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[Event] Battle for Asber

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Wouldn't simple beam just make the legendaries have +4? I'm probably doing this wrong, but. Entrainment might be better, especially if you have a rather useless ability!

tbh I don't think either would be useful because pressure is a pretty crap ability, bad dreams is really quite situational (and not all that great either), and levitate ... hey, would getting rid of giratina's levitate cause it to crash and die?
My Butterfree has that covered.

Coupled with Iron Defense, whether that be useful or not.

Iron Defense is going to be useful as hell but not for teamwork. I was thinking Rage Powder/Follow Me more on something that can wall at the very least the legendaries' STABs, or something that can take a lot of hits regardless.

Yeah, I've got Tailwind on my Beedrill, but hey, who doesn't have Tailwind at the same time as being able to fly...

EDIT: @ Mai, Simple Beam changes the ability to Simple, it doesn't automatically double the stat boosts the Pokemon already has. If say you use Simple Beam on an ally's, oh I dunno...Beedrill...hint hint, then Swords Dance would put it at +4 Attack. As long as you don't use it on a Legendary, it won't affect them.

Seriously though Me First on a STAB Giratina attack...well you really can't get better than that.
I did forget to mention the inherent +2. :P Actually, having commanded legendaries myself, some don't have the most amazing movepools - Mewtwo's is terrifying, sure, but Darkrai's is a bit lacking - dunno about Giratina-O. Regardless, some non-legends have equally terrifying movepools. Too bad no-one has a Clefable.

you have to admit, FMC's togekiss does also have a scary large movepool.

also giratina-o's isn't great, either. mewtwo just gets all the awesome by being a gen 1 psychic.
Yup, normal types for the win. iirc Clefable has the largest movepool, though. And it can also consentually hover. Ah, well, nothing to be done about that.

About Giratina: I asked whether having Levitate removed from the Lati twins would cause them to plop to the ground, but Negrek said to treat them as inherently hovering, anyway. I'd assume that goes the same for Giratina.
Hey you guys I have an idea! Democracy due to indecisiveness!

I'm using either Tuft or Kaleidoscope for the battle; what do you all think? Each are pretty cool in their own way but I'm torn between tinted lens and "FASTER THAN THE LEGENDARIES".
Iron Defense is going to be useful as hell but not for teamwork. I was thinking Rage Powder/Follow Me more on something that can wall at the very least the legendaries' STABs, or something that can take a lot of hits regardless.
And that's where the ends meet: Iron Defense would help taking hits, theorically.

That's, though, not accounting for the fact that most of the enemy volleys will be special, and the fact that they have inherent 2+ boosts.
Me First will probably be a very valuable asset, and though Illumise has a better movepool, particularly in support, I'm pretty sure others will be able to cover for that. Accelgor also has Acid Spray.
Well if you think about it what Special attacks are going to be launched at a Butterfree? Mewtwo's really the only one I can think of that has anything Special to hit it with, namely Thunderbolt or a Fire attack (which I'm not even sure it gets but I'm too lazy to check). I'm making a huge assumption that they'll be going for SE hits here, but either way.

I didn't put Rage Powder and Iron Defense together, though.
....Did I really just claim the last spot.


Alright, strategizing time! We should have a lot of Dark, Ghost, and Bug pokemon around because two of the legendaries are weak to each type. Large movepools on our parts don't really matter, unless they're supporting moves.

Also, having someone who can status would be great.
Me First will probably be a very valuable asset, and though Illumise has a better movepool, particularly in support, I'm pretty sure others will be able to cover for that. Accelgor also has Acid Spray.

Shhh my strategy is no longer a secret >(

... I might as well say it; I was planning to re-enact my first round in the tournament (except with less failure). With -4 special defense, giga drain deals 18% damage a hit :D

That's assuming darkrai or mewtwo, though, and pretending psych up is not a thing that exists.
Unless I fail at counting, we have 9 ghost/dark/bug Pokemon, so that's good.

Pretty sure many of us can status, so we've got that covered. I need someone to status my Swellow - preferably with Toxic, since I doubt I will last very long - and perhaps some people to Psych Up attack boosts from. Also, if I arrive late in the battle, it'd be nice if I had a Mewtwo or Darkrai to savage, since my awesome Facade won't do much to Giratina.
Well if you think about it what Special attacks are going to be launched at a Butterfree? Mewtwo's really the only one I can think of that has anything Special to hit it with, namely Thunderbolt or a Fire attack (which I'm not even sure it gets but I'm too lazy to check). I'm making a huge assumption that they'll be going for SE hits here, but either way.
That's the problem: most of what they'd be trying to hit my Butterfree with would be special super-effective attacks, not to mention that they have powerful special STAB.

That said, though, if it wasn't for the fact that we'll always be commanding first, Rage Powder + Iron Defense would be effective for the intents and purposes of blocking Psybreak or whatever Mewtwo's new signature move was called.
Shhh my strategy is no longer a secret >(

... I might as well say it; I was planning to re-enact my first round in the tournament (except with less failure). With -4 special defense, giga drain deals 18% damage a hit :D

That's assuming darkrai or mewtwo, though, and pretending psych up is not a thing that exists.

Going by Negrek's current scale, it'd do around 12% damage with -4 sp. def, if I'm not mistaken (just did the calculation on the spot, so it may be wrong). Regardless, it still sounds nice.

Well I've got Ominous Wind, Faint Attack, and Tailwind, not to mention Bug moves, and probably Bug Buzz by the time I get out there. Also Toxic, Giga Drain, Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Focus Energy, Taunt, Mimic, all the good stuff.

You know what's gonna be a bitch? Swift. That means pretty much no Double Teaming.
To contribute to all of the strategy talk, I'll admit that the main reason I'm using my Skarmory is simply to use Metal Sound on everything. Skarmory can't really do much against any of them offensively, so weakening them for you guys to kill them with fire is my main goal.
Alrighty, I'm going with Death Canyon the Porygon-Z because Porygons are awesome and you can never have too many of them.

Question: Will using Trick Room allow us trainers to command second?

Also, for those of you whose attacking pokemon don't have an hold item, it might be a good idea to get one.
getting off telekinesis + sleep on something shouldn't be overly difficult; a few thunder waves should deal with the speed nicely. togekiss is quite capable of follow me.


Well I've got Ominous Wind, Faint Attack, and Tailwind, not to mention Bug moves, and probably Bug Buzz by the time I get out there. Also Toxic, Giga Drain, Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Focus Energy, Taunt, Mimic, all the good stuff.

You know what's gonna be a bitch? Swift. That means pretty much no Double Teaming.

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