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Favorite Fictional Weapon

Oh yeah.

Well, the people who read it in battle were technically German speaking, as they were speaking German. They didn't die because they didn't understand it.

Wow I look into the meaning of things too much.

But that probably doesn't count, so I'd have to go with the, um... Samurai slap spear. (No, really, I dunno. That Holy Hand Grenade because everyone else says that? Sure.)

The Samurai Speeeeaaaar~

Well, it's awesome too. I mean, it was used as a murder weapon.
The Dark Alley of Wonder.

Something of my own creation. You put somebody inside it, and they come out with neither clothes nor wallet. You, on the other hand, gain both clothes and wallet. What a coincidence.
Death Star.
There's something about a space station with the power to blow up planets that intrigues me, despite its flaws.
machine gun cause i can kill anyone faster than with a dagger or anyother fictionl weapons

Err machine guns aren't fictional. Neither are daggers.

I don't have a favorite, but contenders include:

Holy hand grenade

Now some from Warhammer:
Runefang (Hit any normal man/elf/dwarf/lizard/rat/beast-thing and they die. period.)
Maiming shield (Shield with spikes to attack with - does exactly what it says on the tin)
Ratling Gun (Evil rat-men version of a machine gun with a good chance of destroying yourself when you use it)
Hochland Long Rifle (Long-range gun with sights so the user becomes a sniper)

There will be more I'm just too tired to think of them
Carpet strike as well.

Mainly because I find it funny because it says 'Mike's Carpets' on the side of the plane.

In Yorkshire there's this shop called 'Mike's Famous Carpets' that we find amusing because we've never heard of him.
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