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[Event] Battle for Asber

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Can there be a thread devoted to strategizing? It would be helpful, I think.

ALSO, I will make themed avatars for anyone who wants them. Just toss me a VM and tell me what you want, although it should be in line with mine in that the focus is your pokémon. If there's a card you want me to use the art off of, then link it, I guess.
Mass PMing (my box might end up exploding though) along with a general discussion in this thread?

I have a general "if this works fuck yes" strategy, but it requires a bit of teamwork and general trust. It's also pretty much a two-person thing (and requires a question of mine to be answered).
Unless it's a long-term planning thing, having it hidden wouldn't serve much of a purpose, since they can just read our commands and then PM, anyway. :P A thread hidden from them would be convenient, but if that's not possible, there is always mass PM...?

Anyway, I thought of something else: the legendaries' health and energy has been increased to accommodate the fact that for each legend, there are ten battlers. However, Kratos, Pathos, and Kusari are extremely experienced, not to mention they have the advantage of effectively attacking second every time. Lowering the health and energy by a bit (75%-100% maybe? Terrible at estimating durr) seems fairer.
...I can't see how that would work. Publicizing means more time/opportunity to figure out counters. And what with people trying to counter and counters to strategies, someone might unwittingly bring up a strategy that Pathos/Kusari/Kratos wouldn't have ever thought of.

I can't think of any plans that would work better publicized.

EDIT: Add what Blazhy said to the fact that there's no damage cap.
not quite. they have scaled hp and energy, but what they don't have is action economy. they have nine moves per round. we get ninety.

now, if each pokémon uses an attack which deals 12% damage on each action, we can knock out one legendary per round.

ed: also

Latching onto this. With my haunter. He could fly me around, right?

I'm going to hide behind sreservoir, btw. He'll probably kill all of the legendary pokemon in one round with Tackle or something!

EDIT: Someone will have to do huge fanart for this.

drifloon doesn't even learn tackle I'd have to use astonish.

...I can't see how that would work. Publicizing means more time/opportunity to figure out counters. And what with people trying to counter and counters to strategies, someone might unwittingly bring up a strategy that Pathos/Kusari/Kratos wouldn't have ever thought of.

I can't think of any plans that would work better publicized.

EDIT: Add what Blazhy said to the fact that there's no damage cap.

action 1 tailwind. is much more easily abused if it's publicized, no?

He's got a valid point, nevemind
... right, I need to read better. still, that's fifteen actions versus nine. action economy is much more important than simple health and energy scaling, I think you'll find.
I'm going to stop talking now because i can't believe I forgot that.

EDIT: To any newcomers, moves that would be useful to have:

Simple Beam
Role Play
Psych Up
Me First
Rage Powder/Follow Me

An Elgyem/Beheeyem to Simple Beam teammates would be awesome. The rest mostly speaks for itself.
We might have action economy, but they have much more experience and the ability to attack second every round. Anyone who attacks second has an amazing advantage. Admittedly it'll be much more difficult to dance around 5 sets of commands instead of 1, but who knows? I bet they have stuff up their sleeves.

Regardless I suppose it's up to Negrek's judgment, in the end.
Unless it's a long-term planning thing, having it hidden wouldn't serve much of a purpose, since they can just read our commands and then PM, anyway. :P A thread hidden from them would be convenient, but if that's not possible, there is always mass PM...?

Anyway, I thought of something else: the legendaries' health and energy has been increased to accommodate the fact that for each legend, there are ten battlers. However, Kratos, Pathos, and Kusari are extremely experienced, not to mention they have the advantage of effectively attacking second every time. Lowering the health and energy by a bit (75%-100% maybe? Terrible at estimating durr) seems fairer.

The PMing thing definitely should be evened out, in my opinion; they already have advantages enough. Whether you just forgot to mention it or not, they also have an inherent +2 and an amazing movepool.

Although we do have quite a few advantages, they have a lot of things too.

(Just... ignore the experience thing, everyone; it's actually not that bad to be battling Kratos and it doesn't matter that much! Being around for a long time doesn't automatically make you this scary horrendous awesome person and yes I am just saying this because of the tournament. :P)
Look how small you all are down there! I can barely see you! Very tiny and insignificant!

I knew it was gonna be cool being stronger than everything, but... wow, this is cool!

And check this out! I'm a bloody genius now!

  1. DarkAura - Froslass (F) Snow Cloak
  2. HighMoon - Rotom (X) Levitate
  3. Coloursfall - Togekiss (M) Serene Grace
  4. Grass King - Metagross (X) Clear Body
  5. Chief Zackrai - Gliscor (M) Hyper Cutter
  6. Superbird - Ditto (X) Limber
  7. Windyragon - Rotom (X) Levitate (fridge form)
  8. Metallica Fanboy - Butterfree (M) Compoundeyes
  9. Mai - Accelgor (M) Hydration
  10. Denryu - Skarmory (M) Keen Eye
  11. Legendaryseeker99 - Lampent (M) Flash Fire
  12. Mawile - Gallade (M) Steadfast
  13. ole_schooler - Aerodactyl (F) Pressure
  14. The Omskivar - Vespiquen (F) Pressure
  15. bulbasaur - Delibird (F) Vital Spirit
  16. sreservoir - Drifloon (F) Unburden
  17. Derpy - Cottonee (M) Prankster
  18. Chiropter - Carnivine (F) Levitate
  19. RK-9 - Skarmory (M) Keen Eye
  20. Lord of the Fireflies - Altaria (F) Natural Cure
  21. Blastoise Fortooate - Haunter (M) Levitate
  22. Effercon - Cryogonal (X) Levitate
  23. Wargle - Spiritomb (M) Pressure
  24. Whirlpool - Murkrow (M) Super Luck
  25. RespectTheBlade - Druddigon (F) Sheer Force
  26. blazheirio889 - Swellow (F) Guts
  27. Skylark - Sableye (F) Keen Eye
  28. Barubu - Bronzong (X) Levitate
  29. Crazy Linoone - Porygon-Z (X) Download
  30. Byrus - Mr. Mime (M) Filter
  31. Control of Dialga - Volcarona (F) Swarm
  32. Sunflower - Rufflet (M) Keen Eye
  33. Zora of Termina - Zoritsune (F) Cute Charm (dex)
  34. Phantom - Aerodactyl (M) Rock Head
  35. Dar - Masquerain (F) Intimidate
  36. K'yoril - Togekiss (M) Serene Grace
That's a list of all the people I'm going to kill next!

(Sign-ups closed.)
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We might have action economy, but they have much more experience and the ability to attack second every round. Anyone who attacks second has an amazing advantage. Admittedly it'll be much more difficult to dance around 5 sets of commands instead of 1, but who knows? I bet they have stuff up their sleeves.

Regardless I suppose it's up to Negrek's judgment, in the end.

well, yes. and darkrai does have that dark void.

which makes an A1 taunt on it a pretty high priority, I'd say.
I'm going to stop talking now because i can't believe I forgot that.

EDIT: To any newcomers, moves that would be useful to have:

Simple Beam
Role Play
Psych Up
Me First
Rage Powder/Follow Me

An Elgyem/Beheeyem to Simple Beam teammates would be awesome. The rest mostly speaks for itself.

Wouldn't simple beam just make the legendaries have +4? I'm probably doing this wrong, but. Entrainment might be better, especially if you have a rather useless ability!
I did forget to mention the inherent +2. :P Actually, having commanded legendaries myself, some don't have the most amazing movepools - Mewtwo's is terrifying, sure, but Darkrai's is a bit lacking - dunno about Giratina-O. Regardless, some non-legends have equally terrifying movepools. Too bad no-one has a Clefable.
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