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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I mean, he can't win unless I'm alive at the end of the game, so me getting lynched is a guaranteed loss for him. It's in his best interest for me to not be lynched, but we've both accepted that there's pretty much no hope of me surviving today's lynch.
So I take it he's some kind of Guardian Angel type role?

If kokorico is telling the truth (which, I am inclined to believe, since if it was a mafia fakeclaim it was entirely unwarranted) then we may need to take measures to avoid healer clash. Stryke should probably choose two potential healing targets (the two other healers please?) then flip a coin tonight to determine who to heal. kokorico and I can avoid those two and each heal someone else.
I confirmed with Butterfree that white magic clashing with nanotechnology will cause the target to die, but if two doctors use magic on the same target they will not die and the target will be protected. So yeah, only Stryke should state his potential targets and then kokorico and I can choose targets without fear of healer clash.
man. the koko roleclaim explains ... a fair amount

W!Mawile would be more likely to fake results if mafia had some sort of redirector role that could mess things up
If the redirector is wolf, it's likely they were using it to attempt to mess up investigatives N1
this was my precisely my thought when i was "hmmmm" about mawile being motion detector (i know keldeo believes the claim, though, so i'm not super certain on my thoughts there).
FoS'ing Panini here for wagon bouncing
kind of confused, i didn't read back through panini's history but - by the voting history - she hadn't voted for anyone yet, right?
Re: M&F situation I think full red-check only cop sounds possible but not very practical and I’d be surprised to see it in setup? So proceeding with the idea that either M&F is lying or redirects are involved I second the idea to have the redirector claim if they feel like they have any information on those checks or the kills.
@ people who are positing that MF is not lying, what exactly are you thinking happened? I see the possibility but I think MF should not be trusted solely because she claimed whereas Mawile started openwolfing.
I agree that Herbe’s posting seemed fine before, I do not think that Mawile dying and Herbe remaining alive should clear Herbe unless he explains why he didn’t want Mawile to die.
tbh i still think the simplest explanation is that herbe was [feebly] trying to grasp at straws to keep his 3p win a possibility, and then just gave up. i don't think it clears him but it didn't really put much suspicion on him for me

also i'mma just mawile
I wanted to explore the possibility of Herbe/Mawile being w/w and just hatching this weird lovers claim to save Mawile, because Herbe’s backtrack about possibly remaining in the game even if Mawile died was a little strange to me. I agree that Herbe’s posting seemed fine before, I do not think that Mawile dying and Herbe remaining alive should clear Herbe unless he explains why he didn’t want Mawile to die.
yeah i was panicking cause my lose condition was Coming Right Up
i understand that I'm not cleared/gonna be cleared, i admit i've done a lot of things in the name of covering my ass but mawile dying removes my cover my ass incentive so i'll go back to normal friend herbe after toDay
last comment for now i think - i know flavorreading is a bit tenuous but it's like, vaguely stressing me out that the flavor for eifie's kill sounded like a mafia hit even though it's (pretty much?) confirmed it was a healer clash :x
last comment for now i think - i know flavorreading is a bit tenuous but it's like, vaguely stressing me out that the flavor for eifie's kill sounded like a mafia hit even though it's (pretty much?) confirmed it was a healer clash :x
er just to clarify i'm on-board with the clash hypothesis. mostly i said this to a) continue my trend of just posting whatever the hell comes to mind and b) just as a note going forward since i don't think i'm the only one who's factored in death flavors
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