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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

so, my trope is Inspector Lestrade. my power is Hot Pursuit. my PM otherwise reads like that of a common alignment cop, but suffice to say that the flavor has given me every reason to assume that I do not have regular sanity.

this is why I was so invested in the cop cover thing; loved the idea, but felt like it'd be a dead giveaway if I went at it too enthusiastically -- not to mention that I also had the difficult task in my hands to figured out just what hell sanity it is I have. because the truth is, I have an N0 result on Mawile and an N1 result on Negrek as I claimed -- they both flipped mafia to me.

(I went and checked Keldeo N2, to see if I could finally set myself to ease on that front; it's yet another red result)

now, there are three things that such could possibly mean, and I'm nearly back to square one with it all, so:
  • option 1: I'm regular insane; therefore, Mawile, Negrek and Keldeo are town. I stuck to this assumption as of D1 because I kinda had to pick one by then and Negrek seemed genuinely town enough to me. but I also had trouble keeping that together in my head, which is why I kept going back and forth on pressuring Mawile -- like, a part of me kept going back to "if we pressure or lynch Mawile we can have something really, genuinely concrete to throw these results against", while the other part was "nah, I trust Negrek, better we chase regular reads and try not to stand out as cop, or worse, mislynched"
  • option 2: I'm the type of insane that always reads red (or the type of insane that gets random reads, and the random number god is mocking me). it'd make sense with the flavor and all, but that'd be so annoying
  • option 3: I'm not insane at all, and I genuinely just mech read all three mafiosi. this was unlikely the first time and just keeps on getting less likely, though. I'm not going to call it impossible, but assuming it at this juncture would be, at the very best, wishful thinking
regardless, though, I'm more confused than ever, after rari_teh's claim. on that, I posit two possibilities:
  • rari_teh is also insane, and either has a role PM that masks it better, or just hasn't thought of it; regular insane and random insane would be the possibilities that make sense here, I suppose
  • rari_teh is scum, and more to the point, playing terribly; possibly assumed that cop would be a safe fakeclaim after offing someone who claimed to have a mechanical clear
I'm a lot more inclined to believe the former given no further information, but of course, it will depend on what they have to say about it
To be fair, I also had the issue of having to realize that my flavor text gave me Actual Important Information, so you're not alone there.
i want to believe this bc it means i can go back to the comfy halcyon days of feeling weird about rari
  • rari_teh is also insane, and either has a role PM that masks it better, or just hasn't thought of it; regular insane and random insane would be the possibilities that make sense here, I suppose
  • rari_teh is scum, and more to the point, playing terribly; possibly assumed that cop would be a safe fakeclaim after offing someone who claimed to have a mechanical clear
On the first possibility, I have zero indication on my role PM that I am, somehow, insane. I can’t directly quote it because it’s against the rules, but you can trust me on that.

On the second possibility, to be frank, the entirety of the mafia would either have to be a bunch of idiots who have zero foresight or be eating me alive right now in the chat after such a terrible move.
On the second possibility, to be frank, the entirety of the mafia would either have to be a bunch of idiots who have zero foresight or be eating me alive right now in the chat after such a terrible move.
maybe that’s exactly why we wouldn’t expect it! hiding in plain sight! dohohohohoh!
MF is there any indication in your pm to make it seem like you are an insane cop? (i.e. is it possible rari also just doesn't know/hasn't figured it out?)
My two cents: either Mafia!M&F is claiming mad cop to take the credibility out of my claim or MadCop!M&F’s role makes her flip mafia despite being town-aligned.

Or she/I was deflected on N2.
actually, i guess hot pursuit makes it clear enough, especially in concert with other flavor ...
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