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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

i'll be straight up and say that when i was hinting earlier (in response to keldeo interrogations, i think) at having a suspicion about someone in towncore, it was kyeugh :T but i hadn't built up enough of a case/didn't want to touch it unless i had more reason to. maybe i should look at this again

full roleclaim time
i'll be straight up and say that when i was hinting earlier (in response to keldeo interrogations, i think) at having a suspicion about someone in towncore, it was kyeugh :T but i hadn't built up enough of a case/didn't want to touch it unless i had more reason to. maybe i should look at this again

full roleclaim time
i'll come back later and maybe talk about this more if this is something people actually want to pursue, but i basically also dropped it because she swayed me back into TRing her so idrk what to think rn

are you saying that this worked because you were both town-aligned?
Oh, no, I'm just saying it's the closest thing we have to information about what could happen if you swap with a non-townie. It felt like something worth including, but yeah, thinking about it a bit more, it's not especially concrete.
gotcha. yeah. i'm not sure if it helps us a ton but it also seems to imply that it means that bodyswapping doesn't even work on someone who isn't town-aligned? unless i'm totally misunderstanding. in which case i'm wondering how it works as far as a collaborative cop role goes
I can clarify anything you want. I was trying to get out as much information as I could, but I was also just super excited to contribute for once and probably did word a lot of things weirdly or include unnecessary bits. Main point is that I couldn't swap with you.
i'll be straight up and say that when i was hinting earlier (in response to keldeo interrogations, i think) at having a suspicion about someone in towncore, it was kyeugh :T but i hadn't built up enough of a case/didn't want to touch it unless i had more reason to. maybe i should look at this again

full roleclaim time
btw before i get asked more about this, it's not so much an SR as some things have pinged me (i haven't been able to tell if it's just me misunderstanding and have chalked it up to that, and i still TR her lol) so tbh i'm about to reread otter's post again to figure out if there's something else happening here
And I wrote that post this morning because my heart's been pounding since I got the swap fail PM Saturday night. This game is kinda stressful, lol. Anyway, I meant that, like, instead of trying to pick off doctors or cops, the mafia had been targetting other players. If they redirected one of the doctors away from a known target or one of the other doctors, they could kill them pretty easily, yeah? But there were no contradictions between who people claimed to heal and who died. Except when Koko lied, of course.
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