say what he did? I'm too lazy to check...