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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Mist1422 votes Mawile (#2933)
Herbe votes M&F (#2935)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2936)
kyeugh votes Mawile (#2939)
Seshas votes M&F (#3094)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3196)
Mr. Ultracool votes Mawile (#3198)
Vipera Magnifica votes Mawile (#3212)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3225)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3247)
Mr. Ultracool votes M&F (#3260)
Ottercopter votes Mawile (#3276)
Herbe unvotes (#3299)
Mr. Ultracool votes Mawile (#3301)

IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3247)
Mist1422 votes Mawile (#2933)
Mr. Ultracool votes Mawile (#3301)
Ottercopter votes Mawile (#3276)
Seshas votes M&F (#3094)
Vipera Magnifica votes Mawile (#3212)
kyeugh votes Mawile (#2939)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2936)

Vote counts:
Mawile (7) (IndigoEmmy, Mist1422, Mr. Ultracool, Ottercopter, Vipera Magnifica, kyeugh, rari_teh)
M&F (1) (Seshas)
No vote (17) (Mawile, Herbe, Flora, M&F, JackPK, Panini, I liek Squirtles, Stryke, serimachi, Negrek, RedneckPhoenix, Odie_Pie, Eifie, kokorico, Keldeo, mewtini, Boquise)
eh fuck it. I know I said I was going to keep quiet about what happened last night, at least for now, but y'all are jumping to massively incorrect conclusions and there's no way this ends well. I hope I don't regret revealing this later.

Eifie's trope did actually spontaneously change at the start of N2 from Non Action Guy to Vigilante Man - there was no messing with the flavour text or with Negrek's power. I know this because the same thing happened to me! At the start of N2, Butterfree told me (previously a Non Action Guy too) that I had acquired the desire to help the town find the path of justice and righteousness, with a snarky note about how the misguided among us have been starting lynch mobs against doctors and the catatonic. I became another White Mage - presumably she rolled on a list of roles for each Non Action Guy.

You can probably see where this is going. I knew both claimed doctors had already pledged to maybe heal each other, so the mafia probably wouldn't go after them. I thought it would be sensible to pick a different, experienced player high up on my probably-town list. So I healed Eifie.

I'm so sorry.

Upshots, if we can see any sort of silver lining here:
  • I'm not just "a tad less" suspicious about Stryke - he absolutely has to be town. In order to be mafia, Stryke would have to have killed Eifie and roleblocked me, somehow knowing in advance that I would target her, and he would have to have known before EOD2 that he needed to claim as doctor in order to pull it off. All of that seems implausible, to say the least.
  • The redirector/busdriver that kyeugh thinks exists didn't target Stryke, Eifie or Negrek, so its effect could have been used somewhere else. My bet is that it messed with the cops - I'm in agreement with mewtini that neither rari_teh nor M&F has been coming off as scummy.
  • The mafia nightkill didn't go through at all. Maybe they tried to off kyeugh (who VM says he protected N2)? Either that or they actually did target Eifie but she also died due to healer clash.
Again, I'm really sorry about how this ended up and I acknowledge that I'm way out of my league at this point. Assuming I survive next night, I promise to kill whoever y'all tell me to and not try to be clever about it.
Vote counts:
Mawile (7) (IndigoEmmy, Mist1422, Mr. Ultracool, Ottercopter, Vipera Magnifica, kyeugh, rari_teh)
M&F (1) (Seshas)
No vote (17) (Mawile, Herbe, Flora, M&F, JackPK, Panini, I liek Squirtles, Stryke, serimachi, Negrek, RedneckPhoenix, Odie_Pie, Eifie, kokorico, Keldeo, mewtini, Boquise)
Oh right, I never actually voted. Still 36 hours to go but eh, this is the most obvious of obvious lynches.

Okay I got to the end but like jesus. Off the hip I think I don’t have that much to say that hasn’t already been said, my impression is that rari’s claim is to be believed at face value which means that the evidence stacking on Mawile (and kind of like, the handling by Herbe and Mawile today) is too much to bare without resolving at this point.

Re: M&F situation I think full red-check only cop sounds possible but not very practical and I’d be surprised to see it in setup? So proceeding with the idea that either M&F is lying or redirects are involved I second the idea to have the redirector claim if they feel like they have any information on those checks or the kills.

Honestly I’m not sure if koko’s claim is super necessary but it makes so much sense as to the missing pieces of the puzzle that I'm obviously taking it at face value too. I think if we do have it cleared up that Eifie probably died due to healer clash then I think that equals town points for kyeugh/whoever else it turns out might have been healed since the shot had to go somewhere (barring of course as you say, mafia also stacking on eifie) Another possibility is someone having a straight roleblock and happening to pick the mafia that was carrying the kill (if individuals carrying the factional kill is a thing here, if it’s just one amorphous team that submits the kill I guess that’s not applicable).

I'll be back in the morning to sort other reads out.
@kokorico well that's a spicy little bombshell you just dropped on all of us. Care to prove it?

If kokorico is telling the truth (which, I am inclined to believe, since if it was a mafia fakeclaim it was entirely unwarranted) then we may need to take measures to avoid healer clash. Stryke should probably choose two potential healing targets (the two other healers please?) then flip a coin tonight to determine who to heal. kokorico and I can avoid those two and each heal someone else.
So... I guess that makes FIVE healing roles in this game. I know not all of them were active at the same time, but that's crazy. I checked back at Eifies death post, and it's kind of odd that it doesn't seem to indicate anything about healer clash, which is also strange, but that's honestly less shade at kokorico and more shade at the notion of healer clash itself; if healer clash really does kill the target, then where did the mafia kill go? I think it seems reasonable to consider that healer clash just results in the two healings cancelling out each other, and Eifie happened to get offed by the mafia coincidentally, maybe as a third possiblity in addition to the ones kokorico mentioned about mafia targeting kyeugh or mafia targeting an already dead from healer clash eif. As for who I'm healing, coinflip between two healers sounds good to me
W!Mawile would be more likely to fake results if mafia had some sort of redirector role that could mess things up
If the redirector is wolf, it's likely they were using it to attempt to mess up investigatives N1, which would explain the Bosquie kill
I guess that makes FIVE healing roles in this game.

yeesh lots of killing roles.

so if there are that many healing roles how many killing roles? Clearly only one or two because only one person dies a night, and to my knowledge seperate mafia would kill separate people? or does the big bad mafia boss who makes all the rules decide who gets killed.
Okay awesome, that kokorico claim clears up a good amount if e’s telling the truth, and it seems simpler if e is / I don’t entirely see why e’d lie. @kokorico were you What Kind Of Lame Power Is Heart and ~destined for greatness~ too? Haha.

One question it does raise is that Eifie should have been able to use her Vigilante Man powers so where did her kill go? She wouldn’t have killed kyeugh, she trusted her.

@ people who are positing that MF is not lying, what exactly are you thinking happened? I see the possibility but I think MF should not be trusted solely because she claimed whereas Mawile started openwolfing.

Evidently Mawile should have inspected red and I should have inspected green, so if MF’s telling the truth, either she gets all red or gets randomized results. Then to explain Rari’s result, either MF is also a miller, or rari got redirected or deflected last night (or Rari’s result was otherwise tampered with). The redirector should be able to confirm an alternate red result in the latter case. The former just seems kind of mean, but I guess is not out of the realm of possibility.

I wanted to explore the possibility of Herbe/Mawile being w/w and just hatching this weird lovers claim to save Mawile, because Herbe’s backtrack about possibly remaining in the game even if Mawile died was a little strange to me. I agree that Herbe’s posting seemed fine before, I do not think that Mawile dying and Herbe remaining alive should clear Herbe unless he explains why he didn’t want Mawile to die.
unless he explains why he didn’t want Mawile to die
I mean, he can't win unless I'm alive at the end of the game, so me getting lynched is a guaranteed loss for him. It's in his best interest for me to not be lynched, but we've both accepted that there's pretty much no hope of me surviving today's lynch.
Also, I have to wonder if our two White Mages can healer clash. Based on the MI info, only the White Mage and Nanotech doctors hate each other and (apparently) clash to kill the target, but I wonder what happens if two White Mages hit the same person. Not saying that you should try it, but I'm just curious.
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