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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Well, there was a pretty significant one in the previous TV Tropes mafia.
It's like 5 AM here, but you know! Comment anyway!!

My reasoning for it being outlandish wasn't because of the idea of having a post-death ability, it was more of because of Jack's role(?) trope. A Deadly Doctor is assumedly alive in order to administer medicine and/or death, right? Although, then again we only know one of his tropes, what I'm assuming is the role and not the power. In retrospective, he could have had a power trope that allows for his spooky ghost to do whatever Deadly Doctor ghosts do, I guess?

Honestly, I kinda wanna buy into Keldeo's lost mafia theory because that would be kind of hilarious. Although, I also like the idea of VM's power bring redirected and someone else just, seemingly out of the blue being made into Jack's role. But then VM would basically be powerless, unless he gets another chance to back up whoever dies next? Although he did say first non-mafia to die, which doesn't sound like he would get another shot at absorbing someone's role.
another thing about someone having absorbed jack's role is that either they aren't saying so because they haven't come online yet, or they have some reason to withhold that information (ie they are anti-town) which is not really a good world lol

is there anyone that hasn't spoken still, i can't be fucked checking rn
There's at least a couple, I think. I can't be bothered to cross check 9 pages of posts with the player list from my phone in bed, though.
Hm, I guess with the Reveal that Jack was a Deadly Doctor, though, it might not be super great for someone to come forward with the information if they did absorb it, though? If we run under the assumption that a Deadly Doctor would have some kind of killing and/or healing ability, coming forward and saying that you have that role now could potentially make them a new target for the mafia.
mm, i kind of feel like at this point the mafia benefits more from keeping a role that has a 50% chance to kill its target alive at this point, esp when we have so little idea who mafia are, and especially if the person with the power is obligated to use it as i'd assume based on the fact that jack fired his n0 fsr. town certainly benefits from that information being public too imo
especially if the person with the power is obligated to use it as i'd assume based on the fact that jack fired his n0 fsr
or, well, ostensibly i guess. currently rolling on the assumption that jack died from his own power being reflected
the 50% chance of killing thing is based on eifie's conjecture anyway. personally i find something very fishy about a) that being the actual power of the role and b) jack firing n0, unless you are obligated to use the power, in which case... i definitely think town should know about who's holding the role tbh

however it is also likely that is not the power at all! idrk. just working with what we have i guess. at any rate i think it would be best for whoever's holding the power to come forward about it, not just so we can know who's holding the power itself but also so we can try and figure out what all happened last night. but others can feel free to argue me on that
I mean, if it did end up in the hands of someone besides VM, then I agree that it would be beneficial to give a reveal for the sake of figuring out what happened last night. But I still kind of want to err on the side of caution, because if a Deadly Doctor can choose who to kill/heal without potentially accidentally killing them, then it could be risky to reveal that information early. Ultimately, it's up to whoever has that role now (if any), but that's just my opinion.

But then again, this is all running under the assumption that VM's power got redirected and someone got assigned a new role, which could be entirely untrue! We can't really do much more than speculate at this point, though, unless anyone mentions anything new.
I don't know, I just don't really want to lose a vigilante/doctor super early if we can help it, since I feel like those are roles the mafia would want to take out. :/
Well, they'd definitely be in danger should they claim. Á propos danger, what would you say about a Hypocop approach, where all players write the results of their investigative actions as though they were a role that had one? That way, the maf doesn't instantly know what person is an investigative role, yet the town knows what they investigated in case they should die whilst triggering that one claimed ability to reveal their role.
I don't know, I just don't really want to lose a vigilante/doctor super early if we can help it, since I feel like those are roles the mafia would want to take out. :/
disagree. an obligate vigilante, even with a 50% success rate, is more destructive to town when information is this low than it is to scum, as the choice is effectively random and randomness favors scum as they’re lower in number
Well, they'd definitely be in danger should they claim. Á propos danger, what would you say about a Hypocop approach, where all players write the results of their investigative actions as though they were a role that had one? That way, the maf doesn't instantly know what person is an investigative role, yet the town knows what they investigated in case they should die whilst triggering that one claimed ability to reveal their role.
this sounds ok. you’re suggesting we all hypo claim deadly doctor?
No, I'm suggesting that we all claim Great Detective or Evil-Detecting Dog and say, for example, " In N0, I checked JackPK. He was shown to me as a Maf", or something, so that the _real_ Detective can post true results that we can then recognise due to one of us having a role that tells him what role the deceased had.
Also, I'm not sure how useful claiming DD or Vigilante would be. 😅 What would that bring us? Maybe I'm missing something?
i’m not really sure either, which is why i said it seemed ok without saying much else, haha.

i feel like the whole hypo cop thing would ultimately be kind of confusing given we don’t know the nature of the investigative roles in this game, but information is information i guess. can’t hurt...?
Also, I'm not sure how useful claiming DD or Vigilante would be. 😅 What would that bring us? Maybe I'm missing something?
wait, you mean like, how useful it would be ifthe actual person who absorbed jack’s powers came forth and said so assuming such a person exists? fairly useful i think seeing as we have no idea what happened last night and are unsure whether jack is even permanently dead
If they were indeed absorbed, that would be fantastic, yeah. I just don't get how the Vigilant stating that he's the Vigilante would help.
Also, I'd propose towards everyone to make random investigative-ish claims covering a variety of possible infom After all, if we don't know the inv. roles, the maf doesn't either.
Also, does anybody know whether or not communication outside of the game is permitted or not?
Private communication between players is only allowed when your role PM (or later GM communication) specifically says that you may communicate privately with someone in particular. Otherwise, all game-related communication should happen in the thread.
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