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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

@.keldeo i don't know if you've spoken to this or not (i don't think you have) but do you have any thoughts surrounding an eventual lynch target? you talked to me about odie but brought up the exact reason that i think lynching them is a waste over literally anyone else
and rn we're like 12hrs away from the deadline :(
Sorry for asking what’s probably a highly stupid question, but what on Earth is a VT?
Dumb read of me maybe, but imo rari's posts have been very game related and analytical, aka looking like they know their shit. So this question kinda caught me off guard. I guess some would see it as faking a dumb tell but meh. I feel like they'd ask scum chat this instead of asking it here, especially if they are AS new at the game as it looks like here. So town.

Impressive posts with that in mind tbh
I keep struggling with what I think about ILS because first I thought he was pretty shady with showing up to answer the VM claim thing that had happened a few hours prior and not posting about anything else, and then Seshas made that post that sounded so smart and intelligent and I was like "god maybe he's just town", and now mewt is talking about him again and I'm like "what if I should listen to my initial feelings instead", and the result is that if I vote for him and he flips town I'm going to be like "SEE you absolute FOOL why didn't you just listen to Seshas and the totally cool and smart and intelligent-sounding post" but if he flips mafia I can be like "bbt goat" so now i'm torn
Haha, sorry, Stryke! It means I liked your last post before that because you seemed similar enough to the Resistance game where you were just Resistance/innocent. But I'm not sure because obviously this is mafia and that's Resistance, and you haven't posted that much.

@.keldeo i don't know if you've spoken to this or not (i don't think you have) but do you have any thoughts surrounding an eventual lynch target? you talked to me about odie but brought up the exact reason that i think lynching them is a waste over literally anyone else
Ehh. I don't think lynching Odie_pie would be a waste - I don't really have leads, not super swayed by your cases on like ILS/RNP but I guess I wouldn't hate lynching them either, outside of "they are actually here and I don't want to kill anyone who is actually here on the first day of the forum revival mafia, gdi." I think I would be okay with any lynch outside like... Eifie's town piles from the 600s plus like Boq and MF? maybe?
Dumb read of me maybe, but imo rari's posts have been very game related and analytical, aka looking like they know their shit. So this question kinda caught me off guard. I guess some would see it as faking a dumb tell but meh. I feel like they'd ask scum chat this instead of asking it here, especially if they are AS new at the game as it looks like here. So town.

Impressive posts with that in mind tbh
Yeah, I was wondering how much mafia Rari has watched before, since they came up with, for example, the infiltrator idea out of nothing? Because they said this is their first game they've played, I agree that I don't think asking about "VT" was, like, a fake dumbtell.
Yeah, I was wondering how much mafia Rari has watched before, since they came up with, for example, the infiltrator idea out of nothing? Because they said this is their first game they've played, I agree that I don't think asking about "VT" was, like, a fake dumbtell.
unless I'm mixing them up with someone else, I asked them and they said they played on some other pokemon forum for like a year and also play on reddit
Mr. Ultracool said that, Eif.
thank you Keldeo for making me feel not totally ridiculous and overly-emotional about people's feelings in a game about stringing people up and killing them despite their protests
Haha, I mean, I'm voting Odie fully expecting them to flip town like 70% of the time and mafia like 30% of the time (~= random chance.) I won't be overly surprised if they flip town or mafia, but I don't think it's a huge loss right now if they are town and just haven't seen the game thread, and I'm ~reluctant to vote elsewhere.
unless I'm mixing them up with someone else, I asked them and they said they played on some other pokemon forum for like a year and also play on reddit
iirc this is rari's first game. at least that's what i've been basing my thoughts off of
Yeah, I was wondering how much mafia Rari has watched before, since they came up with, for example, the infiltrator idea out of nothing? Because they said this is their first game they've played, I agree that I don't think asking about "VT" was, like, a fake dumbtell.
idk i think if you look up lists of niche mafia roles infiltrator could've easily come up in that search. i had no clue what vt meant either
On the topic of Ultracool, Eifie, I don't know what to make of him not feeling as comfortable with contributing when the phase turned out to be longer than he thought?

But I'm used to different phase lengths so idk maybe I'm just projecting comfort?
That's a pretty strong claim. How would people feel about abstaining for today and having you kill whoever we mighta voted for (like that inactive person Eifie mentioned) to test it? I guess it wouldn't technically have to be this specific day phase, just a general idea.

Or is this sarcastic and I'm just really bad at discerning tone...?

...Yeah, ignore me, I'm not thinking straight. I took "names" to mean like tropes or something, but even that would be quite a bit, huh?

It was something I'd initially waved off, but when I saw ILS's comment, I thought about it a bit more and wondered if maybe I'd been wrong to do that is all.
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