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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Euh... hi.


Super Moderator
Hello! I'm... sort of new to this incarnation of the forums, I guess? I was around before the forum crash, but kind of became inactive and faded away... I think it was at least a year ago. I missed the feeling of having a place to go to, though, so I'm back. The release of Platinum has helped to rekindle my Pokemon interest, too. Most of you probably won't remember me so I won't go out of my way to tell you who I am/was, but it's fine if you figure it out.

I like spriting, drawing, reading fantasy novels, playing Final Fantasy XI and of course, Pokemon. Kangaskhan is my favorite. ^^
I vaguely remember your username, but perhaps you could show us some of your sprites? That might jog my memory.

Anyways, welcome back.
I vaguely remember your username, but perhaps you could show us some of your sprites? That might jog my memory.

Anyways, welcome back.

The game is afoot! :B


I entered this one in a sprite competition once I think. (speaking of, looks like they didn't make it through the forum crash. I liked them. :( )

Imageshack'd so you can't cheat off the URL, bwahaha.
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Welcome back~ Yeah I get that feeling too. ,x3
So what's platinum like? rofl

Fun tiems.
You can walk with your starters in that Amity Park place (yes that's major for me), and some of the new sprites are super-cute (only some though... Bidoof managed to get uglier). And the Wifi minigames are fun, as is cooking poffins with other people over Wifi... Which is great, since baked alone they suck and I have no friends IRL. ...That play Pokemon.
Even that is almost rendered obsolete by the poffins you an buy in Veilstone now, though. They're 6.4k a pop but they're level 32-20. Way better than I can do. Maybe I just suck.

I just hit Veilstone and Pastoria today (managed to forget both of those cities have gyms) so I haven't tried out the new battle frontier and new stuff like that yet, but I can tell you it sure sounds fun.
Awesomeness ;D

I'm saving up for Platy just because of the Torn World and Wi-Fi Plaza, but now that I know about those features...

Anyways, I'm Mewtwo, nice to meet you! I signed up before the crash, but literally never posted. Then I read something about a "forum crash" which jogged my memory of this place. So I signed up again, this time posting, and now I'm a regular.
Welcome to the forums.

How short. Yet heartily repeated.

What fantasy authors are you interested in, Alraunne? May I call you Al? Or do you have another preference?

I'm sorry if I can't really get into the pokemon discussion that's already taking place here. My interest in the games waned with the advent of the DS, since I'm too poor to afford it, and the cartoon, in my opinion, sucks badly.

That said, it's hard to make a decent plot from a game that is mostly about strategy, with only the merest frosting of storyline to get it started.
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone. ^^

Naomi Novik is one of my favorite authors, but I've read some Anne McCaffery too... and who didn't read Eragon when they were 12? (It's probably obvious by now I'm a huge fan of dragons) I don't like it so much now, but back in the day it's what got me into reading books with more than 100 pages... actually, the number of fantasy books is rather small, but I've enjoyed just about every one I've read, and appreciate recommendations. xP I liked Howl's Moving Castle, I want to pick up more stuff by that author...

And, Alraunne is my character's name on Final Fantasy XI, so "Al" or "Rau" is fine. That's what people usually shorten it to.
Al it is. :)

I never really liked Ms McCaffrey's work. I just never really seemed to get into it. I do recommend Terry Pratchett, however, and the book titled 'Guards Guards'. It has several dragons in it.

It's a metaphor of human bloody existence, a dragon. And if that wasn't bad enough, it's also a bloody great hot flying thing.

-- Captain Vimes ponders his problems (Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!)

Naturally, I also recommend Stephen King, but who doesn't these days?
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Ah, Stephen King. Smack dab on the cover of Naomi Novik's first book is,
"Terrifically entertaining." - Stephen King
I did get The Eyes of the Dragon in seventh grade, but Mom took it and said she wanted to read it first because she didn't remember how it went and she thought it might be a little... over my head. She never did give it back. I need to find it. ._.

I've only gotten to The White Dragon in Anne McCaffery's books (that's like the third one?), then I misplaced the book and kinda lost interest. I think Naomi Novik's fifth book came out around the same time I picked up The White Dragon so that kinda helped me never finish it. I like the concept of the books but I've heard the more recent ones are really suckish.

I'll have to look for Guards! Guards! next time I get out. From that quote, it sounds... amusing. xP
Welcome! Call me Alakazam! I look forward to talking with you. Stop by my profile if you want to be friends. :)
Oh, it's very amusing. Especially the Daring Escape from the destruction of a building, straight into a dunny. Naturally, I've left out the best bits, including the lead up to the Daring Escape, the resultant short, sharp rain, and the reason why the dragon was blowing fire at the Daring Escapers in the first place.

I have always wondered, however; if the vulnerable spot in a dragon's scales was the exact size and shape as a bran muffin, would a baker be able to kill it?
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