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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I suppose that'd lend credence to the existance of an actual sane cop among us, and if so that'd presumably be rari_teh, but the rub is that I can fully tell that their N2 result is incorrect, eh?
tbh i feel like, considering all the weird goings-on, the occam's razor approach is to assume that rari got redirected? (but then that's a whole other thing. maybe there is no razor approach here)
or that rari just lied i guess. but idk if there was a reason for them to do that when they did

that there's also a possibility I neglected to raise; I suppose that my experience as a GM in games that often do have redirectors is that, well... they're very often brought up in cases where there was no redirection at all, but in the rare occasions that they acquire a meaningful result, folks seldom consider redirection. it be like that I guess. if we do make that assumption though, we'd have to start asking ourselves what agenda a redirector could possibly have in the case-at-hand, because a town redirector normally has no reason to use their power much without duress (and less still not to claim if there's a possibility of such shedding light on a confusing situation), while a mafia redirector would probably have preferred one of two claimed healers last night.
Maybe kyeugh is the redirector and, suspecting me of being mafia, pointed me to someone she found seedy

I agree that the odds of redirector shenanigans are very dim, though. I think that Occam’s razor would dictate that your role makes you flip red despite not being so.
Maybe kyeugh is the redirector and, suspecting me of being mafia, pointed me to someone she found seedy
hm. if this were the case i don't think she would have gone a bit out on a limb to confirm there's a redirector among us?

I think that Occam’s razor would dictate that your role makes you flip red despite not being so.
this feels more unlikely to me than a redirect landing
wait actually someone redirecting stryke would make so much sense, since he'd made a doctor claim :T
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