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Favorite Fictional Weapon

"Sword-chucks, yo!"

The Arc Edge, from a game that no one's ever heard of, yet is still awesome.

The game is Threads of Fate/Dewprism if you want to know.
The Shadow Sword

>.> What? Sure, I made it up, but it is still fictional, so it still counts

:3 Living Swords with a poison that can make you die from insanity = win
The master sword, a lightsaber, that awesome sword Ganondorf has in TP, and that Dagger of Time thing in Prince of Persia.
The Tentacle from Disgaea. Because it's item description is "Useful for groping all sorts of places! <3" X3
Minnow said:
"Sword chucks, yo!"

The Keyblade also ranks high, as do Pokemon if they count. And Lulu's moggle plushies~

Oh Snap! Danni Knows Disgaea! And Lulu's mog dolls are awesome. Hmmm... Fire emblem Radiant Dawn, Sanaki's cymbeline is cool.
and minnow knows 8-bit theatre!
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Why does the Gravity Gun get no love? It's a pretty neat device.
Weapons don't always have to kill people directly.
Though there is something to be said about tossing circular sawblades at people with it.
Why does the Gravity Gun get no love? It's a pretty neat device.
Weapons don't always have to kill people directly.
Though there is something to be said about tossing circular sawblades at people with it.


Gravity Gun sounds like <3
Super Gravity Gun is better.

I just love punting everything possible and destroying all of the screens and computer things.
The Holy Hand Grenade and the Lightsaber are the greatest weapons ever, in my opinion. Probably because I grew up attacking my cousins with both.

Nostalgia is great. It really is.
I'm sorry, I know I get annoying, but I really can't let this slide. Paolini copies his magic system directly, and I do mean directly, from the Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin, and I'm sure others have used variations on the theme.

I'm not saying it's an original idea - I'm saying it would be a cool weapon if you were able to use it in real life. Personally, I would love the logic challenges of linking words together and getting them to do what you want. =3
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