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English Platium announced!

Darn it, they changed Pluto's name. I know Disney could sue, but at least they didn't have to make his name something stupid. Hopefully it isn't final.

It's not "something stupid". It's the name of Pluto's moon. And I personally think it sounds a lot more villainous than "Pluto". :/
Eh, Charon's an awesome name.

But....LOOKER. Handsome would've been an AWESOME NAME!!!

Yay! I should mark it on the calendar.
I'm cool with Charon, but I have to agree that 'Looker' is pretty stupid.

Totally saving some Christmas money just for this.
A month -5 days after mine. My Birthday is Feb 27.

I want to get it just because it has Origin Giratina. OwO

Origin Gira is coolies. O.O
Not that I didn't like Gira before, once Origin Gira came out He's my second favorite. :D

And, um, yes, I do think Looker is the stupidest name ever. :/
Muuuuh, I hate it when games I want to play come out in the US... I really want to import things so I can play them now, but that'll increase sales in North America and be one less game sold in Europe, meaning Nintendo/games companies in general will see Europe as a less important audience and will care even less about bringing games out over here (I'm looking at you, Tales of Studios and whoever thought it was a good idea to bring out Trials and Tribulations nearly a year after Apollo Justice).
Yeah! Announcements!

For Arceus's sake. though... LOOKER? That sounds waaay more dirty than Handsome. I think we have a contender for a new slot on the in-game humor page!

Corrupting childrens minds is serious business.
I think it is about time they announced the date. But I wish it was coming out earlier because that is right before band/solo contest. Then if I do as well as I plan the solo contest will last until finals...

There's some of the Platinum sprites. OMG Garchomp and Lucario look so awesome <3333

Btw, there's an Australian store called Gametraders who often imports games from America. They even got Brawl here with a freeloader o.o

Chances are they'll import the US version considering handhelds aren't region-locked so we'll have it at the same tmie you guys have it =D
Meanwhile, us Brits will be left in the dark for a couple more centuries.
I think Pluto sounds more kids cartoon evil scientist than Charon. Plus it fits better with the name theme (Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto see what I mean? They're not in order though...) Charon actually sounds like an evil scientist name. I like Handsome better than Looker though. Handsome actually sounds like a name, but Looker does not.
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