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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Leave it to me to screw up formatting… :(

i don’t think they were at all. they definitely see the distinction, they just don’t think wanting someone to talk more is worth a vote. that’s why they assumed i was gung ho about seshas based on my vote, and they also specified earlier that they were suspicious of me and wanted me to talk but didn’t think i was LIKELY to be scum which is why they didn’t vote. given they vote for one of these feelings and not the other i’d say they’re distinguishing them more than i do
I didn’t vote for you because I didn’t, and don’t, think that you are scum. Besides, I didn’t need to put pressure on you to talk more. Eifie was already doing that job way better than I ever could.

continuing to say that, even if i can definitely construe it as an opportunistic take, i don't even know how dangerous it is considering that they kind of backed off of it. they haven't unvoted afaik, but they also haven't put a lot of effort into leading others to the same conclusion; they've chiefly just been a follower in this game (sorry to beat a dead horse). even though in that one long post they mentioned vote placement being a way to get others to vote for someone, i don't know if i believe yet that that's their end game, since they've seemed very content to have their vote just exist in the ether for the time being
Exactly this.

basically i think that

a) it's just someone new at mafia just being someone new at mafia, easily convinced, and doesn't really internalize that unvoting is a mechanic (granted this is part of your issue, which i understand)


b) it could be mafia trying to stir up trouble, but they're not doing a particularly good job of it, seeing as they've actually played things pretty calmly in this particular case and things still feel fairly smooth to me
Alright, fine,, if it will make y’all happy I’ll unvote for now. But I’ll be clear: if by tomorrow night I still ain’t convinced that Otter is town, I’ll vote them.
No, I don’t think so, actually. For me to be convinced otherwise, I also need to hear some explaining from the person I’m voting on. I’m at the same time pressuring the voted and provoking discussion.
if you don't conflate the two things - is the reason you didn't vote for kyeugh, then, because she was more active than otter at the time and better able to semi-immediately give her justification for voting?

I guess you could call me being almost 100% convinced by Seshas as naïvely bandwagoning
what convinced you about seshas' argument such that the other ideas (that otter was lurking, etc) fell away? did something about otter's replies thus far make you distrust her?

I just don’t quite understand why qva is scumreading me over my early, and susceptible to change, vote on Otter, though.
not really sure of what to make of this, because part of me feels like it either a) reinforces that there's just a fundamental difference in how we're all interpreting The Seriousness of Voting and the percentage of distrust for someone required to vote, or b) is actually now an attempt to stir the pot and cast suspicion on kyeugh
I didn’t vote for you because I didn’t, and don’t, think that you are scum.

hmm, now I'm getting confused (well, I was already confused, but I'm still confused). how does this fit in with the post where you said you couldn't help but suspect her of being mafia?
tired because long DnD session but being swayed by the opinions of the people who seem to be leading town is pretty normal, especially if you're in consensus sitting on the null line or below
I'm actually not sure I care that much about the answer to my question because what I'm thinking right now is... okay, maybe rari_teh is saying things right now that are confusing or contradictory. But being contradictory isn't an inherently scummy thing.

And my current take (which keeps flipping back and forth lol) is like... okay, say you rolled mafia and you're going to go into the game taking the line that you don't believe in lynching people without that much to go on, abstaining d1 seems like a good idea, etc. etc. Does it make sense that you would then start hopping on lynch trains when the opinion of the thread makes it seem like maybe you can get away with it, in order to get town mislynched? imo it doesn't really. I think the tack someone like that would want to take is to stay off those wagons and then if they do get mislynched they can be all "see, I told you so" in order to try to raise themselves in people's esteem.
ok sorry some of my post just became irrelevant

It happens, LOL

I’ll leave out what was directly answered by the post I made while you typed, but if you still have questions left unanswered, do ask.

what convinced you about seshas' argument such that the other ideas (that otter was lurking, etc) fell away? did something about otter's replies thus far make you distrust her?
As Eifie previously said,
I'm wondering because it feels a bit like you [Ottercopter] know stuff that's happening in the thread in a way that doesn't match up with your actual thread presence and I'm trying to figure out how I should feel about it. Like that you did read VM's claim before and waved it off, and that you're aware that I suggested lynching someone who hasn't been online for a while, but at the same time you don't have any further thoughts.

It strikes me as very suspicious the fact that it was specifically a quasi-superhero “roleclaim” that Otter perceived as critical enough to be commented on. As she herself said upon a request for comment…

I still don't have any insights that someone else hasn't already said. I don't even really know how to defend myself besides just that I'm a natural lurker and I don't like to post unless I have something that could further the conversation.

Maybe I’m being too paranoid, but the red flags I see are too big to ignore as of now.

not really sure of what to make of this, because part of me feels like it either a) reinforces that there's just a fundamental difference in how we're all interpreting The Seriousness of Voting and the percentage of distrust for someone required to vote, or b) is actually now an attempt to stir the pot and cast suspicion on kyeugh
I’ll stress this so that no shadow of doubt is left: I do not believe that Kyeugh is mafia. She’s just another townie who isn’t reading me right.
hmm, now I'm getting confused (well, I was already confused, but I'm still confused). how does this fit in with the post where you said you couldn't help but suspect her of being mafia?
Because it was inconsistent. Everything she did up to that point made me think she was likely town, so her vote left me in shock.
It strikes me as very suspicious the fact that it was specifically a quasi-superhero “roleclaim” that Otter perceived as critical enough to be commented on. As she herself said upon a request for comment…
what do you think of i liek squirtles as of right now?
what do you think of i liek squirtles as of right now?
He seems to get suspicious easily.

When I raised the possibility that Negrek could be mafia, he thought I was mafia trying to throw shade at her (although I didn’t even say I believed her to be mafia (I never did), only speculated about possible scenarios regarding VM’s powers in d2). When I explained myself, he agreed, on the grounds that Negrek’s role could easily be faked, and also mentioned that he was suspicious of VM because of his backtrack on his role’s powers (which was most likely a honest mistake). Then, finally, when he took VM’s outtake as true, he mused about what kind of OP shit must exist among the mafia.

I believe he’s town, though you can never be 100% sure.
i’d like to specify since i feel like it’s starting to feel like this is a thing that i’m pushing: i don’t care about this that much and did not want to talk about it this long, i just keep getting questioned about it

which is fine but i want to make it clear that this isn’t something i’m trying to drag out/convince you guys of. however i will say that every time rari posts i feel worse about it lol
@rari_teh and @kokorico both said that my later posting had them feeling better about me so I'm interested to hear what they mean by that / what made them think so, because my own perception is that I got less engaged later on.

My perception of you shifted because your comments apparently became more helpful in a communitarian sense, if that makes sense. Before, you seemed to my eyes more like you were commenting as an outsider rather than a member.

Hooray for late reply
i’d like to specify since i feel like it’s starting to feel like this is a thing that i’m pushing: i don’t care about this that much and did not want to talk about it this long, i just keep getting questioned about it

which is fine but i want to make it clear that this isn’t something i’m trying to drag out/convince you guys of. however i will say that every time rari posts i feel worse about it lol
If you could elaborate on what on my latest posts rubs you the wrong way, I’d really appreciate, though I do understand if you don’t want to drag this any further.
He seems to get suspicious easily.

When I raised the possibility that Negrek could be mafia, he thought I was mafia trying to throw shade at her (although I didn’t even say I believed her to be mafia (I never did), only speculated about possible scenarios regarding VM’s powers in d2). When I explained myself, he agreed, on the grounds that Negrek’s role could easily be faked, and also mentioned that he was suspicious of VM because of his backtrack on his role’s powers (which was most likely a honest mistake). Then, finally, when he took VM’s outtake as true, he mused about what kind of OP shit must exist among the mafia.

I believe he’s town, though you can never be 100% sure.
can i also ask why you're reading this as suspicion on ILS' part (bold in particular) rather than pure surprise? i kind of thought you were in agreement with seshas' back-to-back reads about ILS and otter
can i also ask why you're reading this as suspicion on ILS' part (bold in particular) rather than pure surprise? i kind of thought you were in agreement with seshas' back-to-back reads about ILS and otter
No, I do agree with Seshas’ take. Maybe I shouldn’t have lumped that one together with the others, but I see role-spec as a kind of suspicion. Speculating what could hit is close to speculating who to hit.

I’m bad at semantics, probably.
If you could elaborate on what on my latest posts rubs you the wrong way, I’d really appreciate, though I do understand if you don’t want to drag this any further.
its not really a specific thing, i just feel like in attempting to dissuade my suspicions you’re just doubling down on the things that made me uneasy initially
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