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Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie


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Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Twitchy was walking to Pie-Urikan. He was in some remote supermarket in Kentucky.

"Pie-Urkan, here I come!" he yelled, running into the ice freezer.

(Will there be Powdered Toast involved? Also, going to bed soon)
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

(((GASP!!! How did you know about the powdered toast scene??? ARE YOU A NINJA??? AHA!! I HAVE FOUND YOU NINJA-PERSON!!! *is also a ninja, but nobody knows...*)))
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"What plane? All I see is the timber I lit on fi-Oh..."

The plane began to spiral out of control, engulfed in an inferno

"...Well, now I know planes are flammable..."
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

His flaming pants slowed his descent, and he landed, pantsless, in Pie-Urikan.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

((Before anyone asks, I changed his name.))

Chip fell.

And fell.

There was nothing but sky. He was in sky, falling onto sky, and there was sky above him.

Just as he landed headfirst onto a sharp rock, he woke up.

"Some dream," he said, laying on the ground in the middle of the street. Every truck and car had passed over him. Except the street cleaner, which had swerved and narrowly missed a fire hydrant.

Realising where he was, Chip quickly got up and hurried to the sidewalk.

"How did I get here?"

In a small blast of red energy, a purple-and-white skunk wearing sunglasses released itself from its PokeBall.

"Hey yo gotta have a cookie cause ah'm a rappa!" he said.

"Flo..." Chip groaned, but did nothing about it.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Twitchy ran out of a rock.

"Go Tsyru." he screamed while doing the Lucky Star opening.

The form of a Raikou appeared. The Raikou immmediately started to chew on his paws.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Eric lit his butt on fire to get up. "Ah, that always works! Hey, Pikachu, your matches didn't light on fire... Why is that?"

Pikachu frowned, and charaded that they did, but they then reformed, being magic matches

"Ah, that makes no sense what-so-ever, so I will believe you"
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Should I? Or shouldn't I... Egg asked herself. She looked around. Everyone was minding their own business on the plane. She was next to Derek in a seat. She looked out the window next to her. She could do it! She grabbed her knife and cut open the window.

"Egg, what are you -" Derek began.

"SO LONG SUCKER!!" Egg said ecstatically, before pushing Derek out of the window. She laughed maniacally. "AFTER ALL THESE YEARS I FINALLY HAVE VANQUISHED HIM!!!" She went on and on with something about World destruction and all sorts of other crap, but all everyone else heard was "CHATOT CHATOT SQUAWK CHAT SQUAWK". Then, a man in the seat in back of her noticed that the window was broken open. He decided that the bird would look pretty on it, and pushed her at the window and she was pulled out of the plane. In the distance, she could see a plane going down in a fiery inferno.



And thus they all landed on the ground with a thud, where the fiery flame was going to crashland.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

(((It's called "Motteke! Sailor Fuku")))
Ohayou jumped off the ground, hearing the song.

"aimai san cen soryapunitte koto kai ? cho!
rappingu ga seifuku… da furitte kotanai pu.
ganbaccha yacchaccha
sontokya-cchi & Release gyo
ase (Fuu) ase (Fuu) no tanima ni Darlin’ darlin’ P L E A S E!!" he sang.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Patrick walked along his Munchlax, who was leading the way around Pie-Urikan because Perry, the Munchlax, was actually smarter than Patrick. Along the way, he saw a few trainers. "Hey trainers," Patrick said, scratching his butt, "I'm a Rocket. Wanna helping me find that legendary pie Pokem- OOH! A GOLD MINE UP THERE!" Patrick became distracted as he kept picking his nose, with Perry facepalming himself. God, please kill him, he thought in Pokemon.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

West was surfing on Slappy, her hat covering her head as always. She was listening to her iPod. The lyrics that were coming from it sang something that had to do with motocross, then it moved on to another song that had to do with Uganda. Of course, West wasn't the slightest bit tired yet. She was singing her heart out, even though others could barely hear her because of her hat. Now she had cut a mouth-hole too, so she could talk clearly, and everything sounded nicer. She sang along with everything; the part about motocross, Uganda, and everything else. Meanwhile, Slappy was singing lyrics of his own: "SING SING SING, CHOP CHOP CHOP, CUT DOWN THE TREES TODAY OR WE ALL GET STOPPED!"
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Meanwhile on the plane, there was one Pokemon that Derek had left behind.

Blaziking. ((OOC: This will be amusing))

At present, he had kidnapped one of the waitress people on the plane (The plane that wasn't on fire, mind you) who was named Steve (Long story short, her parents thought she was a boy when she was born). Blaziking was doing something rather extraordinary, which was brought about by an adrenaline rush by needing much food, Blaziking was speaking coherent English.

"Take me to your leader!" Blaziking said.

"The pilot?" Steve asked.

"No, I want to see the pilot!" Blaziking said angrilly.

"But, that's what I said," Steve said.

"TAKE ME TO YO LEADA!" Blaziking persisted, jabbing Steve in the stomach with a bannana.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?" Steve pleaded.

"Sooooooodaaaaaaa," Blaziking said slowly.

"Oh, okay" Steve then left the area and came back with some Sprite (TM). Blaziking looked at it, and then chucked it at the woman's face.

Now you see, Steve had an extreme allergy to soda that, if any large amount came in contact with her skin, she would explode.

In moments, the plane was on fire.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

((^ XD))
All of a sudden Patrick's Snorlax came out of his Pokeball. "SWIM!" he said in Pokemon. He ran to a nearby lake and cannonballed in, making a large Earthquake and also a huge splash of water, which splashed everyone and everything within 1/2 a mile of him.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Chip awoke again, and this time it was real. He was sitting on the back of Immy, who was whining about cake. Chip looked to his left, where a person in a huge cowboy hat was singing about motocross and Uganda. He sang a song about shrimp and then one about catching on fire. Immy, hearing this, began singing a song with no lyrics.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

West turned to the other singer, pausing her iPod. "You know those songs? I do too! The one about shrimp makes me nostalgic, and so does the one about... what was it again... I think it was Aggron. Yes, it was. That one! My favorite, though, is the one about where different Pokémon live, except for less childish. Wanna hear it? Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm West. And you?"
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"I be Patrick. Want booger?" he said, being anywhere he wanted too because he wasn't specific with his post.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"Hi West. I like your hat." Chip smiled. "I'm Chip. Like my kilt?" He pointed to the red, green and black, plaid, skirt-like article of clothing. "I also do tap dancing!" He moved his finger to his tap shoes and picked up something from the water. It looked like a rock, felt like a rock, and was a rock. He threw it. It made a splash after donking on a Magikarp's solid head. "I like the one about the dory and the one that goes "you me," and the one that says "habitat." The last three are cool.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"Yup-yup-yup. Thanks! I like your kilt. Say, when will we get the next one? When we do, I'll start memorizing it right at that moment! I know most of the one with six lyrics, most of the one about happy happy, the one about soda, some of the fire one, some of the shrimp one, most of the one with the long word in the middle; how long was it, eighteen characters? - all of the ones about Aggron, motocross, Uganda, the dory, you me, and the habitat one." She smiled, which was invisible because Future had made her hat so that it only had eyeholes.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Ohayou, confuzzled by the phenomenon of Patrick being everywhere at once and offering everyone on the face of the earth his snot, pulled a rocket launcher out of seemingly nowhere and fired anywhere, which was in Patrick's direction.

The banana collided with Patrick, and exploded. The explosion wasn't fire, no, it was VANILLA PUDDING!
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Blade had heard of the place called Pie-Urikan, and so he was riding Latias from that other region over. He saw a frame of a plane burning to the ground and thought aloud, "Must suck to be on the remains of that plane." and thought nothing more.
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