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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Hi, I'm too tired to do anything but haha react to funny posts for a while, but I will be actually present by Thursday hopefully! Please ping me if you have anything you want me to look at or answer.
you think role madness = +hard?

I'm not sure I've seen a role madness game on tcodf that wasn't at least mildly townsided :p
Oh, and this game's flavor of role madness seems to be +wacky, which doesn't inherently impact the accuracy of d2 reads lists, but imo is +hard because there's more mechanical talk and there's the inevitable weird consequences of the wacky stuff.

Panini hi! \o/
I am especially unimpressed with the whole "I'll claim but not until 10 minutes before the end of the day!" thing, which has been walked back, but we're still looking at more than two days' wait before claiming? Like, the excuse is that she doesn't want to derail the discussion with info about her role, but I think that it's going to be a lot more deraily to have this claim dropped late in the discussion,
VERY agreed and was actually what made me start wondering about her :(

I am also really weirded out by the fact that she made that "I win if lynched" claim at all, since she was on her way to lynching (as far as she knew? Apparently she miscounted?)...
actually she counted correctly i think, when i got scared about her pseudojester claim i freaked out and switched votes. i don't understand her claim either but this is what makes me wonder if she panicked so hard that she told the truth? but she also later said that she misread, i think
actually she counted correctly i think, when i got scared about her pseudojester claim i freaked out and switched votes. i don't understand her claim either but this is what makes me wonder if she panicked so hard that she told the truth? but she also later said that she misread, i think
Oh, you're right, I totally missed your last vote after she said that. Bold is hard to see when it's only three letters, lol

now I really am leaving
well, we have less going on, so, time to post quotes before some freak accident happens and they disappear from my listing ig

this was a read list that he posted:
read list i guess tbh

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Mr. Ultracool
Vipera Magnifica

View attachment 382
I liek Squirtles
I find it strange how high up Keldeo is considereing that this list both antecedes and postcedes quite a few posts where he expressess suspcion of keldeo. hmmmmmmmm...
(altho I'm not pretending like the elephant in the room isn't there at the bottom)

other quotes on Keldeo:
This is a good chicken tbh
this was in approval of a post putting him on blast
I feel like you post a lot but I don't really get the sense of it. It looks good on a surface level. Your questions of me on the ILS/otter thing felt like you wanted to create a talking point by poking at some details. Even tho I had misread one post lmao, but that was what I felt, or feel. Idk
aimed at Keldeo also

all of that said, though, he didn't seem to mind bouncing off Keldeo for speculation on whether rari_teh was being supported by scum buddies or not (and that particular topic was such a mess I couldn't bring myself to focus on it, so, I guess there shall be no quotes). anyways, it's weeeeeeeird.

on myself:
so i have had a super difficult time following M&F's posts. They pop in. Make some largish post with links to tv tropes and barely engages with posts or with players in real time. I also don't really get the point of them, like how they are coming from someone who wants to figure out the game. They just exist in a vacuum to me.
this was the only time he's posted about me, although somehow he's felt confident enough in that shallow read to subsequently put me at the bottom of his read list. but eh, it is what it is; no sense in defending myself from a dead dude

on ottercopter:
this reads as damage control to me tbh
I only selected these two quotes to point to another possibility that's been emerging for me: boquise was pressuring ottercopter well before the EoD disaster, and was pushing to lynch her until the very end when he pushed Panini instead to break the increasingly head-hurting dichotomy.

so yeah, that'd be a terrible unreveal, but as far as killing people that were on scent goes, it's possible that this was for ottercopter. wouldn't exactly be a fantastic move, being that she's very unlikely survive much longer anyway, but we can't always assume the mob is playing well, can we?

of course, though, I'd now have to go check if boquise really stood out for any reason out of everyone else in the din that were the votes flying between ILS and Ottercopter, so... I guess that's one more thing to analyze! maybe I'll do it after I catch me some zzzzzzz

Ffffuck yoooooouuuuu
and lastly, I just quoted this one to showboat
Hey guys. Gonna go ahead and address this first:

my post about Panini at EoD was kind of harshly worded, sorry @Panini :( I was desperate to get something out before the day ended. anyway the thing that worries me there is that Panini didn't really make a stance (she said if she was voting for one she would vote for ILS but without an actual vote there that doesn't really mean anything to me) and instead voted on a wagon that was at that point not happening, in a case where there were two competing wagons and I think neither were capital-m Mafia-aligned. it kind of made me nervous even right there when it happened and I was like "what if we have t/t wagons and she's a wolf staying away???" so now that I think neither wagon was Mafia I'm getting confirmation bias like whoa. her reason for voting Odie_pie there was if she doesn't come back in time and her vote gets in the way or something but I don't know if that really feels like her. like a lot of people on the wagons were clearly actively online right then to move their votes around and also the just not using her vote doesn't feel that town!Panini-like :( there's also the fact that she hasn't done much in the way of solving, keeps promising more content but hasn't delivered yet, and I am probably totally biased but I am not thrilled with her question to me about voting Odie_pie because I literally gave my reasons right in the post where I voted her. if she saw my vote she was the reasons. so the asking me about it kind of feels like asking to do something/shade.

That's okay! I get that it was a tense moment so like don't worry I always operate with assumption that sussing people isn't personal unless you make it so. And like honestly I kind of get this I think under normal circumstances it'd be a weird vote to make for me and I did a poor job of verbalizing it so I just to explain/reiterate fully why I did what I did:

1) If I'm being honest I think I felt in my gut before I actually realised it that the two wagons might not be solid enough to go all the way to EOD without some CFD activity. The VM interaction goes pretty thin as far as actual evidence - I think it's a valuable tidbit that could have built up a broader case but it felt a bit like that's all it was hinging on and definitely uncertain enough that a good claim from either of them could immediately derail the wagons, especially because neither of them had reappeared for some time in thread iirc.
I'm prepared for this game to be somewhat role driven. I don't think it would really match the theme if no one had interesting and polarising claims to make.
2) Normally this lack of faith in the current wagons would mean the onus falls on me to make a push somewhere else but I knew for sure I would not be able to return to the thread for some time and might not be able to post again before EOD at all (which is what ended up happening) My bottom reads didn't feel particularly inspiring beyond just rand: Stryke, RNP, Odie - I feel about the same for all of these in that I don't think any of these slots get solved with suitable pressure. Bare in mind I'm used to the idea of replacements and modkills in the case of inactive slots - having to figure out how I feel about killing/not killing Odie is something I haven't really had to contemplate since I last played on a smaller forum like 5 years ago.
And even if they're just min posting in a normal mash I'd advocate for dealing with it by ITAs - but since we don't have those we have to consider utalising town KP in order to execute the POE or we just end up with the most cryptic players going deep into the endgame.
3) Voting Odie, while not an informative lynch is always always better than abstain or no lynch with the assumption that Odie is never coming back to this game. (Obviously there's a chance they come back and everything is swell and dandy but as time goes on and everyone else increases in readbility it's actively harmful to keep a ? slot around, no offence intended) At least then if Odie dies we have recieved information about the slot and if it's a mafia slot we gain even more information about who was willing and not willing to vote there and we gain utility in the form of not having that be a risk for the deeper we go into the game.

tldr: I kind of anticipated that you might want to move off wagon if either popped up with a claim and didn't want to sink my vote on Otter in case she happened to be an important role. Odie was and still is exactly rand but it felt okay to call for something +utility to town in a situation where I did not feel strongly that anyone else was scum.

So like, to bring it back to what you're saying you're not wrong to interpret it as I wanted to stay away from those wagons but it's because they didn't have my confidence not because I was worried at all about making me look bad. It's also true that others were around to push onto other places but I don't really feel like other thoughts I had about who should be up for lynch were significantly better. Stryke if anything would have been my other pick but the reason for that was because no one had talked about him and it was even more not-happening than Odie.

Also the reason I asked you to expand on your reasoning of bringing up Odie in the first place was not because I didn't understand what you were saying the first time - what I was trying to point out is that it's inconsistent with how I know you've previously behaved around inactive slots and that time you were town. I let it go when you said you had said it gazillion times that you wanted everybody to just be able to enjoy the game because I figure there's some extenuating factors that affect how invested you are in this one and the size and setup of the game is also different (i.e. there should be other PRs in the game so it's less of a risk if you accidentally dome one). But I wasn't shading you for the sake of nothing, it was a mindset read.
Also I'm sure this has been said (and like honestly I haven't looked through yet) but boq is such a weird flip, like the dude was fine yesterday but really not that fine with the PRs on the table and selection of strong leader-esque town still in the game. There's enough range in there that this would have to be a either a massive doc dodge, some kind of secret info based kill, a 3p kill or redirected.

If on the other hand we have some way of knowing for sure that was the maf kill, not only is mind boggled but I'd be sus of people who actually familiar the quality of Boq's play - I don't think what he did yesterday is enough for someone who's only just met him to perceive him as a threat tbh (sorry boq?)
Gentle reminder to be mindful that you’re not playing on MU and people here don’t know all the abbreviations etc. that are used there - if your post is full of CFD, ITAs, KP and POE, half of the players here aren’t going to know what you’re talking about. (To be honest I don’t remember most of these myself.) Try to stay away from jargon, or else explain it where you use it.
Here’s my cobbled together reads for today before I get some slep. Honestly, I’m still not very satisfied with myself I think for sure there’s at least a couple key players in Pure stack/Paranoia TL that are being mis-sorted but they’re the kind of people I’d do by associatives than outright so I’m avoiding it temporarily. I need to endeavour to look closer at the glut of people near the bottom - I think there’s a least a few that just aren’t standing out in my mind.

I’m not going to talk about these as I go because I want it to be not impossible to read but I’ll try running through it at the bottom IN THE SPOILER!! I did not proof this so sorry if the sentences are hard to read at all, if I need to reiterate something please feel free to ask.

Town Claims Inc.
Vipera Magnifica

Pure Stack

Paranoia Town Leans


Gut neutral-not good
Mr. Ultracool

Gut Not good-would lynch

*Players who I feel truly neutral about and need to reread for a better grasp on

I’m not taking anyone in Town Claims Inc. at anything other than face value for the moment. Negrek and VM have no motivation really to make such binding choices as early as they did. Negrek’s new information today basically makes this airtight to me and it corroborates with what VM has to say. I don’t think the Jack thing matters all that much at all. I think it’s likely if Jack had some kind of special die first, do things from behind the scenes, it wouldn’t be reasonable to expect VM to take that same role. It could of course be for a different reason but I don’t there’s any in particular that make me care.
(In retrospect maybe the better way to handle this would have been to not have ILS claim and then have Negrek claim after VM, since I think most are worried about the latter and not the former slot but oh well?)

IndigoEmmy’s things is also corroborated and specifically about ILS so I feel good on that front. Seshas’s was more vague but I feel positive enough about the rest of their play that I actively don’t mind - they’ve been solvy and felt genuine to me throughout.

Herbe and kokorico both occupy a kind of space where I don’t actively remember much of what they’re saying/pushing but I feel good about them in thread. Herbe esp. Has kind of an agendaless vibe to him whereas I think my koko feels are based more on take mindmelds.

Paranoia town leans are placed in confidence order. I think even though I don’t like Eifie’s takes on me she’s playing on the whole a very vibrant and easy going game which is firmly different to her wolfy range. I also think like. If yesterday really was v/v all Eifie had to do was sit still and not tip the boat and she went for me instead very close to the buzzer anyway? Kyeugh and Keldeo are both just tone reads and very liable to change as we proceed. I don’t have very complex thoughts there apart from that I think qva is playing as assertive as I would expect for her town game; Keldeo is not asking questions to the point of excess so I don’t think he’s a wolf right now either.

I don’t really like the way mewtini handled the Otter/ILS scenario because I feel like the idea that Otter had any more of a significant involvement with the game compared to ILS isn’t a true representation of what made those cases cogent but idk. They’ve been otherwise very involved and this is the point at which I start to kind of think like am I just overutilizing that reasoning so that things are less hard for me to think about.

Hrmnm about ottercopter. I think others are right in saying that saying anything so panic stricken in the first place is somewhat poor jester play for someone already half on the chopping block and about to die and also what could possibly be the reason not to self vote there? That doesn’t really mean that Otter is necessarily more likely to have a town at-lynch role than a mafia or 3p at-lynch role though. I think putting that aside though the easy thing for me to believe right now is yesterday was v/v and wolves were snoozing during EOD so?? Maybe fine? I just will shelve until we get more stuff about it really.

Now that we’re in my Neutral to low stack I’m not really going to get to into the weeds about it like:
hey who wants to see a picture of my dog
I’m not reading RNP off of this, let’s be real.
Mr.Ultracool never really responded to this exchange around pg 20:
oh! Sorry, my bad then~ I'm not sure what you meant instead if you'd like to rephrase?
Which I was waiting for and then disappeared shortly after so we kind of missed out on his lategame thoughts.

Flora’s reappearance is nice to see (hi!) but obviously there’ll have to be some time before they get caught up so I’m obligated to just set their slot aside for a bit. (hope things get better soon)

Chem is a notable case because I feel like he should have substantially more than he’s offered - in fact even if he advertised only being able to make 3 reads he really only made the one on Seshas strong enough to stand out.
oh boy 10 pages what did I miss
This exit post also no great, sort of begs a follow up where none came. I feel bad for consistently reading Chem like this because the last time I made some sort of disengagement read I was big wrong and it’s not like he feels terribly awkward or anything like that. So I want to give him a chance. But equally I expect (and love to see!) a bit more of him - he’s decently transparent to me in mashes usually so I don’t know what it is about the smaller environment that makes me a bit more obscure to me.

Which leaves me with Stryke, Odie and Serimachi. I don’t really trust Stryke based on comments I’ve made previously about the way his slot has been handled and the stuff he’s said is a bit thin:
Not too many thoughts really. I really want to believe otter because it honestly does seem like just a string of unfortunate/ill-timed posts, but like... I could also see it as pretty scummy too, like maybe she actually is an alien type role and now she's trying to backpedal on it in a chance to get activated. But at the same time she seems like she knew she messed up and accidentally made herself seem a lot more scummy than she might be, and she's been really willing to cooperate too. I can see both sides of the story, so I'm definitely interested in whenever she elaborates on her role, maybe it'll help clear things up
This for example kind of goes back and forth without really settling on a kind of conclusion. Which I guess is in line with Keldeo’s speculation that he was kind of like this in the resistance game too, but I don’t really know what to make of his approach. It’s hard for me to accept his desire to be a passive member of the game because I’m concerned his slot will coast - if it wasn’t for some lucky night actions in Eifie’s meme game I literally never would have got him. @Stryke if you’re actually town, I’d really like to encourage you to come take a stab at putting some stuff out there. Even if you’re not confident in your mafia abilities, saying a lot of things and being wrong about some of them isn’t nearly as detrimental as being overly cautious to say anything. Do you have thoughts about Boq’s death or the EOD? Who do you trust the most right now?

Serimachi I feel like a lot of town cred got put on early for the post about Eifie and then we didn’t hear back. I agree at first when I read it I was like “pure player incoming” but I was disappointed with the lack of follow through and the more I read it the more I had the thought of “this is what I used to do as wolf where you just pick a player and get real verbose” so I’m feeling less good about it now.
Ahhh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even think how cryptic that might come across. I'll try to stay away from the abbreviations in the future, here's the ones I used above:
CFD - I probably should get out of the habit of using this one anyway since there's been some talk of replacing it but basically it means a quick vote change near the end of the day away from whoever has been previously discussed. (i.e. when I refer to eifie switching to me last minute)
ITAs - In thread Attacks. In large games there's sometimes a mechanic where you can make a public shot at another play during the day with a chance to hit. Kinda exists to make sure games don't take forever.
KP - Killing Power. Any role that kills another player such as vigilantes or what I'm refering to above which is basically the lynch.
POE - Process of Elimination. People you need to sort through in order to find the mafia.
Just in case it's not common here too, I use v/v to refer to interactions or wagons between two town members, w/w to refer to two mafia members ect.
Mornin', fellow citizens. I still didn't read Panini's Wall of Text™, but I wanna address this:

I find it strange how high up Keldeo is considereing that this list both antecedes and postcedes quite a few posts where he expressess suspcion of keldeo. hmmmmmmmm...
This is indeed very weird. I wish one of us noticed that back then and asked him about it while he was still alive.

so yeah, that'd be a terrible unreveal, but as far as killing people that were on scent goes, it's possible that this was for ottercopter. wouldn't exactly be a fantastic move, being that she's very unlikely survive much longer anyway, but we can't always assume the mob is playing well, can we?
This had crossed my mind as well. We tend to assume that the mafia is playing masterfully at all times, but nothing stops Randomness™ from rolling a majority of noobs as mafia.
oh jeez. sorry i vanished for a bit there.

this is not satisfactory but ... it's role-related info that i'd rather not entirely give away just yet, sorry, i just wanted to clear my initial cop!eif claim because i realized i'd inadvertently repeated it a weird number of times without substantiating it :T
I really hope you/we didn't just out you as a cop?? Regardless of the source of your information, I would bet that this has raised some eyebrows in the mafia chat
I need to work soon but a couple of things.

1) Guys. Please stop talking about cop roles. Please stop openly speculating about cop roles and who might have them. The issue with this is that just the act of doing it gives mafia information to narrow down who might be a cop and who isn't, not to mention the thoughts you're giving them for free by speculating. I also don't really see any issue with the few people who have been posting cop cover continuing to do so; it's pretty harmless.

2) See I told you that Jack was a mafia doctor. Also I feel like setup spec on what you would expect from balance and stuff just... doesn't really apply to tcodf. tcodf games are usually ridiculously townsided in terms of roles. Two town doctors in a small game (, like even just 13) is perfectly common and actually probably much more common than not. Also re: something kyeugh was saying, I would really hope there would be a town vig and in general other roles that cause more death because I am really not here for a 25-player game where there's only one death per night, but I dunno because I think the general sentiment on tcodf is the town vigs are useless and never shoot.

3) Uhh... I forgot what 3 is. I feel like there was something else that I wanted to reply to straight away... oh well.

4) Okay there were a couple things I wanted to briefly mention... My point about M&F was that yesterday I felt her posts were mostly just talking about mechanics speculation (which does nothing for me because that is objective stuff that is really easy for mafia to talk about actively to make it look like they're contributing while leaving their positions on actual people in the thread completely open) and posts that were kind of just "hey don't forget to be paranoid and think about the 1% chance of X" which generally tend to make me look unfavourably on people because I think everyone knows about the 1% chance of X and it was d1 and if we constantly hedge on those chances we get absolutely nowhere, which is a pretty nice thing for the mafia. I also think this was pretty different from Meowfia where she was town and was willing to push decently hard on both me and RNP d1. She raised some suspicions of Keldeo but it feels pretty different from that considering she never even voted him (iirc? at least she ended the day on a joke vote that I think she made in one of the posts where she was talking about Keldeo) even when other people were talking about finding him suspicious and voting him. I see she's doing more stuff today but now that she's been called out the well is kind of poisoned for me (to use a phrase Keldeo described it as once :p) so I'm just like. urrrgh. idk.

5) As usual Panini's responses are making me want to go sorry I'm sorry I'm trying to remove it. Kind of the same thing as above where I'm like "HMMM now that you've been called out you're suddenly spitting out a bunch of effort posts" and should maybe be more reasonable but >:( I was getting kind of stuck in my ways, I guess!! I wanna have somewhere to go!! Also selfishly she at least seems willing to admit (somewhat) that I'm obvtown this game which she was not willing to do in the invitational where I was also obvtown and she was mafia because mafia always think it's a good idea to shade me for some reason even with repeated evidence that it will just invoke my wrath and lead to their doom (I can't woweesprite on mobile)

6) Oh yeah I remember. omg guys please stop sheeping me just because. I have lots of games where I'm lolwrong about everything okay :(
About Panini's longpost: I especially agree with her take on @Stryke. I understand not being too confident about mafia abilities (and I should probably filter more what I say), but if nobody but the experienced talked, this thread would be quite empty... How does your tierlist look like?

About Negrek's longpost: it made me push her up one tier.
2) See I told you that Jack was a mafia doctor. Also I feel like setup spec on what you would expect from balance and stuff just... doesn't really apply to tcodf. tcodf games are usually ridiculously townsided in terms of roles. Two town doctors in a small game (, like even just 13) is perfectly common and actually probably much more common than not. Also re: something kyeugh was saying, I would really hope there would be a town vig and in general other roles that cause more death because I am really not here for a 25-player game where there's only one death per night, but I dunno because I think the general sentiment on tcodf is the town vigs are useless and never shoot.
i don’t really know what to expect from tcod generally but like... idk, i feel like given how the last tvt game went, surely when constructing the setup there’d be some thought put into not dragging it out endlessly, right? also, re: the vig thing, is it common for tcodf vigs to just not fire? i can’t recall a game i’ve been in here with a vig but if that’s true then lol

+1 about the cop spec btw. jeez
i don’t really know what to expect from tcod generally but like... idk, i feel like given how the last tvt game went, surely when constructing the setup there’d be some thought put into not dragging it out endlessly, right? also, re: the vig thing, is it common for tcodf vigs to just not fire? i can’t recall a game i’ve been in here with a vig but if that’s true then lol

+1 about the cop spec btw. jeez

Usually there's not much happening in the way of reads, and most of the game is happening during the night phases, which is why there are a lot of roles in a way that is pretty townsided in a vacuum.

From what I remember, vigilantes basically never shot for kind of the same reasons that we used to never really do much in the way of lynching in the first few days. So I don't think people liked the role that much or thought it was useful. To add to that, sometimes vigilantes had a mechanic where they would die if they killed an innocent.

I am hoping for and expecting the deaths to ramp up soon, yeah. I think in the previous game the sources of death were:
- the mafia factional kill
- Kratos ("lost mafia") killing people by saying "fuck you" to them
- Claire ("lost mafia"?) killing people by naming their tropes, usually in a batch like 3 people every 3 nights or 2 people after 2 nights
- once there was a backstabbing. it was unclear if that was Claire or Adriane who did it

The only other manners of death I can remember right now are terrorist blowing up and lover suicide.

Note: I can't actually check this because thread search doesn't work on threads before Xenforo so I can't quickly go and look at the deaths.
Hi! Didn't notice Day 2 had started--figured it'd be in another thread.

Um, how do you guys find so much to speculate about? :ROFLMAO: I mean literally dozens of pages worth of speculation! I still feel like there's very little evidence of anything right now. We have some hints of people with powers who are probably not Mafia, but that's as solid as I feel about anything (and even that could just be trickery).

I mean, I'm aware that I'm really inexperienced and the fact that I feel like we have very little to go on is probably just a consequence of that. But I just find it all very tough to follow.
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