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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Oh, that's a good idea! It would be pretty hilarious if Jack was a "lost mafia" who the mafia accidentally killed.
If they're not lying, do you think the claims mean anything about VM or Negrek's alignments? I feel like if they're telling the truth, both abilities seem villagery, probably VM's more so because Negrek's seems more like a generic info role. It's possible that he's just a universal backup who becomes the alignment of the first person to die, or something.

I'm not really sure why they'd role reveal so early but also lie, if that's something they're doing - maybe I'm just not Properly Paranoid.
I think early role reveals in the tcodf meta tend to be just town like, 95% of the time, so I'm putting them in like. Probably Just Town For Now, Rethink Later.
Maybe it would be hepful if we knew what Trope VM and Negrek had. There's so many that could fit. You kill it, you bought it? (Member of the) Omniscient Council of Vagueness? It's not You, It's Me? Bread, Eggs, Milk, Non- Sequitur?
Just my opinion, but I don't think this is needed - it wouldn't surprise me if flavor affected some roles, given the trope killer example from the last time, and at least for me, knowing the trope name wouldn't help me in figuring them out that much (because if it was super suspicious, I'd guess they'd probably just find something else that would be plausible). What do you think about my point without knowing their tropes?
Oh, yeah, you're right! I completely forgot about that Trope Killer :eek: As for wether tey are trustworthy, I'd personally think it to be weird for an "investigative" role to claim so early, but that might simply be due to not knowing so much about how this game is played here in TCoD. I mostly played on other sites so far, but there, most of us only ever revealed any information gained from our roles through Hypo- somethings.
Oh, yeah, you're right! I completely forgot about that Trope Killer :eek: As for wether tey are trustworthy, I'd personally think it to be weird for an "investigative" role to claim so early, but that might simply be due to not knowing so much about how this game is played here in TCoD. I mostly played on other sites so far, but there, most of us only ever revealed any information gained from our roles through Hypo- somethings.

Ooh, can you say a bit more about your previous mafia playing experience?
Well, I started playing mafia online about a year ago on another Pokémon forum. Currently, I'm also actively playing on Reddit.
How so? I'd like to think that, especially in weird thematic round where no-one knew anything about the possible roles, things got plenty weird. Once, it became crucial to determine in which phase a meteor would react to what word to give extra abilities.
Christ, there are already seven pages of posts? How much strategising can you possibly fit into eight hours?

I agree with Mawile and mewtini that a post-death role is just a little too outlandish even for this game. So, going on the assumption that JackPK actually is dead:
oh yeah, for people unfamiliar with how tcodf mafia works that we tend to have mafia-aligned roles that don't know who the mafia is and flip as non-mafia. like terorists and mafia doctors... hey. that would make sense with Jack's indignant look, wouldn't it?!
That definitely makes the most sense to me, out of the theories put forward so far. From Negrek's claim, I was initially thinking that JackPK might have had some sort of killing role that presented itself as a doctor when inspected/flipped, but your version works without relying on non-standard roles. (Which, yes, there are likely to be a lot of in this game, but when we don't know what any of them are it doesn't make sense to speculate wildly.)

My second preference goes to the possibility that JackPK was a normal doctor who just happened to target a Perilous Old Fool. Again, neither is an unusual role; it fits with Negrek's claim; and it doesn't require any implausible coincidences beyond which single person was targeted by a single role.

Yeah, I was more connecting it to the fact that the cause of death was unclear (e.g. not obviously shot or anything), so perhaps it was a death from some kind of power backfire, overdose, etc. rather than a traditional nightkill. But again, I would want to see how other day-texts were handled before trying to draw any actual conclusions, if even then.
I'm with you on this one. I remember reading a mafia thread on TCoD where one of the mafiosi had a role that let them affect the flavour text. So I don't think it's worth putting too much stock into the flavour when we don't have anything to compare it to yet.

If they're not lying, do you think the claims mean anything about VM or Negrek's alignments? I feel like if they're telling the truth, both abilities seem villagery, probably VM's more so because Negrek's seems more like a generic info role. It's possible that he's just a universal backup who becomes the alignment of the first person to die, or something.
I think M&F has it right when they said Negrek's claim was way more plausible than VM's. Negrek is now basically locked into telling us the tropes of everyone who dies, because not doing so would seem suspicious. If he were lying, then all it would take is a single rolecop somewhere in the town to guarantee he would slip up eventually. So it would be either an exceptionally stupid thing to do, or a magnificent bluff.

That's not to say that VM necessarily looks scummy to me - I have no idea, I'm afraid - never interacted with him.
How so? I'd like to think that, especially in weird thematic round where no-one knew anything about the possible roles, things got plenty weird. Once, it became crucial to determine in which phase a meteor would react to what word to give extra abilities.
Mostly like the culture around lynching and role-claiming and stuff. Since you knew what hypo is it sounds like the forum you played on is probably more hardcore.
I agree with Mawile and mewtini that a post-death role is just a little too outlandish even for this game.

Well, there was a pretty significant one in the previous TV Tropes mafia.

In this case I think Jack was probably just a mafia doctor though. lolwolves.
Hi everyone! I'm just butting in to give my two cents about this:
Perhaps we are overlooking something about the circumstances of JackPK's death and Vipera Magnifica's power didn't trigger after his death because he was not the first non-mafia player to die. In many games I played in the past, there has been an role capable of redirecting night actions onto other targets - perhaps we are dealing with one of these here and Jack PK was a member of the mafia instead of now being a member of the walking dead. As for the alignment reveal, maybe there truly is a tailor after all?
excellent insight. do you reckon vm's power got redirected onto someone else and they absorbed jack's power instead? that would be hilarious lmao
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