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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

i don't even know what's going on in this game anymore. thought i knew for a minute there but then yall started talking abt there being multiple swappers? i need a goddamn ibuprofen with the crazy claims some of you are making
i don't even know what's going on in this game anymore. thought i knew for a minute there but then yall started talking abt there being multiple swappers? i need a goddamn ibuprofen with the crazy claims some of you are making
there aren't multiple swappers but there are multiple people in the group of People Who Have Been Swapped With
so did you not actually repeat-block stryke?

nor is this actually worse odds than you having the role rn when none of us have a strong read on you

i did block stryke twice because he's a shifty motherfucker and his doctor claim was incredibly suspicious to me

i don't know how to emphasize that i'm a roleblocker other than to block someone with an important role of some sort.
i did block stryke twice because he's a shifty motherfucker and his doctor claim was incredibly suspicious to me

i don't know how to emphasize that i'm a roleblocker other than to block someone with an important role of some sort.
why not block, say, MF who had been read as mafia ... ? not that that would've necessarily stopped the kill. ... but then again, neither would blocking stryke that second time. what is your strat?

i don't know how to emphasize that i'm a roleblocker
like just to clarify i don't doubt (and i don't really think anyone else should doubt) that you're a roleblocker, it's your alignment that i'm a little :|a chinscratch about as of now. also, like, you're not in danger of being lynched toDay or anything, but i have a lot of qs i guess
and i'm sorry if i sound harsh btw. this is currently the only lead i feel like i have right now and i don't really think i'm the only person who's just straight up confused by your targets/appearances so far
the answers are "not everyone plays mafia the same way" and "when i said i was gonna play like a total fucking idiot what i meant to say was i'm gonna play it true to myself, who is a total fucking idiot" and "mafiauniverse-style discussion scares me"
i've all but spelled out that i have no idea how to play mafia. and now i have spelled it out. town of salem is more my style tbh
not everyone plays mafia the same way
no, i know. and like, i seriously haven't played mafia before this, so i'm empathizing with that 2x

i'll just ask, then - what did you think you were going to gain from blocking stryke a second time, when the deathcount didn't change the first time you targeted him? were you just hoping to stave off a kill?

like, i'd feel better if you were to have said something like "oh i hadn't considered that that would mean the first block was ineffective somehow" but the lack of explanation is kind of forcing me to FoS
i gave you my explanation! if there's even a smidgeon of a reason to mess with stryke, like a shady doctor claim, i'm gonna take it and run with it
no, i get that, i mean that it seems inconsistent with "fishing for something that would result in a lack of a kill" to repeat targets. unless you just didn't think about that, which is really the kind of admission i was hoping for, when other scumreads existed

(i'm also actually sorry if i'm pushing too hard. i am just confused)
i started out fishing and then i hit stryke, fishing at him. and then i hit him again, because haha funnee stryke block
basically the root of it is that i can understand blocking stryke once, even if i was kind of bewildered by it, it's understandable if that really was your read.

it's really just the rationale of the second block that i'm interested in, and when there's not much to go off of other than stuff like this idrk how to see your night actions as town-sympathetic, even when i try to think of all the ways in which that could be the case

and then i hit him again, because haha funnee stryke block
hm. ok
It's fine that you don't know how to play Mafia. There's quite a few newbies here. But your seeming disinterest in engaging with us at all until just now is what's bothering people here. If you're town aligned, you should, at minimum, care about things like townies still dying when Stryke is blocked with no obvious difference. I barely see any evidence that you're keeping up with the thread (like when you thought we meant multiple people had individual swapping roles), but you're also not really asking questions about what you've missed. Or implying any interest in it at all except that you're at risk.

Also, frankly, your tone is bugging the fuck out of me.
but read the role, genius
Is there ANY reason to talk like this here? Even if this is just being playfully rude, I don't think most of us are close enough with you to know that and it's not really good to take that kind of tone if you don't know people are okay with it.
sorry that being told "we should lynch him and take his role" kinda puts me in an ornery mood fam
in retrospect i kind of regret not pushing RNP harder during the ILS era

part 3 or so of otter saying what i was thinking, except better

sorry that being told "we should lynch him and take his role" kinda puts me in an ornery mood fam
idk how someone can say this without having been involved in town discussion at all

part of my pure toneread from a while back was me being miffed about RNP's entrance in the mid-3300s, and admittedly, that was just tone but i don't really know how to reconcile it now. i'm not set in this push, i haven't been set on any push (because that would be kinda silly!) but i still don't have like, a single reason why i'd villa read you versus scumread and still no indication of there being a pro-town agenda. i'm reading chaotic energy as wolflike

i feel like it requires more mental gymnastics for me to assume town!RNP than to assume w!RNP, and then there's some other stuff thrown in along the way (like the lack of an MF poke) that make me extra-wonder

not that this will matter until the next day phase
while i get that it's easy to be suspicious of me because i seem like i don't care but also simultaneously care a bit too much, i don't react well when i'm actively trying to help despite sandbagging the first 2 days

i sandbagged cuz i didn't wanna clog up chat with useless info that helps noone. i thought i had something with stryke which i thought would be hilarious if it turned out to be true and it seems like it wasn't. but just cuz of that doesn't mean i should be on the bottom of damn near every tier list.

i have never played in a mafia game in which i was not chaotic whether through role or my own posts or vote history. i play like a random number generator because every now and then you spin a wheel and it lands on One Million Dollars
but just cuz of that doesn't mean i should be on the bottom of damn near every tier list
i mean ftr i really am not trying to make you feel bad and i don't think anyone else here is.

but when it comes down to it people are going to mostly townread off of friendliness and mechanics/intent, and i feel weird on both here. i also understand trying to avoid clogging up the thread, but i think a shared sentiment is that people saying anything about their opinions is going to build rapport infinitely more than randomly reappearing when voting talk comes up. like i really would feel so much better if any more reasoning/just admitting "idk" came up

not to mention that if stryke isn't lying (and we can't even tell if he is, if you really did roleblock) that this is actively hurting town. and it's hard to consistently assume that it was simple oversight ... that combined with being flippant isn't a great look

i will back off now though, gn man
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