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Favorite Fictional Weapon

the ancient language from the Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini.

I'm sorry, I know I get annoying, but I really can't let this slide. Paolini copies his magic system directly, and I do mean directly, from the Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin, and I'm sure others have used variations on the theme.

Otherwise I agree with Butterfree. So pretty. <3
Sword of 1,000 truths from the WoW (World of Warcraft) south park episode. Though the weapon doesnt actually exist in the game unles you got it from the event. But even that wasnt as powerful. :freaked:
The guitars from FLCL. Because guitars are the best weapons ever. I mean, you can hit people/monsters with them, fly on them, and even shoot bullets from them! [/fail]
In this order:

-Any Soul Cutter from Bleach, doesn't matter which
-Anything out of Zelda
-The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
I like Clouds Weapon (forgot its name D:) and the Gunblade from the Final Fantasy series.
Buster Sword.

Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch is cool, yes.

I like the box weapons in KHR. POKEMON. MAGICAL LASER-POWERED POKEMON OF THE RAINBOW. Also anything along the lines of laser swords is a++.
Favourite fictional weapon?


- Zantetsuken (Odin's sword in various FFs)
- Guren Mk-II (Karen Kozuki's Knightmare Frame in Code Geass)
- Alondite (Black Knight's sword in FE9/10)
- Double Bow (also from FE9/10)
- Rip van Winkle's gun that fires magic bullets that never miss (Hellsing OVAs)
- Battle Droids

But that probably doesn't count, so I'd have to go with the, um... Samurai slap spear. (No, really, I dunno. That Holy Hand Grenade because everyone else says that? Sure.)
"You got the Hook Shot! Its chain stretches long when you use it!"

Hookshot is the most awesome weapon conceived. It's especially cool in Awakening, where it one-hits just about every monster bar Kirbies and bosses.
The Sangraal from Stargate SG-1's pretty cool (although it is never actually seen being activated in the series) if you ask me, as are the main weapons mounted on the Ori motherships from the same series.
Screw all previous weapons mentioned; the Banana Bomb owns all.

Then, the World's Funniest Joke, even if it can only kill German-speaking people.
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