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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Swampy! Use Mudslap and make another wall!" said Patrick, barely holding on to the Swampert. Swampy made the mud wall, which was luckily holding and making the force of the winds much lighter.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

The two shields fused, as a result of the teamwork of the Pokemon, and the rain died down in the small shelter.
"Yay!!! It worked!! ...Ok, what now? Oh wait... Heat!" He released the Toaster from it's ball. Make it warm in here so we dry off~!"
"Tom, rotom!" Heat cried as he used a very weak Overheat attack.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric sighed and let go of Pikachu

"Thanks!" He smiled as he said this, glad that him and Pikachu weren't about to be blown away. He then looked at his Milotic and rushed to her. He used one of his two Revives on her. She woke up pretty quickly, and, without even being commanded to, she used Recover
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Seeing that the wind had lessened, Will put Zoran back in his pokeball. "Huff... that's why I didn't want him out here..." he muttered, glaring darkly at the sphere, which he stored back in his pack.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Nice job Swampy!" Patrick said. The Swampert looked tired, however, and he saw a few Oran berries near, and fed a few to Swampy, as well as a few Pokemon Snacks. He returned Swampy into his Pokeball again, and sent out Haps.
"CHANSEY!" Haps cheered loudly. She went over and hugged Patrick.
Patrick giggled. "Hey there Haps. You mind using Softboiled to help cure a few people?" Patrick asked.
"Chan-sey!" Haps said, shaking her head no.
"Alright then. Now that we're safe for now, whose Pokemon needs healing?" he said.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

[X3 Nice double post]

"Well, Pikachu could use a healing. Her tail seems pretty bruised from holding us in place for so long, from what I can see," Eric mumbled

That's an understatement, thought the little chu as she rubbed her sore tail, or, at least, what was above ground

"And could somebody unlodge her tail as well?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Alright Haps. Let's heal that Pikachu," Patrick said. Haps took out her gold covered egg, and handed it to the Pikachu. In no time, Chansey suddenly had another egg appear in her egg pouch.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

The sudden storm had surprised Cat and her Pokemon, Elegant [Espeon] and Delicate[Delcatty]. Her Lapras had been returned after the storm was over and Goldenflame just couldn't take the rain as fire types HATE water. Cat went over to Patrick and asked 'My Espeon and Delcatty are hurt, can your Chansey use Softboiled on them?'

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Sure!" Patrick said.
"Chan... Chan. SEY!" Haps said, handing out eggs to both Elegant and Delicate.
"Good job Haps! You deserve some snacks." Patrick pulled out some out of his pack, and gave a handful for her to eat.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As soon as they took the first bite of the egg Elegant and Delicate felt better, and by the time they had finished eating all the egg they felt kind and caring. Elegant and Delicate with a smiled and gave Patick and Chansey a look that said 'thank you'. Cat thanked Patrick as well and in return gave him a few Oran Berries. 'Use them when your Pokemon are hurt' Cat said to Patrick. 'But they only heal health, but not status'
Cat was beginning to like Patrick as a friend, but she had no idea that this guy was a rocket, that this 12 year old kid was a rocket, she didn't know HE was a rocket...
dun dun dun...

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Purification isn't hurt too badly, but all of my snacks blew away!" said Mysti, actually giving an excuse for not bringing any snacks at all.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"If you want...I have some potions and stuff." Skye said.

She had to gain their trust...then...she would STRIKE!
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Thanks for the snacks," Patrick said. Now he was curious about someone else. The person who had offered potions seemed very familiar... Could they be a Rocket too? he thought.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat saw Skye looking suspicious as she handed potions to Patrick. Now Cat was on the lookout for her. Cat wasn't about to take any chances, if she was a rocket she could steal her Pokemon who she had trained for years just for this, her Pokemon that Cat loved and the Pokemon who loved Cat back. She however didn't notice anything strange about Patrick and Patrick had gained her trust which she would regret.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti decided not to say her name if not asked. The Rockets around would know it was her and take her back! She didn't want to go back. Not after all the Rocket grunts shunned her. She wanted to shun them back.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric pet Pikachu

"So, can somebody explain the crimes Team Rocket have committed? I would like to know about them, and whether or not they did something anywhere near what Team Magma and Team Aqua did, which was awaken Kyogre and Groudon..." He sighed
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Joy prodded Lucidia out of her book.
"What?" Lucidia asked in a cranky voice. She disliked being interrupted while she was reading.
"I think it's time to move."
"Time to move," Joy repeated.
"But... what about the Latias? And the Dragonite?"
"Mist is well enough to move."
"Mist. The Latias."
"And the Dragonite?"
"Mist said that he would probably dislike us healing him. We treated him, and he's only asleep now. We've hid him in some ferns. We're leaving him here."
Lucidia got up. "That... sounds okay."
"Then let's go."
Joy led her outside. She spotted where the Dragonite had been hidden. He was large and difficult to hide, but besides that, she thought they had done a pretty good job.
"Alright guys. Let's go."
They had already packed up the few leftover supplies they had.
"Grace, do you think you could teleport us a short way?" (Muahahaha there you go >:D)
"Wait," spoke up Mist. "I want to go with you. I want to find some territory of my own."
"What if there's no suitable place?"
"Then I'll stay with you."
Lucidia nodded. "I think that could work."
Mist gave a little bird-dragon-thing smile.
"Teleport away then, Grace."
Everyone touched a finger/claw/paw/talon (or in the case of Mist, his tail orb) to Grace. Then they flickered, and were gone.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti heard someone ask about the crimes Team Rocket committed. "Well, they cloned Mew to make Mewtwo... Oops, I've said too much!" she said. Then she saw a group of people teleport here. "Hi!" she said to the group.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat and her 'friends' walked to the next obstacle top overcome, the burning hot desert. Cat returned all her Pokemon except Goldenflame. The Ninetales's fire moves were powered by the burning sun and Goldenflame was very happy to be in a hot environment. Cat however was wiping sweat off her face and was felt like she was hit by a Moltres's fire blast. Soon she couldn't keep going. She sent out Lapras who shot a water gun into the air, which showered everyone with cold, fresh water. They continued on after that stopping for a shower from each of their water Pokemon every now and then.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(I meant to the edge of the Dragonite's territory.

This Lake Pokemon is a murderer :(

And talk about unfair advantages. I dare you >.>)
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