out of touch thursday
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Thought: I also have a one-use dayvig shot I won from the SHEEP event. If we decide on a suspect, I can shoot them (leaving five townies) and if we're wrong we're still able to pick someone else to lynch after that, compared to if we just lynch wrong and then lose with the mafia kill.
"god you guys, this is like the movies where everyone's in a room and everyone's got a loaded gun and we're moving the gun to point at whoever we're talking to
*places guacamole on table in middle of room* u must put down your gun before you eat the guacamole
i thought i'd answered this before but here's the deets on my save
- night save
- target is always randomized (i can choose to use it; i cannot choose its target)
- could not use it the first night (idk why this might be pertinent but it's in the info i have)
- has been used only once; i wanted to use it on N1 but changed my mind when i found out i couldn't choose the target, which in retrospect is dumb because the randomizing chances for town is better earlier on.
i haven't posted this part before, i think: last night, i forgot to submit an action and save was the action chosen for me, which ended up landing on qva.
this is why i was so >:l when someone first said that i targeted myself, because at that point we hadn't posted all the redirecting stuff and i had no idea why someone would say i'd done that aside from possibly running with my old idea that my investigate action only returns myself as a bastard thing (this action returns a randomized person, apparently including myself, from the list of people who targeted my target at night) and maybe hoping i wasn't going to post. which is very paranoid but i'm never paranoid at the right time
i hope i don't get killed for saying serious things
i vote for butterfree to use her daykill
the person i most distrust right now is ils, i guess
either way i think having us control two kills instead of the mafia having one gives us a statistically better chance of survival + we'll get info from whoever dies
theory: the mafia killed manti specifically so that they could frame the inactive players
A shot rings out!
I liek Squirtles has died. He was:
[hide=I liek Squirtles' role]You are Leaf Robot and you are a member of the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
does this mean that ils's clear of qva is good