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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

mm it's hard to distinguish between town disinterest and mafia lurking so idk how indicative any of it is

the reason I prefer lynching the person who's probably never going to post is that there's probably no chance that they can do anything that will make us able to read them, while theoretically the people who exist but aren't posting could at some point start posting and we might be able to get some sort of read
this kind of makes sense but i guess i feel like lynching the guy that basically isn't in the game isn't THAT much different from just abstaining
i mean i guess the chance they'll flip scum is technically there but like...
tbf i think it's likely that this is just a much bigger/more active game than some people bargained for and with that in mind i think only a handful of people ghosting out is actually fairly good
Yeah, I feel very hesitant in applying "low activity / reading but not posting / going after low-hanging fruit = scummy" reads to the people who aren't used to this type of activity.

On that note, I feel obligated to advertise the mafia championships! If you like this pace, rep TCoD this summer by playing a game with strangers from around the internet! :wowee:!
this kind of makes sense but i guess i feel like lynching the guy that basically isn't in the game isn't THAT much different from just abstaining
i mean i guess the chance they'll flip scum is technically there but like...
yeah it's like basically "abstaining" because killing people who might actually post makes me sad

as I said before I am taking the coward's way out
the reason I prefer lynching the person who's probably never going to post is that there's probably no chance that they can do anything that will make us able to read them, while theoretically the people who exist but aren't posting could at some point start posting and we might be able to get some sort of read
i still kinda disagree just because i don't think we lose literally anything if we lynch someone who's posted a few times (and posted absolutely nothing beyond "wow this is moving fast") over odie_pie, who is afaik the only remaining person who is completely inactive.

we know that there are at least a few ghosts given how insane this game is (i'm kind of seeing vm as a de facto one, it's just that he began ghosting later into the game). i think it's far less useful to lynch ghosts - who aren't helpful, and who wouldn't be contributing to mafiachat since i expect at least one person is totally just vanishing - than it is to lynch people who are BOTH unhelpful and actually just engaged enough that it could be scumlurk
eh i feel like inactive scum is kind of a thing more than usual on tcod but i might be wrong about that
what happens if we run out of actives!? 😱
yeah it's like basically "abstaining" because killing people who might actually post makes me sad

as I said before I am taking the coward's way out
like atm i really am against lynching any actives but i'm still so strongly in favor of ils due to what i said earlier, and that i think he's a VERY slightly less inactive example of an rnp player. i think it's a smarter bet than flora or odie
i still kinda disagree just because i don't think we lose literally anything if we lynch someone who's posted a few times (and posted absolutely nothing beyond "wow this is moving fast") over odie_pie, who is afaik the only remaining person who is completely inactive.

we know that there are at least a few ghosts given how insane this game is (i'm kind of seeing vm as a de facto one, it's just that he began ghosting later into the game). i think it's far less useful to lynch ghosts - who aren't helpful, and who wouldn't be contributing to mafiachat since i expect at least one person is totally just vanishing - than it is to lynch people who are BOTH unhelpful and actually just engaged enough that it could be scumlurk
do you have anyone in mind that meets these requirements aside from ils
i don't... hate an ils lynch i guess but meh
like atm i really am against lynching any actives but i'm still so strongly in favor of ils due to what i said earlier, and that i think he's a VERY slightly less inactive example of an rnp player. i think it's a smarter bet than flora or odie
and the word 'strongly' here is very relative, i just mean over abstaining, which i don't feel is worthwhile? but i might be wrong since this is still my first game
I'm basically cool lynching anyone I don't have in my town pile it's just that telling them "you don't get to be part of the shenanigans of the inaugural tcodf mafia revival game" makes me sad :'(
is the pace actually like this? i would have expected quite a lot worse
It's a bit worse - my game last year and Butterfree's game two years ago both had about 1200 posts in a (time-wise) shorter d1 with fewer players. There is a somewhat stricter post restriction this year, but I'm not sure how much that'll help.
do you have anyone in mind that meets these requirements aside from ils
i don't... hate an ils lynch i guess but meh
rnp is second. it's not really that i'm anti-ils in particular, it's just that i'm wary of the lurker pattern he and rnp both have, and they haven't helped town (or, tbf, anyone) much yet - whether due to inactivity or other reasons
i am the new kid on the block with zero experience with how things are going around here nor do i have any idea of what usually makes anyone scum or town on this site, like what the usual scum/town mentality is, so I will most likely not vote at all today unless I get a classic scum read.
ok my only genuinely sincere :|a vibe is still about ils. i'd be open to re-explaining if that's something anyone wants (now that i'm not snoozing-while-typing) but it's also not something i'm going to fight super hard for, because it's not like i have him scumlocked so much as i just feel weird every time i read back through

that being said, and correct me if i'm wrong, but i think it's probably more beneficial to lynch people who are only mostly-inactive instead of fully-inactive? which leads me to people like rnp, stryke, or flora. i mostly say this because i feel like an odie_pie, who's made literally no posts (as opposed to 2, or 3, or 4) is more likely to be ghosting the entire game rather than just ignoring thread because they're occupied with mafiachat and ~ Life ~, and i don't think there's any huge opportunity cost right now of lynching a mostly-inactive rather than a fully-inactive player.

between those three, i actually think (based on just online-ness, post frequency, and post timing) that rnp is who i currently like the least, since he's actually posted in some wide-ish distribution across the thread (in the 500s and in 802) and was online late last night, which reads more of possible awareness or being involved ingame than flora, who posted in the very beginning only to ghost the thread, or stryke, who issued a few joke posts (all in the 300s) and could have ghosted, because he wasn't online for a while between there (iirc like since the 400s). that being said i might change that because he just came online as i'm typing this lmao

I actually have this open in a tab on my phone and I am just constantly refreshing it every 15 minutes or so or whenever I get the chance to. I'm pretty much all caught up on what you guys are saying most of the time, I just don't have anything to say myself because I usually never do; I'm way more of a casual player. If you really want my thoughts, I'm down with lynching Odie_Pie-- they haven't been active on the site at all since signups, and with the night ending soon, I don't see that changing anytime between now and then. That's just my two cents though; I'm open to ideas.
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