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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
which is the only real rationale for inactive-lynching. we don't want to vote for actives (me 10000% included) for their insight, nor semi-actives who could provide insight and might not have had time to participate in day 1. but i still like vehemently maintain that there are a few people who fall right in betweenas far as i can see, wouldn't hurt us
i have heard of that but like, it was the same during that D1. We'll see how the game develops. What I am observing is that some are trying to not stamp in the sand and just go somewhere whereas your what if posts can put peeps back in stamping the sand. Whether that is deliberate or not, I do not know yet tbhYep! I am really bad at scumreading people. Eifie can (I hope) tell you that this is ~my town meta more recently
Ffffuck yoooooouuuuu@Negrek in the same boat hahahahahahaha
Butterfree's weird timezone strikes again, lolwait, two hours?? the deadline isn’t in est??? everything isn’t about me?????
and i agree with neg's analysis of rnp, but i'm going to repeat thatSo, with that in mind, I think my vote is actually RedNeckPhoenix,
this is also true of ils except that he had also made sus comments long before the VM reaction, which i can understand being seen as benignI'm aware he hasn't shown up to except to comment a couple of times on how fast the game is moving.
i forget if you saw mine, but my pitch spanned 1090, 1092, and 1103fuck. ok. i thought i had wayyy more time. i’m going to go read the relevant stuff again. would anyone mind pitching me their vote (particularly the ils/otter wagon proponents)?
in particular, my discomfort was not because of his reaction alone (i wrote it off because i agreed w seshas) but because i really didn't like the callout pattern even beforehand, one which was also seen by rari_teh. this is also why i'm more ok with otter, because she didn't have ils-style callouts under her beltthis is also true of ils except that he had also made sus comments long before the VM reaction, which i can understand being seen as benign
what do you mean by this? it seems like you’re maybe saying keldeo doesn’t know me so it’s surprising he’d call me qva and not kyeugh (thus suggesting he might’ve picked it up in wolfchat), but if that’s indeed what you meant, keldeo def knows me and i played as qva with him on another forumOne thing I did think was interesting was Keldeo's earlier post about rari_teh referring to kyeugh as qva despite not knowing her, but Eifie was the first one to use that name in the thread (on page 10, I think?), so no dice there.
this was about rari calling you qva, if i read it rightit seems like you’re maybe saying keldeo doesn’t know me so it’s surprising he’d call me qva and not kyeugh
No, Keldeo pointed out that rari_teh called you qva early on, and speculated that he might have picked that name up from mafia members. I know that Keldeo knows you, lolwhat do you mean by this? it seems like you’re maybe saying keldeo doesn’t know me so it’s surprising he’d call me qva and not kyeugh (thus suggesting he might’ve picked it up in wolfchat), but if that’s indeed what you meant, keldeo def knows me and i played as qva with him on another forum
that said, this was legit panini’s tell in that one game looool. #tbt
I live in the official default timezone, it’s you guys who are weird >:/Butterfree's weird timezone strikes again, lol
honestly i've been trying to search for where the first qva mention came up but it's too short of a word to search on xenforo. have been googling for a bit about it hah.... this would be good to resolveohhh! i read it as keldeo’s post referring to me as qva, not rari referring to me as qva. whoops. i was kinda like ?? hahaha
that is actually an enlightened take even with eif’s calling me qva first not withstandingbut maybe i’m just looking for reasons to scumread rari
Negrek said page 10!honestly i've been trying to search for where the first qva mention came up but it's too short of a word to search on xenforo. have been googling for a bit about it hah.... this would be good to resolve