The Fool
- Pronoun
- She/Fae
why am i not in green?
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ALL RIGHT I am caught up sorry about that thank you for being a wild ride
Here's a vote count, day will end at 1:30 UTC (in ~20 minutes).
Keldeo votes Ottercopter (#1488)
Keldeo unvotes (#1550)
Eifie votes Panini (#1577)
Keldeo votes Panini (#1882)
Mist1422 votes Panini (#1940)
Herbe votes serimachi (#2001)
Eifie unvotes (#2101)
Keldeo unvotes (#2131)
Herbe unvotes (#2155)
Eifie votes Mawile (#2177)
Herbe votes serimachi (#2179)
M&F votes Keldeo (#2210)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2215)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#2216)
Herbe unvotes (#2251)
Herbe votes Stryke (#2259)
IndigoEmmy votes Stryke (#2261)
M&F votes Stryke (#2311)
Panini votes Mist1422 (#2356)
kokorico votes serimachi (#2357)
kyeugh votes Odie_Pie (#2404)
mewtini votes Mawile (#2407)
kokorico votes Odie_Pie (#2429)
Mawile votes Odie_Pie (#2434)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2435)
Herbe votes Odie_Pie (#2436)
kyeugh votes Mawile (#2439)
Stryke votes Odie_Pie (#2441)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2446)
Ottercopter votes Odie_Pie (#2451)
mewtini votes Mawile (#2466)
Panini votes Mawile (#2479)
Keldeo votes Mawile (#2495)
Negrek votes Odie_Pie (#2547)
Ottercopter votes Mawile (#2579)
Eifie votes Odie_Pie (#2612)
Ottercopter votes Odie_Pie (#2614)
Keldeo votes Odie_Pie (#2619)
Panini votes Odie_Pie (#2621)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2624)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2638)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#2643)
Seshas votes Stryke (#2702)
Herbe votes Stryke (#2705)
mewtini unvotes (#2713)
rari_teh votes Odie_Pie (#2716)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2718)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2720)
Keldeo votes Stryke (#2722)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#2739)
kokorico votes Stryke (#2740)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2741)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2765)
Keldeo votes Odie_Pie (#2787)
Panini votes Stryke (#2806)
Panini votes Odie_Pie (#2819)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2821)
Vote counts:
Odie_Pie (8) (Eifie, Keldeo, Mawile, Negrek, Ottercopter, Panini, Stryke, mewtini)
Stryke (6) (Herbe, IndigoEmmy, M&F, Seshas, kokorico, rari_teh)
Panini (1) (Mist1422)
Mawile (1) (kyeugh)
No vote (9) (Flora, serimachi, RedneckPhoenix, Vipera Magnifica, Mr. Ultracool, Odie_Pie)
Really the only reason I'm bothering to argue this is because it feels like an insult to my wolf game
Kyeugh comes off this looking townieKeldeo votes Ottercopter (#1488)
Keldeo unvotes (#1550)
Eifie votes Panini (#1577)
Keldeo votes Panini (#1882)
Mist1422 votes Panini (#1940)
Herbe votes serimachi (#2001)
Eifie unvotes (#2101)
Keldeo unvotes (#2131)
Herbe unvotes (#2155)
Eifie votes Mawile (#2177)
Herbe votes serimachi (#2179)
M&F votes Keldeo (#2210)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2215)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#2216)
Herbe unvotes (#2251)
Herbe votes Stryke (#2259)
IndigoEmmy votes Stryke (#2261)
M&F votes Stryke (#2311)
Panini votes Mist1422 (#2356)
kokorico votes serimachi (#2357)
kyeugh votes Odie_Pie (#2404)
mewtini votes Mawile (#2407)
kokorico votes Odie_Pie (#2429)
Mawile votes Odie_Pie (#2434)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2435)
Herbe votes Odie_Pie (#2436)
kyeugh votes Mawile (#2439)
Stryke votes Odie_Pie (#2441)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2446)
Ottercopter votes Odie_Pie (#2451)
mewtini votes Mawile (#2466)
Panini votes Mawile (#2479)
Keldeo votes Mawile (#2495)
Negrek votes Odie_Pie (#2547)
Ottercopter votes Mawile (#2579)
Eifie votes Odie_Pie (#2612)
Ottercopter votes Odie_Pie (#2614)
Keldeo votes Odie_Pie (#2619)
Panini votes Odie_Pie (#2621)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2624)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2638)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#2643)
Seshas votes Stryke (#2702)
Herbe votes Stryke (#2705)
mewtini unvotes (#2713)
rari_teh votes Odie_Pie (#2716)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2718)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2720)
Keldeo votes Stryke (#2722)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#2739)
kokorico votes Stryke (#2740)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2741)
mewtini votes Stryke (#2765)
Keldeo votes Odie_Pie (#2787)
Panini votes Stryke (#2806)
Panini votes Odie_Pie (#2819)
mewtini votes Odie_Pie (#2821)
kyeugh votes Odie_Pie (#2849)
A veritable rainbow
Emmy comes off loking a bit worse
Hopping on Mawile when the momentum is picking up, then hopping off once a new wagon is gaining momentumWait why?
Hi, guys. First time player here.
Obviously Eifie is acting incredibly suspicious, and this isn't her first rodeo. Hypotheses (in order of how likely I think they are):
If she's not distributing powers completely randomly, I think we should also consider that Butterfree might give the most powerful/important/interesting roles to experienced players or people she trusts, so as to keep the game interesting. This casts a little more doubt on Eifie and the likes of Negrek, mewtini, and other long-time forum go-ers. It's likely that one of them is the boss of the mafia.
- She's an alien, or some other role that benefits by being lynched
- She's just acting in character for a trope, or this is just her regular sense of humor
- She's wants us to think she is so obviously an alien or some other role that benefits from being lynched, so that we don't lynch her
- Something I'm missing or misunderstanding about the game
I really have no idea about the death or the circumstances of the death, those are just my thoughts so far. I agree that based on the flavour text, JackPK doesn't seem like Mafia.
Also, I didn't count on how it would genuinely make a part of me feel gross to vote on people to kill!I'll abstain based on no good grounds to suspect anyone, unless someone explains to me why that's a bad idea.
In what way do you mean, just asking to be lynched or something else? (I will also chime in that this is her normal sense of humor - just trying to get a sense of how you're thinking here.)
Haha, well just in the first few pages, right?
I volunteer to be lynched!I personally am in my element when surrounded by corpses and blood. Ooh, death...Oh. We'll need to fix that. 🗡you think I do my own killing? how crass...
Now don't get me wrong, it is hilarious. But could it be something more..?![]()
I'll assume bad townlean means you guys are skeptical about me being an innocent. I don't know if it's a good idea to reveal power even in general terms, but I can see already some people have. Can anyone experienced in the game tell me when that's a good idea?
Hi! Didn't notice Day 2 had started--figured it'd be in another thread.
Um, how do you guys find so much to speculate about?I mean literally dozens of pages worth of speculation! I still feel like there's very little evidence of anything right now. We have some hints of people with powers who are probably not Mafia, but that's as solid as I feel about anything (and even that could just be trickery).
I mean, I'm aware that I'm really inexperienced and the fact that I feel like we have very little to go on is probably just a consequence of that. But I just find it all very tough to follow.
every single post made by serimachiAww, shoot. Now I feel bad that I ever mentioned suspecting Eifie.It sounds like she was an important role, too, and not an alien or something like I suspected.
Out of general curiosity, and something I've been wondering, is it allowed for more than one person to have the same role?
Could you explain a bit more. I was deeply invested in hanging M&F, Mawile, and Mist.Hopping on Mawile when the momentum is picking up, then hopping off once a new wagon is gaining momentumWait why?