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Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

Rosie used the Revival Herbs on her Pokemon. Since they both liked Bitter food, they didn't mind. She withdrew them again after reviving them.
"No, it's okay. It's just that my Bellsprout here easily gets confused, and that puts him way off. Also his special defense is low. It's really not your fault. I should really train my team more." She frowned. "The only problem is that it's a long time until he evolves. And if only I could find a Water Stone for Shellder..."
"A Water Stone?" She thought for a while and smiled. "Tell you what? I'll help you train your Pokemon and will give you the first Water Stone I see. Training is very imporatant to me so I really wouldn't mind at all. I am also very familiar with evolution stones so I'll be very wary of our surroundings to know where to look. In return however, I expect you to be able to teach your Bellsprout how to use a very useful move. Teach him Grassknot. I hope to see it by the time he evolves." She loved helping. X)
Rosie nodded. "I guess that would be okay. If I could buy a TM Grass Knot somewhere, I could probably let him master the attack before he becomes a Weepinbell."
"Well let's go for a walk. Maybe we'll find a store that sells them." She led Rosie out of the park. "I wonder where everyone went."
Ian followed Sakura and Rosie and said,
"Hey guys, umm, i know this may not be good but well the meteorite might have some water stones or just any stone really, so I thought it would help."
Ian sank lower into his shirt, he didn't like walking there, but it was to help his friends.
"Oh, and when we get back, is anyone up for a battle?"
"Water Stone? We should definitely check it out." She continued walking, "A battle? I'm up for another one." She smiled.
"I'll go find a shop that sells them," Rosie said to Sakura. She headed off, looking outt for any larger town.
((By the way, where are we right now? As in what city?))
In the rush, Thorn had forgotten to put Zigzag back in her PokeBall. She looked overly constipated at the facial expression that meant she was bursting to say something, and she just couldn't resist herself, shouting, "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD!"
[We're in Veilstone city, so we have a large department store.]
Ian left for the Meteorites and Umbreon followed.
Rosie entered the Veilstone department store. She asked the lady at the counter, "Where do you sell the evolution stones?"
"The fourth floor," she replied, and Rosie took the elevator up.
When she arrived at the next floor in about twelve seconds, she exited, and took a right turn. There were lots of things on display, including a long, oval-shaped, dark blue stone. "How much is that?" Rosie asked the person behind the counter, pointing to it.
"A Water Stone would be $5000."
Rosie looked through her bag. I have enough. She payed the clerk, who gave her the Water Stone. She put it in her back and took the elevator down. She wanted everyone to watch Shellder evolve.
Sakura waited with her Girafarig and Stantler out. They were both snorting impatiently, wanting to witness an evolution for the first time.
Rosie stepped toward the group. She called out her Shellder.
"Stay there," Rosie told him, and placed a Water Stone next to him. He began to glow, and grew, becoming a spike-covered sphere, which opened up momentarily. "Cloyyyyster!"
Rosie sent out her Bellsprout. Bellsprout put his vine on one of Cloyster's spikes. "Bell."
Bellsprout stepped back, while Cloyster seemed to nod. He spun around, sending spikes in every direction. Luckily, none of them hit Rosie.
Ian looked on at this display, but the back of his neck prickled, he turned around fast enough to see a shadow pull back into an alleyway.
"What was that?" Ian whispered.
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