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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

(hi everyone, I am present and reading, I'll probably offer my thoughts in a bit, today's the fishing tourney in animal crossing though so that's got my attention for the next hour and a half)
despite what i said above, i do feel a little odd about it and am uncomfortable with the vote placement, but i also was kind of weirded out that kyeugh says this after having placed a vote against seshas with maybe less (transparent?) rationale*

* i know this was later explained as a pressurizing vote, but it wasn't initially billed as such
LASt thing i swear. i didn't mean for this to be a shade-throw, but i am personally confused on whether or not at this stage we're all seeing a vote as a serious!!! action or if it's more of a pressurizing move. 'weirded out' was a bad turn of phrase, it's just that kyeugh specifically saw voting earlier as a gentle? action but is actually reading rari_teh's vote more seriously than i thought it was meant. but perhaps i'm just not really understanding which way she leans on its direness
despite what i said above, i do feel a little odd about it and am uncomfortable with the vote placement, but i also was kind of weirded out that kyeugh says this after having placed a vote against seshas with maybe less (transparent?) rationale*

* i know this was later explained as a pressurizing vote, but it wasn't initially billed as such
what other kind of vote would it be? there is no hammer and the day doesn’t end no matter what until the 13th, so it seems weird to me that anyone would assume i was trying to actually get lynched with my singular low evidence vote

anyway i don’t like rari’s vote tbh because their vote on me pinged me as kind of weird/sudden, but i try not to base my reads on the way people read me, so i kind of tucked it away. but that combined with how they seemed confused at the notion of a pressure vote and their imo overblown reaction to the analysis on rebecca gives me kinda opportunistic vibes

not strong ones mind you but i still don’t like it
LASt thing i swear. i didn't mean for this to be a shade-throw, but i am personally confused on whether or not at this stage we're all seeing a vote as a serious!!! action or if it's more of a pressurizing move. 'weirded out' was a bad turn of phrase, it's just that kyeugh specifically saw voting earlier as a gentle? action but is actually reading rari_teh's vote more seriously than i thought it was meant. but perhaps i'm just not really understanding which way she leans on its direness
this is fair but my reaction is guided by the fact that rari themselves didn’t seem to see voting as gentle and has still been doing it anyway
this is fair but my reaction is guided by the fact that rari themselves didn’t seem to see voting as gentle and has still been doing it anyway
thanks for clarifying! in that case i agree a bit more. i think i'd chalked it up to them later understanding your intent in voting and just learning new tricks so to speak. also that at that juncture we were still waiting for more explanation out of otter, which seemed consistent with rari just testing out the pressure tactic.

idk how to read them since i feel like they've kind of been reactionary about everything, not just this new thing, and while i'm still leaning incredibly neutral/positive on almost everyone i understand too that the otter lead briefly seemed really significant
fwiw i can't find it now but rari_teh has responded in similar ways to any mildly interesting or against-the-grain read
Yeah, I do recognize that does summarize me quite well :v

i didn't feel it was a huge "high reaction" so much as an attempt to defuse what she maybe saw as a tense moment. but.... maybe i'm just being too nice
Reading those posts again, I think I can see what you mean – Otter would be more like “that’s absurd, if you’re not lying than prove it!” than unnerved about the possibility of VM telling the truth. Still, maybe I’m being mean, but I still think that Seshas’s read makes more sense.

LASt thing i swear. i didn't mean for this to be a shade-throw, but i am personally confused on whether or not at this stage we're all seeing a vote as a serious!!! action or if it's more of a pressurizing move. 'weirded out' was a bad turn of phrase, it's just that kyeugh specifically saw voting earlier as a gentle? action but is actually reading rari_teh's vote more seriously than i thought it was meant. but perhaps i'm just not really understanding which way she leans on its direness
My 2¢: there’s still more than a full Earth day before d1 ends. Given the activity of this thread, there’s a lot of room for people to change their minds about their vote, me included. So, right now, votes aren’t that big of a deal.
anyway i don’t like rari’s vote tbh because their vote on me pinged me as kind of weird/sudden
If this is any indicative of my stance on votes at this time of d1, I don’t even remember voting on qva at a point last night
So, right now, votes aren’t that big of a deal.
thanks for saying this. sorry if i seemed like i was kicking up a lot of dust, i agree but didn't know if that was also how everyone else was seeing things. reading back is sorta reinforcing that i think otter was acting fairly normal, if a bit nervous to enter """late""", and while i appreciated seshas' read i think it depended a lot more on intentionality that idk if i believe otter had. if otter had been really active i probably would have taken seshas at face value, tbh, but i'm really unsure whether or not she genuinely was just a lurker at heart for a while

on reread, eifie's remark about how otter seemed oddly informed made me wonder for a moment, but as of right now i don't think i'm disbelieving otter just yet. waiting it out i suppose

If this is any indicative of my stance on votes at this time of d1, I don’t even remember voting on qva at a point last night
i don't recall this either but i don't feel like reading back atm
fwiw i can't find it now but rari_teh has responded in similar ways to any mildly interesting or against-the-grain read

Yeah, that's why I've kind of started wondering if, hm, should I care more about that? idk.

I think kyeugh has sort of said a few things I was thinking so yeah maybe @rari_teh could tell us a bit more about how their opinion on votes has changed over the course of the day and why?
oh wait I didn't notice qva said "vote on me". I thought she meant the vote on ottercopter.
oh wait I didn't notice qva said "vote on me". I thought she meant the vote on ottercopter.
i did, but the vote on ottercopter felt weirder to me than it would have if they didnt vote me (imo) hastily before too
god man, I try to catch up to this thread and something stupid comes up everytime I'm about to. hopefully now that I started typing a post, nothing else will interrupt me

(protip: something interrupted me immediately after I typed that)

I spy with my little eye a user who was last seen in a private conversation according to The Forum Gods™. I wonder if that’s an indication of being mafia. Probably not, because I wasn’t suspecting of them, but still.
so like, besides what other people have said about this one, what do you mean there are people who don't tab out whenever they open a mafia PM??? I picked up the habit from being a frequent GM and now I catch myself doing it for regular correspondence all the time

on that note i still don't really suspect anyone except for that cheeky mf [/hide]
this is because I keep saying mean things to Eifie isn't it-

hold onto that feeling! and then, when it's MFia, you'll know how I feel!

Offtopic example, but I've been part of tCoD for well over a decade by now and I can recite a lot of things I remember, but I doubt anyone would be able to say much they remember about me. Hell, i was shocked when I first heard that Eifie remembered me from playing Mafia. I'll try and post more if that clears suspicion, but mostly reading and not actually contributing isn't new for me.
what! I remember you from playing mafia also, and I don't normally remember things!

I mean, if M&F (who posted quite a bit and isn’t particularly suspicious by my standards) had the same reaction you had, I (and Seshas, I suppose) would be voting for them.
are you questioning my sarcasm detection senses, child

anyways! as ignobile as it'd be to get out of these going-on-40 pages of discussion on what's not a specialized mafia forum nothing other than inactive lynch, that's D1 for ya; I'm sure a great deal of the kick back and forth here is going to come up useful later, but in the present moment, firm scumreads are going to be a thing of rarity.

I do think rari_teh and kyeugh are both playing pretty aggressively; I feel like this is in-charcacter for inno kyeugh, and don't know what it means for rari_teh. it doesn't necessarily mean scum, I know that I myself have been known for that streak (in fact, remember when I ended up stupidly getting people on board with lynching an activated alien)

speaking of which, though, I did also get the feeling that Keldeo is gently off in this game. like, he's doing his usual thing, but I sensed a lack of going all the way in it; maybe it's his self-admitted low engagement with this game in particular, but then, mafiosi do sometimes claim that in order to get away with playing hands-off, so... cooooould go either way.

but we all know that the realest kind of scum here is Eifey and-
i did, but the vote on ottercopter felt weirder to me than it would have if they didnt vote me (imo) hastily before too
Ok, I’m looking though all of my posts for my reply to Eifie’s question and I can’t find the post where I voted on you. Maybe I’m being blind, but are you really sure I did?
Ok, I’m looking though all of my posts for my reply to Eifie’s question and I can’t find the post where I voted on you. Maybe I’m being blind, but are you really sure I did?
i'm pretty sure you didn't, i also went back and i think kyeugh is just misremembering the brief "is she mafia" suspicion
hmm, luckily I am totally masons with Keldeo so I don't actually have to consider this, but my impression from having seen Keldeo be mafia twice recently(ish) is that as mafia he likes to be seen doing work and having Very Deep Thoughts that are meant to look very towny in a sense of "I am totally a town who is totally probing extremely deeply into this thing because I am totally a town who cares", so if I wasn't masons with Keldeo this would actually make me lean more towards him being town, hehe.
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