• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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New member
Err...Hi...Well I guess you can tell I'm a bit shy. Anyways, you can call me Athena, thats not my real name, but I use this name online or on my pokemon games. I'm a big fan of Ninetails, as you can tell by my username and I love to draw all kinds of pokemon.
Well. I was browsing some pokemon pics and i went to this site at random, and they gave a link to this place. I looked here and it seems like a nice place. But I'll probably wount be on as much, do to the fact I need to work on my English more.
I'm part Mexican. Mom and dad got hooked up together in Mexico, dad's American, and we just barly moved here and I know some English. So please don't make fun of me if i miss spell a world or that my writing isn't so great.
Welcome, Nintales lover, to TCoD. I'm Kai, and you'll mainly see me around the artwork forum and it's sub-forums.
Welcome, have a horribly drawn robot!
Welcome, I'm your official predicted welcomer.

I'll give you...a Ninetales plushie!

Ninetales/Vulpix are my favorite Pokemon right now but Eevee and Skitty are usually first~
Welcome! If you like to draw, you should check out the art section. You could make an art thread if you want.
Hi! I'm Raichu Grunt and I have nothing to give you so i'll just welcome you and wish you luck. *Steals purse* Hey i'll give you some money instead! Better than a cat plushie
Eeveeskitty- If only i can convince my younger sister >_< she hates doing art work

Raichu Grunt- Its nice to meet you Raichu Grunt. Thank you for the.....uh...I don't know how to phrase this but hey, its a try: Thanks for the wish of luck. You know, the funnyest thing is I have a Raichu on one of my pokemon games, and his name is Grunt.
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