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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Hi rari_teh! Sorry, I don't entirely understand this line of thought. He could be indignant about dying as an innocent, couldn't he? I guess if VM is around tomorrow, he can confirm whether or not Jack was "not mafia" (which doesn't tell us if he was town, but.)

Why do you think Eifie and serimachi are town? I think I agree - just trying to understand where you're coming from.
Hi there, mythical pony! My take on Jack is that he’s indignant about being killed by those he supported, but yes, he could also be indignant about dying as an innocent – I hadn’t thought about that.

I don’t know Eifie for longer than I’ve been on TCoD Forums (hint: not long), but it seems to me that her nonstop memeing is her usual self, if her behaviour in the signups post (and thus pre-assigning) says anything. Serimachi is 1) a newbie on mafia and 2) talking to detail about who he thinks is mafia and let's go get them bad guys!, so I assume he's very much a town.

I actually think I understand what IndigoEmmy is talking about but I can't find the reference from the old TV Tropes mafia because thread search doesn't work there. :(
yeah just as an intermediary post, based on tone/vibe so far,
I think this might actually be my first serious mafia game as a guy with a frontal lobe lmao. But I'm trying!!!!
this is the boat that i'm in rn :(

i'm kind of ignoring indigoemmy right now lol but i agree with keldeo that it seems weird to be acting this intentionally suspicious as mafia, especially if she's actually played in any capacity irl.

also agree that eifie seems to be oddly helpful thus far so i've mentally pinned her as towny. same with seshas, though i feel a little bit weirder there and i'm not sure why (i've also never played with them before, while i've seen eifie play, so that is VERY grain-of-salt)

Also I don't know what the fuck a mason is and I'm too afraid to ask
i think this is just a group of people that communicates externally?
I have info that says that mafia are pulling strings behind the curtain
from which I inferred that Mafia doctoring the flavor is a possibility
That piece of info still strikes me as pretty weird. Maybe it's not you, it's me, but I'm currently somewhat suspicious of where you could have gotten this from.
should clarify that what i said above meant i'm seeing indigoemmy as 3p or town

My take on Jack is that he’s indignant about being killed by those he supported, but yes, he could also be indignant about dying as an innocent – I hadn’t thought about that.
oh, the first half of this is a really good take, and one i hadn't thought about prior - was only thinking a party-agnostic "backfire angst" thing, but i like the concept of it being factional surprise
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