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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

... b-but... you don't need creativity to do that! It's easy, lots of people have done it!

SEE: Café of Doom, Forum Games, Clubs
Maybe because every time there's a discussion about mods being terrifying you show up and tell everyone how totally not scary you are? c:

Well, I'm not scary!

But I'd like to be scary, sometimes... waaah...
Ah, lots of things I remember... lots of things. Deleting of the US vs. World, oh yeah. I was looking at it, reloaded my window, and bam. Gone. Everything blew up! Heh. And of course, that other one thing that happened around the same time... probably one of my most vivid memories here, to be honest. And one I'd really rather forget.

Anyways! Uh, other than that... I remember when I first joined, in February 2007, creating my first thread. And the whole midget thing with MD, that was amusing, ah. Good times, good times.

All the friends I've met here too. Some of my closest friends come from this place... the PMs I've gotten and sent from a few people. Visitor messages... too many to count. The forum crash when I was really bored and kept reloading the Guest Book every five seconds. That little spark of excitement I'd get when I had a Secret Admirer... A few Coughing Cupboard threads... all the times I've posted in my art thread and used to post in other people's... back in the Golden Days of the RSP RP... there's probably more, but I can't remember it all at once. But I hope to make more memories in the future.
Oh, so many:

My strange VM conversations with Mike that reached the point that people ship us.
Actually, anything involving pairings at all (sorry, Blastoise, I'm sorta almost taken XD)
The one really long PM conversation with Zeph in which he fell into the quote hole and I had to send a billion Magnemite down there (which completely backfired).
Cosmo forums? Not that long ago, I don't think... but it wasn't very exciting.
... b-but... you don't need creativity to do that! It's easy, lots of people have done it!

SEE: Café of Doom, Forum Games, Clubs

but it takes a while :< easiest way to do it: go to Forum Games, post a thread called "Get to 1000 replies in a week!"
but it takes a while :< easiest way to do it: go to Forum Games, post a thread called "Get to 1000 replies in a week!"
... get hit for spam, wait for #tcod to go ARE YOU SURE WE CAN'T DELETE FORUM GAMES, watch Butterfree lose faith in half of moderation team again. ;_____; I missed the anniversary of the last time I killed the forum for half an hour.
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I remember my endless username changes, like, two/three years ago. :D And my first post in Behind the Avatar (as Yasu) with this photo of me staring at the camera very ominously with all my hair in a massive poofy halo around me. <3

OH OH and secret admirers. I remember it distinctly being the most important thing ever.
I loved secret admirers! Even though like 90% of mine were just my bros, but WHATEVER it made me feel slightly cool. :'D
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