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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Here's one example of this, along with an absolutely hilarious reaction: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forum...-The-Mafia-Championship?p=3522881#post3522881 (spoilers: he did not keep his word)
gasp! keldeo drove a man to suicide! evil! mafia!

also like, noted, but Keldeo is maintaining the appearance of engagement, it just still managed to strike me as less voluntary than usual! at any rate, there's both a town and a mafia way to read such a thing, so it's not a hard read by any means; it may or may not help to orient us on why several people are mildly FoSing him though

but at any rate, man, reading people is going to be real challenging in this game, even besides the newcomers. like, we sure as hell aren't getting much out of comparing mewtini or herbe to their own past performances
but at any rate, man, reading people is going to be real challenging in this game, even besides the newcomers. like, we sure as hell aren't getting much out of comparing mewtini or herbe to their own past performances
and for clarity, this is less of a directed burn than some of the more visible examples of how some of us just aren't going to show up with the same playstyle we used to have Back In The Day

this goes even for old bags like say Negrek- whoops that also reads very much like a directed burn doesn't it
but at any rate, man, reading people is going to be real challenging in this game, even besides the newcomers. like, we sure as hell aren't getting much out of comparing mewtini or herbe to their own past performances
;( i'm sorry for being a baby the last time i played mafia.

It hasn’t changed much really. What I could say that changed is that before qva’s move on Seshas, I didn’t consider the possibility of a strategy that included temporarily voting on someone you weren’t almost sure to be aligned to the side you oppose (still, I wouldn’t be comfortable in using such a strategy).

Better explaining, I use my votes as a way of signaling “that’s a person I find highly likely to be scum. Let’s discuss so that either I change my mind before the deadline or more people vote on that person.”
and that is in the present tense
gotcha. tbh i haven't really intended to bodyshield rari in the way that i think i keep accidentally doing but i guess what they said there still seems like they're just bandwagoning, albeit a bit naively imo, and it doesn't read like a big contradiction to me? saying "i think that person is a suspect" seems more or less like "i think that person should be pressured/interrogated" to me and i can understand there maybe being a lack of nuance especially if it is an innocent bandwagon effect

maybe i'm just being obtuse, i'm sorry
if that's still me missing your point then i'm v open to hearing. i'm pretty sure i just didn't see whatever you saw
i think there’s a big difference between “i think this person is LIKELY to be scum and need to be convinced otherwise” and “i want this person to talk more” and it seems rari thinks so too
but I’M the same person as mewtini! are we... a godhead!?
godhead? ... turntechGodhead?

someone lmk how to angry react my own post. anyway

i think there’s a big difference between “i think this person is LIKELY to be scum and need to be convinced otherwise” and “i want this person to talk more” and it seems rari thinks so too
ok ... this is fair. i think maybe i'm just not totally understanding why you think they have that mindset because i thought they were conflating the two, tbh
ok ... this is fair. i think maybe i'm just not totally understanding why you think they have that mindset because i thought they were conflating the two, tbh
i don’t think they were at all. they definitely see the distinction, they just don’t think wanting someone to talk more is worth a vote. that’s why they assumed i was gung ho about seshas based on my vote, and they also specified earlier that they were suspicious of me and wanted me to talk but didn’t think i was LIKELY to be scum which is why they didn’t vote. given they vote for one of these feelings and not the other i’d say they’re distinguishing them more than i do
i don’t think they were at all. they definitely see the distinction, they just don’t think wanting someone to talk more is worth a vote. that’s why they assumed i was gung ho about seshas based on my vote, and they also specified earlier that they were suspicious of me and wanted me to talk but didn’t think i was LIKELY to be scum which is why they didn’t vote. given they vote for one of these feelings and not the other i’d say they’re distinguishing them more than i do
ok! i think i understand a bit more now. in that case, i'm wondering - and sorry if you've already said so - are you primarily just concerned that they were 'convinced' (quotes optional) after a single read? or is it that they haven't relented? or ... ?

(idk if this was clear, but the reason i'm kind of unconcerned/apathetic is that i didn't see gullibility or whatever as something to be worried about, though that could change depending on how this continues to pan out)
continuing to say that, even if i can definitely construe it as an opportunistic take, i don't even know how dangerous it is considering that they kind of backed off of it. they haven't unvoted afaik, but they also haven't put a lot of effort into leading others to the same conclusion; they've chiefly just been a follower in this game (sorry to beat a dead horse). even though in that one long post they mentioned vote placement being a way to get others to vote for someone, i don't know if i believe yet that that's their end game, since they've seemed very content to have their vote just exist in the ether for the time being
basically i think that
a) it's just someone new at mafia just being someone new at mafia, easily convinced, and doesn't really internalize that unvoting is a mechanic (granted this is part of your issue, which i understand)
b) it could be mafia trying to stir up trouble, but they're not doing a particularly good job of it, seeing as they've actually played things pretty calmly in this particular case and things still feel fairly smooth to me
you saying that their vote was just them learning/adopting the pressure vote from my move on seshas made me feel better about it but in that last post they say outright:

i think there’s a big difference between “i think this person is LIKELY to be scum and need to be convinced otherwise” and “i want this person to talk more” and it seems rari thinks so too
No, I don’t think so, actually. For me to be convinced otherwise, I also need to hear some explaining from the person I’m voting on. I’m at the same time pressuring the voted and provoking discussion.

i guess what they said there still seems like they're just bandwagoning, albeit a bit naively imo, and it doesn't read like a big contradiction to me? saying "i think that person is a suspect" seems more or less like "i think that person should be pressured/interrogated" to me and i can understand there maybe being a lack of nuance especially if it is an innocent bandwagon effect

maybe i'm just being obtuse, i'm sorry
I guess you could call me being almost 100% convinced by Seshas as naïvely bandwagoning; I shan’t comment on that because of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

I just don’t quite understand why qva is scumreading me over my early, and susceptible to change, vote on Otter, though.

on a side note because delay oneshot is a fantastic game

YES! I still haven’t completed the Solstice, though :(
ok! i think i understand a bit more now. in that case, i'm wondering - and sorry if you've already said so - are you primarily just concerned that they were 'convinced' (quotes optional) after a single read? or is it that they haven't relented? or ... ?

(idk if this was clear, but the reason i'm kind of unconcerned/apathetic is that i didn't see gullibility or whatever as something to be worried about, though that could change depending on how this continues to pan out)
yeah, basically. i don’t like that they are swayed enough my imo only very slightly compelling posts to place votes that by their own admission represent serious suspicion. in the best case, it’s gullible town (which means easily swayed by scum); in the worst it’s bad faith.
I just don’t quite understand why qva is scumreading me over my early, and susceptible to change, vote on Otter, though.
i’m not really SCUMreading you, else i’d be voting. but it isn’t just this vote; you were also too easily swayed about me, i think, although you didn’t place a vote there. it’s the pattern.
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