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Favorite Fictional Weapon

Happy ray from spore. Come on, it's the coolest weaon ever. You shoot it at people and they like you! ^^

That or the planet buster..but I haven't unlocked it yet.
*hopes this isn't too old to bump*

Can we include weapons we made up ourselves? If so, I'm going with the idea me and some other guy had in History last year of an enormous flapjack you drop on stuff. It's especially deadly because you can nibble it into the exact shape of whatever you want to destroy, leaving anything you don't want hurt completely intact.
If the fangs of a vampire count as a weapon, that's it. Or one of those fancy Halo guns~
The stakegun from Painkiller. Nailing folks to walls never gets old. Secondary fire is a grenade launcher, a good complement. A stake that hits a grenade in-flight will turn into a flaming stake. >:D

Crossbow in HL2 gets a honorable mention for also nailing people to stuff.

The shotgun from Painkiller. Primary fire, it's a shotgun. Secondary fire, it freezes people. Devious. >:D

Gravity gun. Not so much as a weapon, more as a toy. ^_^

Plasma sword is way more elegant than the gravity hammer. But the gravity hammer is just... well, it throws things around.

Lightning gun, Unreal Tournament 2004. It's worse than the sniper rifle, but for whatever reason, I love everything about it.

Bombchus! No explaination needed.

Cryssie said:
For some reason, the Frostmourne comes to mind (that page breaks my heart every time I look at it - I waaaannnnttt ;;). I don't even know all that much about it, but it came to mind and it is pretty kickass as fantasy swords go. *Dribble.*
All the runeblades (Warcraft universe here) are pretty cool looking. But I'd be the guy passing them out, wouldn't want to wield one. ^_~
If the fangs of a vampire count as a weapon, that's it. Or one of those fancy Halo guns~

Fancy... Halo guns? What? The Plasma Rifle? The Brute Shotgun? The Needler? The Spartan Laser? The Spiker? Waaay too many to say "Fancy Halo guns".

I can't believe nobody's mention the Sentry from TF2. Freaking amazing thing.
Plasma Rifle and Needler. I like those two. The names escaped me; I used to watch my brother play the games all the time. I only played once or twice, and he always killed me.

^This one.
I'd want items that improve my own abilities. Like sweet-ass shoes that increase my endurance, speed, agility and kicking ability :3 Or gloves that let me shoot flame, or use telekensis...

Screw it, give me some super-suit that I can wear under my own clothes. And not get uber sweaty in.
The Deck Brush. Just... the Deck Brush. (Arche <3)

Outside of Tales joke weapons (spoons, magazines, etc.), I -really- like the Needlers from Halo. Sit behind a ledge or something, wait for someone to come by, and fill 'em full of explosive needles. Ah, good times~ :3
my favorite is brisingr from the book brisingr i mean come on! when you say its name it bursts into flame. i garantee that that is how eragon will kill galbatorix.
I'm changing mine to the Shish Kebab from Fallout 3.

Or the Fat Man. A gun that shoots nukes is inherently awesome.
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